This morning Vern and his wife, Rita, from down around Houston, came out to the rescue ranch. They have been to the rescue ranch before, and the last time that they were here—they got to go over to the Lodge and meet Kinky! After handshakes, Vern told me that they had come out to see us and the dogs, and to make a donation, before heading up to Arlington, for their great granddaughter's wedding. I thought that was strange, because they looked younger than me. Heck, everyone looks younger than me.
When Vern told us that they had spent the night in Kerrville, I couldn't wait to tell them to try the Trail's End Guest House, the next time that they came to Kerrville. "Where did y'all stay?" I asked, ready to tell them all about David and Desiree's bed & breakfast.
"We stayed at the Trail's End Guest House," Vern said. His news totally took the wind out of my sails.
"That's fantastic!" I said. "We love that place! I was fixin' to tell you all about their place. Don't you love Desiree and David Farrar?"
"They are two of the nicest people," Vern declared, as he stood next to Trigger. "We love their cabins..."
"Me, too!" I unintentionally interrupted. "And, I think David is the best chef in Kerr County, and probably a few other counties!"
"I agree!" Vern said, nodding his head. "I would love to know his recipes."
"I know," I said. "I wish that he would either do a recipe book, or better yet, give a cooking class. Have y'all had his Baklava?"
"Yes! This morning, and it was this big..." Ten minutes later, I changed the subject, because talking about David's food was really starting to make me hungry.
"Did y'all get to meet Beckham? He's their wild hog that they adopted..."

"Yes, we met Beckham, and we fell in love with him! He has a huge pen and is so friendly." I then told Beckham's story, and how we had met Desiree and David. I guess I talked too much, because twenty minutes later they drove away, but before they left, we agreed to meet for lunch or dinner at David and Desiree's restaurant, Peasants, the next time they were in Kerrville.
This afternoon, when Tony came back with our mail, he said, "There's a package for you from Fay. Do you want me to open it for you?"

"Yes, please!" I said, as I continued to wash dishes in the sink. When Tone opened the package, he burst out laughing! "What T.? Let me see!" Tony turned the shadowbox around for me to see! Then I burst out laughing, too! "I love it!"
"Nance, Fay put your head on the Queen! You're now the Queen of Outer Space! And, she wrote you a note on the back of the box. Where are you going to hang it?"
"Either in Outer Space or the Space Ship. I'm not sure," I said, as I stared at Fay's hilarious creation.

Thank you, Fay! I love it!
Around four o'clock, the dogs started barking outside. Tony went outside to see who was driving up to the trailer. A minute later, Tone stuck his head inside the trailer, but not like Fay had stuck my head on the Queen, "Nance, that couple is here, that came out last week, that want to adopt Ashley Judd. Come on out. I want you to meet them." I went outside a few minutes later, after I had sent Fay an e-mail, thanking her for the cute shadowbox.
I found Tony, Chrissy and Tim in Ashley's and Lucy's pen. As they played with Ashley and Lucy, we had a fun visit. I really liked this young couple! "Ashley Judd is one of our rescue ranch calendar girls," I said. "Isn't she beautiful! I'm not sure what month she is, but I will go back to the trailer and find out. If her month has already passed, I will cut her picture out for y'all. I'll be right back." I took off for the trailer.
Since we were out of rescue ranch calendar's, I took ours off of the wall and thumbed through it until I found Ashley. She was Miss April!

I picked up my scissors and cut her page out of the calendar. Then I went outside and gave it to Tim and Chrissy. They loved her picture and thanked me for it! Before leaving, they told us that they would be back in two weeks to officially adopt her! They said they couldn't wait to take her home! We can't wait either! It's been a great day!
Y'all have a great evening!
1 comment:
So glad it arrived safely, you're very welcome. As I said earlier to you... I pasted your face on Zsa Zsa Gabor’s body LOL!! Your name fit over hers perfectly too.
Beckham looks so great! He's so bristly now, I love his colours. I can't decide: he looks like either Fred Flinstone or a Jack o' Lantern! The expression on his face is just priceless.
So happy for Ashley Judd's adoption, that ROCKS!!
Enjoy your weekend too and say Hi to Tony for us!
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