Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Incredible Hulk!

This morning, I was up and walking by six o'clock! Six miles later, I started a load of clothes, checked my e-mails, and then I called Harley, at The Rose 99.9, to do the Harley Show! In less than fifteen seconds on air, he had me laughing like he always does! Near the end of the segment, he said something funny about Britney Spears, which made me laugh even more. Blaming tonight's official full moon, I told him a joke. "Harley, do you know who is the smartest blonde?" I asked.

""No I don't, Cousin Nancy. Tell me."

"A Golden Retriever!" I said. "That's my third grade joke contribution for today!" Harley laughed, then he changed the subject.

"Hey, I talked to Kinky the other day!" Harley said. "He's doing my show on Tuesday!" We talked a little while longer, then we said our goodbyes to each other.

By nine o'clock, I had received over twenty-six phone calls! Most of them were from people wanting to dump their beloved dogs for one reason or another. After returning over half of them, I took a break and went out to my writing cabin to collect my thoughts.

I love my cabin so much. It is a peaceful place for me to go when I need to 're-charge' my energy. After spending over an hour out there, listening to my music with Mama, my rescued eight year old, great, Great Pyrenees mix—I was ready to face the world, again.

When we returned to the trailer, Carlton had eleven new messages for me to listen to! So, I sat down on a stool at the breakfast bar, and wrote down the many messages. I then returned over a dozen phone calls, and then I called it quits for a while. I wanted to go back outside to my cabin, but instead I went and found Ben and Aaron outside. I visited with them, as they cleaned pens and after thirty minutes of catching up and laughing—I was re-charged, again! So, I returned to the trailer and answered e-mails and returned a few more phone calls.

Late this afternoon, Tony and I decided to go visit Ben and Will Wallace over at the Lodge, but we never made it to the Lodge. We found them swimming, with Ben's dogs, Valerie and Penny, at the swimming hole. When we pulled up in Trigger, they swam over to us and we had a fun visit!

At one point during our visit, Ben and Will started skipping rocks over Wallace Creek. "When I was eight years old," Will said, proudly, "I won the Texas championship for rock skipping for eight year olds!"

"Wow, that's cool, Will! Ronnie and I used to skip rocks when we were kids," I said, as Will handed me a flat rock. "Watch this!" I then flung Will's present. It only went about fifteen feet out. It didn't skip once. It just sunk. We all laughed. "I don't know if Ronnie and I were stupid, but when we were growing up in Fort Worth," I said. "He and I would beg our parents to mow the yard, and we're talking a push-mower! Ron would tell my parents it was his turn, because I had gotten to mow the yard the week before, etc. And, after our family was asked to leave Trinity Episcopal Church, because my uncle, John Howard Griffin, had written Black Like Me, Dad would take Ronnie and me, on Sunday mornings, to fetch his golf balls, across the street from Trinity Episcopal Church, at TCU's golf course, while the people were inside praying for us at our old church. I mean Ronnie and I would race as fast as we could, fetching Dad's golf balls, to see who could gather the most! We had so much fun!" The men laughed, again!

As the men skipped rocks, Tony told us some funny tales about his days, long ago, working on oil rigs. "One time, after leaving the rig," Tony said. "The crew I worked with had gone to a beer joint after work, to drink a few beers and to shoot some pool. There was this man there, 'The Hulk,' from another crew, who came up to my friend, Darrell. He told Darrell to quit cussing, because his wife and kids were there. Darrell told 'The Hulk' that they were in a beer joint, not a church, and if it bothered him, he should get his wife and kids out of there. Well, that made the man mad. He swung at Darrell, and Darrell ducked, and the man missed him. Then Darrell whacked him with his pool stick—knocking him out cold!"

"He hit him with a stick?" I asked.

"Yes, and when 'The Hulk' came to, his wife helped him out of the bar. As soon as they were gone, the men who worked with 'The Hulk,' stood up and started heading over to our table. I thought, 'Oh s***!' Me and my friends stood up, ready to fight them. When they walked up to us, we stood our ground. And, then they stuck their hands out to shake hands! One of them thanked us, and told us that 'The Hulk' was a real jerk, and they had all wanted to do that for a long time. Then they bought us a round of beer! Then there was this time when my good friend, Darrell Fagley, from Medina..."

As Tony continued his stories about his oilfield days, Ben and Will skipped rocks, while I sank one right after the other. Then Ben threw a rock near me and said, "Nance, look out! There's a snake behind you!" I laughed and then I tossed a rock near his feet.

"There's one near you, too!" We laughed! Then Will threw a big rock, I moved the wrong direction, and it accidentally hit the top of my foot! "Ouch, Will! That hurt!" The guys started laughing, as I laughed, and exaggerated a fake limp. "Tone," I joked. "You saw what Will did. You need to punch him out for me!

After the laughter subsided, Trigger took T. and me home.

At seven o'clock the phone rang—it was Kinky. "Hi Nance! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Kink."

"Great! I'm in Brownsville. How are The Friedmans?"

"The Friedmans are doing fine. Ben is down here, and he and Will are doing fine, too..." We talked for about five minutes, but before hanging up, Kinky told me that he is now officially on Facebook as of today, even though he doesn't own a computer.
Check it out: Kinky on Facebook

Y'all have a great evening, even though it's full moon time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) happy happy anniversary :)