This morning I woke up with my six dogs and Lucky sleeping in my bed! Even though I missed Tony, having my best friends sleeping close to me—started my day out with a big smile on my face. After I fed my furry kids, I walked six miles! But, I didn't do my Hammer Curls or Tricep Push Downs, because 'Tone the Tree' wasn't here for me to lean on. I guess that I will do them tomorrow.
After I had returned too many phone calls and e-mails, I called Kinky over at the Lodge, and asked him if he felt like having some company. He said, "Come on over!"
While I was over at Kinky's, he told me that his new self-published book, Heroes Of A Texas Childhood, is now available at Wolfmueller's Books, and at! And, they are signed by him!
If that wasn't enough good news, he then tells me that his Facebook, is going through the ceiling with friends and fans! He asked me to please invite all of you to sign up, and become one of his friends. Then Kinky asked me to shoot a game of pool with him.
The Hummingbird Man broke up the rack of balls. I sank the first ball. It was a stripe. Then The Hummingbird Man missed his shot. Then I sank my second stripe. Then The Hummingbird Man sank a solid. Then he missed his next shot. It was my turn. Then the phone rang. I waited as Kink went into his office, to answer his phone. My cue ball was less than two inches away from a stripe, which was less than two inches away from the side pocket—an easy shot! "Nance!" Kinky half-hollered. "I'm sorry, but I have got to do this interview!"
"How long will it take?" I softly hollered back, so not to wake up The Friedmans. I heard Kinky ask the interviewer how long it would take.
"Fifteen or twenty minutes, Nance," Kinky said, pretty loudly.
"I'm out of here, Kink," I declared. "I won by default, because it is your fault for doing another interview! Bye!" I put my stick up, walked outside, and found Will sitting at the picnic table. "Howdy Will. How are you doing this morning?" Thirty-five minutes later, I found out. Then I heard Kermit in the distance, heading our way. "Who do you think it is? Ben or Aaron?"
"I think it is going to be Tony," Will said. I am glad that I didn't bet money, because it was Tone! I wasn't expecting him to get back until later this afternoon. Will and I watched as Kermit crossed the river and headed up to the Lodge.
"Welcome home, T.!" I said, with excitement in my voice. "Did you win the fishing tournament?" Tony didn't look like he felt well, and he shook his head—no. "What happened?"
Tony sat down at the picnic table. "No, I didn't win. Nobody won," T. said. "Yesterday morning, Mike and I stopped in Floresville to eat breakfast. We got breakfast tacos and they had a funny taste to them, but they were okay. A couple of hours later, we got to Choke Canyon, and the winds were blowing over twenty-five miles an hour, and the lake was more like an ocean. White capping. Mike and I unpacked at the cabin, then we put his boat into the water and took off."
"Did you wear a life jacket?" I asked.
"No," Tone said. "I threw up and so did Mike. We were fighting the waves, and taking turns vomiting into the lake. We were sicker than dogs."
"That's gross, Tony!" I said.
"I know. Tell me about it," T. said, as Will and I tried not to laugh. "Mike caught one bass, and then we canceled the fishing tournament, until this morning. We woke up at five-thirty, and the winds were really gusting, so we said to 'heck' with this and came on home."
"I'm sorry, Tone," I said. Then Will and I looked at each other, and we burst out laughing. I guess you had to be there.
This afternoon, I treated Tony to lunch in Kerrville, then we went to Hill Country Music, the new music store in town, which is only two doors down from Wolfmueller's Books. Yesterday, Sandy and Jon had highly recommended them to me, when I told them that I was in the market for an amplifier for my guitar.
When we walked into the store, the vibes were great, and the two men there were very friendly and nice to us. I was really impressed with the music store! Randy Thompson, a very nice man about my age, and the owner of the store, showed me his amps, and then he let me test them out. Twenty minutes later, after picking and grinning, I wrote Randy a check, as Tone carried out my new amp, and put it in the back of Trigger.
Tony and I then stuck our heads into Wolfmueller's and told Jon that I had just purchased a new amp. He was delighted with my news, and then we headed home.
When we got back to the ranch, Tony carried my amp into my writing cabin. Then we went inside the trailer to get my iPod and Bose dock, and my guitar. Four minutes later, I was jamming with James Taylor and loving it! Tony left the cabin and then went and found Ben, and invited him to join us.
As Ben and I took turns playing my guitar, Tony took some pictures. I played my guitar for over an hour, until my fingers were begging me to quit playing. This is where I was feeling the good pain. This is a picture that Tone took of me rocking out, playing Not Fade Away!

I am planning on playing my guitar everyday for at least thirty minutes, so I can be ready to play with Rick, when he and Leisa come up next week for two days.
P.S. Rick, it's PBYOA—please bring your own amp.
Y'all have a great evening!
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