Saturday, June 29, 2024

One of My Fondest Memories of Kink! or The California Texas Grudge Match!

God bless Kinky Friedman and may he rest in peace. One of my dearest and best friends, Kinky Friedman, passed away this past Wednesday evening, June 26th, and since then I've been sad and thinking about all of the fun times and good times that we shared over the past 38 years of our friendship.

I've written volumes over the years about Kinky, our beloved Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch and our long lasting friendship in books and on my blog, etc. And to say the least he was one of my all time favorite people.

Today I was looking at some of the funny videos that I took of Kinky and us and this video stood out and it made me laugh out loud. And trust me I needed to laugh.

Anyway, to set this video up, on May 31, 2009, Kinky, Tony & Kink's famous Hollywood friend John Mankieiwicz, who was at the ranch visiting Kinky, had decided to have an eight-ball pool tournament.

Kinky and Tony already had their pool-playing-nicknames. Kinky's was "The Hummingbird Man" and Tony's was "The Medina Bulldog." 

So before the pool tournament commenced, just to rattle John's nerves—Kinky and Tony jokingly nicknamed John—"Mr. California Wussie." And John thought his newly given nickname was pretty funny, too. 

But "sadly" for Kink and Tony their plan backfired, because John ended up winning the tournament—big time!

So later that day the five of us were outside, sitting on the porch visiting and Kinky decided, just for the "heck" of it, that I should make a video of Tony and Kinky presenting John with a pool championship trophy! 

So after we had all quit laughing Kinky sent me home to get my camera while he searched around The Lodge for an appropriate trophy for him and Tony to give to John. And the rest is history and it is also funny.

To watch this video please click below:

The California Texas Grudge Match

For Kinky's eyes only: "Hey Kink. Sadly, it looks like you won our long standing bet about who's horn God would honk first and unfortunately it was yours. And Hummingbird Man please know that I already miss you. Love Always, Nancy"

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wild Squirrels Unlimited! or Tony—The Squirrel Whisperer!

This has just happened. A few minutes ago Tony and I looked outside our window and saw that a cute, little squirrel had figured out a way to get inside our caged, bird feeder, so Tony and I went outside so I could film the trapped, small squirrel as Tony released him—and the rest is history. Enjoy!

Y'all take care and keep on laughing!


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Episode 32: Aliens, Big Foot, UFOs And A Strange Creature!

 If you would like to listen to this podcast rather than read it please click here on: The Cousin Nancy Show or click on The Cousin Nancy Show on the right side bar. 👉 )


The theme for today’s podcast is going to mainly be jokes about aliens and Big Foot, because I have always been fascinated by them. And it is fun to think about them. 

But before we get to the Make Me Laugh Time here’s a Cousin Boomer Update for y’all:

The other day Cousin Boomer was over here and he told me that he didn't understand cloning and I told him, "That makes two of us.”

And Boomer also told me that he went to a sporting goods store last weekend to buy some camouflage pants, but he couldn’t find any.


Now it is My Thought For Today Time!

If life gives you melons—you might be dyslexic!


Okay now it is Make Me Laugh Time!

How do aliens throw a party? They “planet” in advance! 

What’s a light-year? The same as a regular year, but with less calories.

You know Big Foot is some times confused with Sasquatch—Yeti never complains. 

Why are Big Foot’s sinuses so stuffy? He refuses to use a Yeti pot.

What’s the difference between UFOs and an honest politician? It is possible that UFOs do exist.

Legend says that a Big Foot can grow up to 15 feet. But they usually just have two.

What do you call a spaceship with a faulty air conditioning unit? A frying saucer!

How does Bigfoot tell the time? With a sasq-watch.

What did the alien think of the anti-gravity book? He couldn’t put it down!

What did Big Foot say when the Abominable Snowman asked if he was ready to leave the party? “Not Yeti.”

Okay. My dear friend Fourth sent me this joke and I love it even though it isn’t about aliens or Big Foot. And here goes— If a cow doesn’t produce milk. Is it a milk dud or an udder failure?

And speaking of udders this is my reply to Fourth’s joke: “Fourth, what do you get when you cross an alien with a cow? An “udderly” strange creature!”

And this concludes this segment of Make Me Laugh Time. 


Well, folks I do hope that my podcast today has made you laugh at least once, but if it didn’t—who cares! 

And before I go I do want to thank y’all for listening. And please remember my favorite quote: Life is short And so am I! 

Y’all take care and keep on laughing!