Sunday, June 28, 2020

Rabbit Ears!

Today, like almost all other days, nothing is going on here. Tony and I work, then we stay home and watch tv, read, solve jigsaw puzzles, etc. And not to complain about the crazy world that we are living in—I want to share what Mari sent to me this morning, because it made me laugh and it is true.

This afternoon I started watching the Travel Channel's Paranormal Caught On Camera Marathon and within thirty minutes I was totally hooked on this show. And I am still watching it as I write this.

I plan to continue watching this paranormal marathon tonight and now I am seriously considering buying myself a ghost-hunters kit for beginners. And that is about it for today/tonight.

Stay safe and sane!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Oil Slick!

Early yesterday evening ,after Tony went to work for a few hours, I was doing a jigsaw puzzle when our dear friend Gerry Olert dropped by for a short, fun visit, before heading back home to San Antone. And I am so grateful that Gerry came by.

When Gerry arrived I put Henry Standing Bear in the side yard, so Gerry could come inside The Cabin without him being jumped on and kissed by Henry.

While Gerry was showing me some of his awesome video clips that he had taken last week, we heard Little Debbie, who was outside in the front yard with Big Al(ice), yelp—then scream bloody murder!

Gerry ran and I skipped outside to see what was the matter. "Omg!" I half-hollered, because Little Debbie had her head stuck between the side gate and gate post!!

As Little Debbie struggled and screamed, Gerry lifted her off of her feet to help calm her and to keep her from hurting herself, while I race-walked back inside The Cabin to get oil.

When I returned LD had calmed down, but she was still stuck, so I poured about a half of a bottle of olive oil around her head and neck to help slide her head out. And seconds later, Gerry lowered Little Debbie and quickly slid her out, as Henry stood on the other side of the gate watching us.

And yes, please note we could have just opened the gate to free Little Debbie's head, but with Henry standing right there and ready to greet Gerry—it wasn't an option.

Anyway, needless to say, Little Debbie was "greasy" and Gerry and my hands were covered in olive oil, so he and I went  back inside The Cabin to wash our hands, while Big Al(ice) stayed outside—  as she non-stop licked Little Debbie's coat to help remove the massive amount of olive oil.

After my hands were oil-free I went back outside and brought Little Debbie inside, so I could give her a bath in the kitchen sink. And thank goodness that I had Dawn dishwashing soap on hand. Because in that Dawn commercial where it shows wildlife rescuers removing oil from ducks feathers, because of an oil slick—I knew it would certainly remove H-E-B's olive oil off of Debbie's coat. Even though Big Al(ice) had already done a pretty good job of it.

After giving Little Debbie her bath which embarrassed her, because Gerry was watching us, I dried her off and put her back outside to air dry. Then I thanked Gerry for saving Little Debbie's life.

Several minutes later, I brought LD and Big Al(ice) back inside The Cabin, so they could thank Gerry, too.  

After The Girls had kissed and thanked Gerry for rescuing our little friend he asked me to take a picture of him holding Little Debbie. So after he put on his old Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch cap and his autographed Willie Nelson mask (😷) I shot him and Little Debbie, in the kitchen.

Gerry left a few minutes later after the photo-shoot. And when Tony came home about an hour later he was thrilled about Gerry rescuing Little Debbie, too.

So, I want to thank Gerry Olert, but I do have one complaint about his life-saving event, because sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Big Al(ice) left two gigantic "oil slick" 💩💩piles, on the bathroom floor for me to find. And to say the least, it was not fun for me, in the middle of the night, trying to wash my feet. 😨

Y'all have a great day and please stay safe and healthy!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

You've Been Notified!

My dear friend Mari sent me this important news today—so you've been notified or warned.

Y'all have a great evening even though it is M.I.R. time!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Enjoy Every Sandwich...!

Since my Roy passed, I've been so depressed about so many things and I've not felt like writing. So since my best friend, Roy Rogers, stepped on the Rainbow Bridge and is hopefully waiting for me, I've plunged myself into working, so not to go into a tailspin of  total depression, because of him and all of the things that have been going on in our world.

If I was not officially working to make money, I worked on the property and painted the outside of The Cabin with Tony's much needed help. Then we trimmed the windows. Then we painted his Tuff Shed. Here are a few before and after pictures of our ongoing "Keep Nancy Sane" project.

I love what we've done and I have more to tell about our many home improvements, but I will write about it later, since I am feeling somewhat better for now. 

Anyway, this morning while I was avoiding watching the news or even thinking about it, I decided to write a post about how I am feeling during these difficult times, but before I began writing I checked out Ronnie Namour's, latest weekly music column that he writes for The Island Moon Newspaper in Port Aransas.

Well, our dear friend Ronnie—beat me to the punchline today, because when I read what he had written I decided that Ronnie had nailed my feelings and probably many of yours. So since his thoughts are better said than mine, I want to share a portion of Ronnie Namour's thoughts. And please check out The Island Moon Newspaper to read Ronnie's entire column.

June 11, 2020                 
Three Chords And The Truth
by Ronnie Namour for The Island Moon Newspaper

Enjoy every sandwich…

In the immortal words of Warren Zevon, enjoy every sandwich. I couldn’t agree more. With the way 2020 has been treating us, simple pleasures are becoming harder and harder to enjoy. The
smaller nuances are being passed over and our collective stress levels are palpable. You can
cut it with a knife. 

And just when it seems life can’t get much more demanding, along comes another disaster piling on. My mermaid gal has had a pain in her neck for a month now. I know it’s from all the stress generated by watching the news on TV. Between bad politics, the pandemic, protests, riots, hurricanes brewing and triple digit temperatures… I’m not sure life as we know it will ever be the same. That’s why we have to enjoy every sandwich.

Take time to smell the proverbial roses. Simple pleasures are getting swept by the wayside and it’s time to reclaim them. Savor those long walks on the beach and those beautiful bike rides in the nature preserve. Take note of every conversation with every friend. And above all, tell the people that you love, that you love them every day. Don’t take anything for granted. Life is short and getting shorter.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort expressing love and gratitude; it’s good for the soul. This perpetuation of hate has got to stop. I’m as guilty as anyone. I’m doing my best to stop using the word “hate”. It rolls off my tongue way too easily. How can I expect you to stop hating if I don’t? I do know that when it’s that time for Maxwell’s silver hammer to come down on my head, I want it to happen with a smile on my face and love in my heart.

Something’s gotta change folks. There’s a mean vibe out there right now and it gets worse by the
day. Let’s all take a collective breath, step back and work on a fix. There were a whole bunch
of people in this world that just expressed their concerns since George Floyd died and we need
to listen to them and fix it. It’s time for fear and hate to take a hike. 

Right now, I’m going to go make another beautiful sandwich and enjoy every bite of it. Now go wash your hands and put that mask on and register to vote and go call your mama and tell her you love her. I love you all… well, most of you… well, actually just some of you, but hey, I don’t know all you but in the words of Will Rogers, ‘A stranger is a friend I’ve yet to meet.”

I want to thank Ronnie Namour and The Island Moon Newspaper for allowing me to share this.

Y'all take care and may peace and love fill your hearts!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I worked today and it was hot and I am tired, so once again, all I've got to offer tonight is this. "Thank you Mari, for making me laugh, again."

Monday, June 8, 2020

What's Next!

My dear friend Mari sent me this and I am still laughing. And I hope it happens!

Have a great day!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Reason To Laugh!

Sorry for not writing much lately. I've been very busy working, reading, writing, doing jigsaw puzzles, etc.

I have not written, because I've been depressed about losing Roy, upset with the sad shape our country is in, politics in general, the pandemic, etc. And because of all of the horrible events and things going on, there just hasn't been much reason to laugh or to try to make you laugh.

I am off this weekend and I do have plans to do some work outside and rest. But I am hoping to post something positive on my blog.

Take care and I hope you find something to laugh about.