Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Mistaken Identity & Tests!

 I have just uploaded my 6th The Cousin Nancy Show and it is titled: Mistaken Identity & Tests! And I dedicated to Tony's and my dear friend Gaby Wernette, who lives in Germany.

This podcasts includes a humorous Cousin Boomer story about taking a test and my story is about Kinky, Tony & me going to see a fabulous musical drama, at the Cailloux Theater. And in hopes making you laugh she tells a few jokes.

Below is a picture of me with my mistaken for identity—Molly Ivins. And this 1998 picture was taken back stage @ the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch benefit we held at the La Zona Rosa, in Austin, Texas.

If you would like to listen to The Cousin Nancy Show's 6th episode (that is only 7 minutes long) please click on the link below:

or click on the right sidebar's Cousin Nancy's Podcasts.

Y'all have a great day and keep on laughing!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Podcast: Episode 5: 1st Day of High School!

 Yesterday I did my 5th podcast and I titled it    .  In this podcast I told a Cousin Boomer pandemic story about him buying a bird for companionship. Then I told a couple of bird jokes.

After that I told a true, embarrassing, story about my first day in high school when I was a freshman. And here is a picture of me from my Southwest High School year book. And this is that blue, empire dress that I talked about in the podcast. 

And this is a picture of sweet Miss Howell, who on that day had nearly scared me to death and then rescued me. She is the kind-hearted woman in the middle.

This podcast is only 13 minutes long and here is the link to it, if you want to listen, to the 5th podcast of The Cousin Nancy Show:

Y'all take care and keep on laughing!