When Tone returned, he apologized for being gone so long. "Nance, I'm sorry for being gone so long. On my way to Medina, I had to stop to help a man stand his Harley up, near Freeman Crossing."
"What happened? Was he hurt?"
"He took the turn too fast. It happened just before I got there," Tony said. "He was wearing leather and a helmet, and he just got skinned up a little. Then after I got gas, Ed asked me to help him lift an air tank, inside the Old Timer. Do you still want to go to Kerrville?"
"We have to. We're nearly out of groceries and cat food, and I need to go by Home Depot."
"Home Depot?" Tony asked. "What do we need..."
"The Eternal Squirrel died last night. It never came on." I said. "I need to buy a solar battery for it. Let's go." T. and I took off in Trigger.
I am going on my third Eternal Squirrel, not counting the one that I gave to Kinky for his Friedman Family Bone Orchard. Every time that they quit working—I threw them out, and bought another one. A few months ago, when I was in Outer Space, visiting with Ben and Cindy, I found out that all I have to do to fix the dead squirrel, is to replace their solar battery. I never knew they had batteries.
When we arrived in Kerrville, we decided to eat an early lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant, before running our errands. Tony ordered sweet and sour shrimp, with a medium sized bowl of hot and sour soup, and I ordered their house fried rice with shrimp, and a medium sized bowl of hot and sour soup. After our waiter brought out our two teas, he returned with two giant bowls of hot and sour soup! "I apologize for the extra large bowls, we are out of our medium sized bowls. I just broke the last one. I am giving you our large serving, but not charging you extra." Then he walked away.
Tony and I love their hot and sour soup, but our bowls were so big, people were staring at us, as we ate our soups! After my fifth spoonful, I coughed and my nose started running, because of the hot spicy soup. Then the same thing happened to Tony. And, about a minute later, a man and woman coughed, and teared up as they ate their soup. "Tony, you can tell who is eating the hot and sour soup, because of the coughing and people blowing their noses!" I whispered. Then a man coughed, at the table next to us. We looked over, and he was eating the hot and sour soup, too!
When Tone and I had nearly emptied our gigantic soup bowls, our lunch was served. Three minutes into our meal, Tony put his fork down and so did I. "Are you as full as me?" I asked. Tony nodded yes, then we started laughing at ourselves. Tone flagged our waiter and asked him for two take-out boxes. We laughed as we filled the boxes with our uneaten meals. After paying our bill, we went to H.E.B. and Home Depot, and then we came home.
As soon as we got home, I put a new battery into the Eternal Squirrel!

Then I helped Tony bring the groceries into the trailer. While we unpacked our groceries, we listened to Carlton's latest phone messages that he had taken. There were only two, and they were both from Kinky. "Call me, Nance!" Kinky said. "I've got to talk to you. Please call me as soon as you get this." The second one was an hour and ten minutes later, "Tone? Nance?" Kinky said. "Where are y'all? Nance, please call Kinky. Thank you very much!"
After putting up the toilet paper, I punched in Kinky's phone number. Five minutes later, I was over at the Lodge, talking to Kinky, in the kitchen. Then we carried our conversation outside, by the Friedman Family Bone Orchard. An hour later, we were in Kinky's office discussing our books, and that's when I saw a picture and picked it up. "Kinky is that you?" Kinky looked at it and laughed.
"Yes, Nance," Kinky said. "That's me with Dylan, when we were in the Peace Corps. Dylan found it the other day, and he made me a copy."
"Wow! I love it, Kink! How old were you then?"
"I was twenty-three or twenty-four," Kinky said. "I was in the Peace Corps from '66 to '68." Then Kinky started laughing, again. Here's Dylan Ferrero's picture of him and Kinky:

Kinky then invited me to go on a walk down to the creek, with him and The Friedmans. We took off. Twenty minutes later, after the dogs had tired from swimming and fetching, we headed back to the Lodge, but when we reached the area where Kinky had buried his beloved cats, Cuddles and Mr. Scat, Kinky said, "Lets write the word 'Love' using rocks, to honor Cuddles and Scatman."
Even though it was pretty hot, I wasn't tired, so I helped Kinky gather big rocks, by the creek, to write the word love. Just when I thought we were done, Kinky walked over to an old oak tree, where he picked up a large heart-shaped rock, and then he placed it in the middle of the 'O.' It took us about twenty minutes to complete his project and I loved the results of our efforts. Here's a picture of it, that I took later in the day:

Before I go watch the movie, The Secret Life of Bees, I forgot to tell you that this afternoon, while over at Kinky's, I gave him a copy of the Two Wolves and he absolutely loved reading it, and he thanked me for giving it to him!
Y'all try to have a great evening, even though Mercury went into retrograde today!
P.S. Kinky is doing Harley in the morning, live at 8:00 CST! I hope that y'all can watch it! And, I just looked outside, and the Eternal Squirrel is glowing! I love it!
do they really make batteries for the squirrel with your name on them? LOL! remind me to tell you about the squirrel with lead poisoning. terrorized a fellow haz-waste instructor until it ate all the lead off his roof and then finally healed up and grew back its fur.
the rock-garden LOVE sign is great...trust K to find a heart-shaped one.
have a great one!
the LOVE rock garden rocks! my 2 favorite cats of all time, Bat Cat and Big Boy, died within 6 weeks of each other, and i buried them on either side of the backyard walkway at the house i was renting at the time. tried to plant little cypress trees, but they didn't take. i left that place due to the slumlord and hope that nothing else wants to grow back there (the grass barely thrust up its tiny blades in that whole yard) so that no new tenants get out the shovels.
later, i had some awful housemates, a few years back (one was even a co-worker)and they got foreclosed on, and i lost almost everything i owned...extensive library, wardrobe, furniture, my original artwork and poetry, my signed copy of "Road Kill," my Lucky Plectrum, and the ashes of my dog Jake and my cat Cupcake. i've gone through two more horrific housemate situations since then, with people who weren't nice to my, or their own, critters, but now i and my sweet rescue cats Maggie and Ziffy have our own place, hooray!
dear Coz, i just wanted to let you know that i just did a book review for you on FireLink, a site for firefighters, EMTs, and similar, where i'm the hazardous-waste cleanup guru and also created and run the Animal Rescue discussion group.
some fire types disdain rescuing cats, so they don't tend to join my group, but most give a damn (remember those buttons in the early '70s that said "Give a Damn"? wish i still had one.
but most care a lot, and i have 206 members nationwide plus a few overseas. i recommend other rescue books on there whenever i find them...hope you sell at least 206 more copies due to my review! to check it out, go to http://firelink.monster.com/products/products/909-the-road-to-utopia. i go by "Gwyd" on that site; you'll see the other books i've recommended if you go to my page, and can find my Animal Rescue discussion group on there too.
we've had some great rescue stories from people in fire or animal control who've saved critters in fires and other situations, and it would be great if you'd check it out. i'd like to come down there and write you a disaster plan sometime.
btw, i also changed my defunct Election 2008 group to "Texans for Kinky" a few days ago. i've notified all the TX types on the site to get on there!
and Denton, TX, where i taught a hazardous waste response class a year ago, is having a mock-spill response next month, so i notified everyone down there about it, and that they should have the vets and shelters involved. surf my profile and you'll see it.
Hi Bob! Thank you for the comments! And, thank you for what you do!
Where are Eternal Squirrels sold? If they're commonplace, are they sold under some other name?
Hi Jennifer! I am the one who named it the Eternal Squirrel. In the past, I bought mine at Lowe's, Target and Home Depot. They are made by Malibu, and just called Solar Amber Squirrel. I believe they were under $20.00. Kinky and I love them! Please let me know if you get one.
I loved the Secret Life of Bees!
Hi Trish! I absolutely loved the Secret Life of Bees, too!
I hadn't watched it because I thought it was an animated kid's movie. I wish that everyone would watch it! Queen Latifa's acting was supurb in it, as well as the rest of the cast, and the story is fabulous!
It was pretty upsetting to watch in parts, because of the hate that still exists. All we need is love, now!
Hi Trish! I absolutely loved the Secret Life of Bees, too!
I hadn't watched it because I thought it was an animated kid's movie. I wish that everyone would watch it! Queen Latifa's acting was supurb in it, as well as the rest of the cast, and the story is fabulous!
It was pretty upsetting to watch in parts, because of the hate that still exists. All we need is love, now!
You have to admit Kinky has improved with age. I did like that picture. My friend John bought Mater an eternal light. He didn't know about the eternal squirrel. Last night I sat looking out the window at the little light glowing in the dark rainy night.
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