This morning, I decided not to walk the walk, because my back is still hurting a little bit, so I returned e-mails and phone calls. Then I went over to the Lodge to see Will, to ask him to help me with the new weather app, for my iTouch, but he was gone. I had forgotten that he had told me yesterday, that he had to go to San Antone today, so he could be fitted for his new kilt that is being custom made for him.
As you already know, Will is a handsome golfer, and he has never been seen wearing a kilt out here. As soon as he told us about getting his custom made kilt, I teased him, and asked him if he was going to be wearing it in his golf tournaments. After Tony, Will and I stopped laughing, Will said, "No Nance. My dad is getting married soon, and he wants his sons wearing kilts at the wedding."
"That is really cool, Will! Are you going to have to shave your legs?" I asked.
"No," Will said. Then he jokingly swung his golf club at me.
Since Will was gone for the day, I returned to the rescue ranch, and took care of some more paperwork. Around twelve-thirty, I called Kinky on his cell phone. "Hi Kink..." We talked about The Friedmans, the rain and my back going out on me. Then I said, "I don't know if it is because of Mercury in retrograde, but I am feeling sorta down today."
"Nance," Kinky said. "Me, too. For some reason, I woke up mildly depressed. Nance, you've got to cheer up! That's what we both have to do. Remember, we are the only two members of 'The Undepressables Club' and we can't be depressed!" Then he started laughing. I didn't laugh, because of my back, but he did make me smile.
"Okay," I said. "I certainly don't want to get kicked out of our club. I'll be fine. Don't worry..." By the time our conversation ended, I was feeling better, smiling and lightly laughing. To further improve my mood, I cranked up my iPod, and listened to James Taylor sing the songs from his new album, 'Covers.' That album will lift any one's spirits and I will guarantee it.
Early this evening, I returned a phone call to Lisa Watson. She has the website: Hill Country Visitor Guide Online, and she wanted to know if she could put a link to us, because she loves animals and wanted to help us. Of course my answer was yes! Lisa and I had a nice visit, and by the time we said our goodbyes to each other—I had found a new friend, and I was no longer feeling depressed! I was happy!
After we got off of the phone, I went outside to my writing cabin, to take a picture of the antique table, that Cindy had given to me, before moving to New Mexico. I wanted to send her an e-mail, thanking her, again for the table, along with a picture of it.
The table that she gave to me is the one on the right, with the cobalt blue bottles on it, and with the fake fawn standing underneath it.

My good friend, Pete Hartje, down in Port Aransas, sent me the funniest quiz! I took the quiz, and was totally astounded! So I copied it! I hope that all of you will take it. It is real short, and it takes less than a minute. I hope that it astounds you, too, with its accuracy! Here's the quiz he sent to me:
Be sure not to peek! You don't want to skew your answer.
Try this - it's really neat. Don’t look at the answers
1. Pick your favorite number between 1- 9
2. Multiply by 3 then
3. Add 3, then again Multiply by 3--I'll wait while you get the Calculator....
4. You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number....
5. Add the digits together
Now Scroll down...
With that number, see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below:
1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. Tiger Woods
3. Kinky Friedman
4. Mother Teresa
5. Bill Gates
6 . Eleanor Roosevelt
7. Bernie Madoff
8. Rosa Parks
9. Cousin Nancy
10. Julia Child
I know....I just have that effect on people. One day you too can be like me. Believe in yourself!
P.S. Stop picking different numbers! I am the person you subconsciously most admire. Deal with it!
Y'all have a great evening!
That quiz was cute Nancy. I love it.
Hi Cindy Lou! I thought it was pretty funny, too. Thanks for commenting!
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