I was sad that Aaron was quitting, but not surprised. Monday morning, Aaron told us that he needed to take off early for a job interview. We knew that he needed more hours, but we just couldn't afford to give him more hours, with the way the economy is right now. Tuesday morning, Aaron told Tony that he had gotten the forty hour a week job, and it came with a lot of perks. We were happy for Aaron, but sad that he was leaving us, because he was a great employee.
When Aaron came inside the trailer, we had a nice visit, and we wished him luck with his new job. I then spent over four hours doing paperwork and answering e-mails, and then I spent thirty minutes returning phone calls. My last phone call was to my friend, Cindy, in New Mexico, because we hadn't talked in over a week.
Cindy and I had a great visit! She told me that it had snowed last night, and she was so happy out there! Before hanging up, she told me that she had sent me an e-mail with pictures of the snow, and some pictures of vegetables from her garden. I told her that I would check them out, but I forgot to.
Early this afternoon, after lunch, Buttermilk took Tony and me to Walmart to get dog food. Before we went to the pet section, we went to the exercise equipment section, because I wanted to buy a new stretch rope. I ended up getting Leslie Sanson's Five Mile Fat Burning Walk DVD, and a Gold's Gym Stretch rope, that included a DVD to show me how to use it.

When we got back home, I went over to the Lodge to give Frank a telephone message, and to say hi to The Friedmans and Will.
Will and I ended up talking for over thirty minutes about exercise and my new exercise rope.
When I came back home, I put Leslie's new walking DVD into the player to check it out. An hour later, I had walked five miles with her! I then put the Gold's Gym DVD into the player, and exercised with their good looking instructor! My arms are pretty sore.
Will then came over for a fun visit. "Will! I just finished walking five, twelve minute miles, with Leslie!" I said. "You're not going to believe this, but I've walked thirteen miles today! It's my new record! This morning I walked eight miles, and now five more!" Will seemed really impressed and he was happy for me! Will then showed Tony and me several exercises to do with my new stretch rope.
After the 'Will Workout,' I said, "Y'all, I'm thinking of posting a note on my blog, telling everyone that I am not going to post a blog, until Mercury is out of retrograde. Because of Mercury, and with Kinky being gone, my blogs have been really flat lately, because nothing exciting has been going on out here..."
"Nance," Tony said. "Your blogs have been fine, but no one has made a comment in a really long time. Maybe you should take a few days off. Then you could finish your book. You've got too much going on." Will and Tone then teased me about my blog. Then Will took off for Kerrville to pick up some groceries.
After Will left, I went online to check my e-mail. Cindy had sent me two, with pictures! I about fell out of my chair when I saw her pictures, because they were so beautiful! Cindy always takes great pictures, because she has an eye for it, and also because she studied photography at Rice. My favorite picture was the one of her vegetables from her greenhouse and her garden. It inspired me!
I wanted to do my version of her picture, so I took my iPod outside, and started carrying stuff to Outer Space. I took T.'s new zucchini from his garden, two of my Granny Smith store bought apples, Will's two bananas, and two of his red apples, etc. to set up my picture. Here's Cindy Pickard's picture, followed by mine! Cindy obviously wins hands down!

Y'all have a great evening!
Hope you have a great evening too Nancy. I really hope you don't stop blogging, or if you do, it's not for long.
I read your blog every day but am reluctant to respond every time I want to, lest I be labelled a "Comment Hog". Speaking of which, can you get a photo of Beckham to post up? I'd love to see his fineself.
I mailed something to you about 2 weeks ago. I am upset that the postman hasn't delivered it. Hope it's not stuck in Customs! That would not be surprising, considering the moon is in retrograde and all the quirky things that are happening.
Well, it could be worse I suppose: the Moon could be in Uranus.
Love ya Nance!
F. xo
P.S. I am sorry to hear Aaron is quitting, but do wish him well.
The poor state of the economy is hitting everyone so hard. We'll get through this.
Hi Fay! Guess what just arrived in the Mail? Thank you so much! Tony and I laughed so hard when we saw what you made for me! I am going to hang it in Outer Space! I absolutely love it, and I bet no one on this planet has one, but me!
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