Kinky told me that he had met Frank, years ago, when he played at the Lone Star, in New York City, where Kinky used to perform. Frank was one of the club's bouncers, and he loved music. In fact, Frank knows just about every famous musician from that era, like Bob Dylan and Levon Helm, etc. I couldn't wait to meet him!
I watched the Harley Show, and Kinky was great, and the show was great, too! Harley interviewed Kinky for over an hour! Here's a picture of them at the Rose 99.9, that I took off of my computer screen:

After Kinky and Harley went off air, I walked six fast miles, and then I returned a few phone calls and e-mails. Then Tony took off for Kerrville to get a replacement fan motor for Buttermilk, so Aaron could install it and we would once again have air conditioning, without haveing to use a rock tool. After catching up, it was my turn to have some fun! I fixed Donald Trump's secret recipe, "Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burgers" for the very first time!
A few days ago, on Oprah, she did a show about her favorite foods, and she had The Donald on, and they visited and watched as a chef prepared his famous turkey burgers. After Oprah declared them her favorite turkey burgers in the world, I went online to Oprah, and fetched his secret recipe.
I followed the directions carefully, even though some of the ingredients surprised me. I had lunch ready at eleven-thirty, but Tone was running late, again, so I put the burgers on the back burner to warm, and I did some more paperwork. Twenty-five minutes later, Tony walked inside the trailer. "I'm sorry for being late, Nance," he said.
"What happened?" I asked, as I started reheating our lunch.
"I had to be a witness for a wreck. I was heading home on 16, and behind a car, at the light after the bridge, by the mall. When our light turned green, we took off, and a car on the right, suddenly pulled out into the intersection and bam! I pulled into the mall's parking lot, and went to check on the people. Then a squad car shows up, and the police officers wanted to talk to me about witnessing the wreck. That smells good. What are we having for lunch?"
"Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burgers, Oprah loves them, and I hope that they are good," I said, as I handed T. his turkey burger on a plate. "Try it. You're the designated guinea pig here. It's either going to be delicious or the worst thing that I've ever made."
Tony took a bite, and his eyes got big!
"What?" I anxiously asked!
"It's delicious, Nance!" Tone said, with food still in his mouth. Then he took another bite! "It's the best turkey burger I've ever eaten. Try it." Tony then took another bite. I was thrilled!
Well, I have to admit, it was the best turkey burger that I have ever eaten, too. I hope that y'all will try it. I promise that you'll love it! Here's the recipe, which I will soon be calling Cousin Nancy's Famous Turkey Burgers!
Around one o'clock, I went over to the Lodge, to visit with Kinky, and to get him to try one of my delicious turkey burgers. At first, he didn't want to eat it, because he said he wasn't hungry and he didn't particularly care for turkey burgers. Thirty minutes later, we went into the kitchen, and Kinky zapped my turkey burger in his microwave.
I watched as he took his first bite. Instead of talking with food in his mouth, like T., he gave me a two thumbs up, and then he nodded his head yes! Then he took another bite! "This is delicious, Nance! What's in it?"
"Two Granny apples, scallions, celery, ground turkey, salt, pepper, Tabasco's chipolte hot pepper sauce, Major Grey's Chutney from England, lemon and some parsley. And, I put ketchup and jalapeno mustard on the whole wheat buns."
After Kinky devoured my, Cousin Nancy's Famous Turkey Burger, Trigger took me back to the rescue ranch.
Later this evening, I went over to the Lodge and visited with Kinky, Will and Frank, and I really enjoyed visiting with them! Before leaving the Lodge, I told Will and Frank about my new delicious turkey burgers, and I promised them, that I would make them tomorrow for their lunch. Kinky seemed a little bit jealous, because he has to go 'on the road,' tomorrow morning.
Y'all have a great evening, even though Mercury is still in retrograde until the twenty-ninth!
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