Today has been great and I have an exciting announcement to make, "As of three days ago I am writing my first Kindle Vella and the title is You're Kidding Me. If you would like to check it out please just click on the title or you can click on it over on the sidebar. Or just Click Here.
I have only written two, 600 word episodes so far and I am having a blast writing it. It starts out with me being in New York City to sign some book contracts and I get mugged by a person shorter than me. And that is the only clue that I am giving you.
This is the artwork I chose for my Kindle Vella—You're Kidding Me and it is perfect, because there will be some ghosts and aliens in the ongoing, cliffhanger episodes.
"Well, today has totally sucked," I confessed to my best friend Judy, over the phone, as I poured myself a second glass of cheap, boxed red wine.
"Now Nance settle down," Judy said, cheerfully. "It's your first day in New York City and you've only been there since this morning. It can't be all that bad."
"Well, it is," I said, as I locked my hotel door and then fastened the flimsy, silver, linked chain that was "Added For Your Extra Security." Then I swallowed a sip of wine, took a deep breath and held it for over ten-seconds, and then as I exhaled I said, "Trust me. Today has been worse than bad and I cannot wait to check out of this hotel tomorrow and get back to Texas where I belong. I'm missing Tony and our animals..."