The event was really fun. Tone and I saw, and got to visit with our friends: Liz and Jim Cravotta, Pam and Steve Boynton, Grace and Dick Atwood, Linda Buckalew, Danny Hatfield and Dylan Ferrero, to name just a few! To put it in nutshell—we had a wonderful time!
Kinky told me this morning that he is going to be on Imus, on October 7th, to kick off Don's first week on the Fox Business channel! Imus is no longer on RFD. Tomorrow morning, T. is giving Kinky a wake up call real early, so Kinky can take off to Austin, to catch a plane for his European Tour! He is going to be gone for over two weeks, and we are really going to miss him.
I apologize for not writing yesterday, but I was a little bit too busy, but I am going to try to catch you up, now. For starters, I walked six fast miles. Around eleven o'clock, the pinion pine incense that I had ordered from New Mexico arrived! I love that stuff, so I ordered two boxes, because it is my favorite scent. Here is picture that I just took of the boxes beside my little smokin' adobe house, on my drain board.

Todd and Jan came out yesterday morning to walk our dogs! Tony and I love these two nice people. During a dog walking break, I invited Jan and Todd into my writing cabin, so I could show them my new guitar amp, and to get Todd to play my guitar. He is one very talented guitar player!
As soon as Todd picked up my custom made guitar, that my brother, Ronnie, made for me years ago, that is signed by Billy Joe Shaver and Willie Nelson, Tony, Jan and I sat back, and enjoyed his great concert! He was amazing, and he could play any song. It was a real treat for me, and Todd has inspired me to keep on practicing, even though it hurts my fingers so much right now. But, I know in time, the pain will go away, and hopefully I will be playing better than I ever have. Hopefully.
After Todd's great performance, they went back to dog walking, and I came in the trailer, to find out the sad news, that Mary Travers had stepped on a rainbow. I loved Peter, Paul and Mary. In fact, when I was in the sixth grade, the first songs that I learned to play on my first guitar, which was a fifteen dollar, Montgomery Wards Deluxe, were Where Have All The Flowers Gone, If I Had A Hammer, Michael Rowed The Boat Ashore and Puff The Magic Dragon. Ronnie and I would sit for hours, in our bedrooms, strumming our guitars together and singing those songs.
In 1964, when I was in the seventh grade, I actually got to meet Peter, Paul and Mary, at a T.C.U. concert! My girlfriend's mother took Lindie Brown and me to their concert. It was my first music concert, and it was so awesome! We sat about twenty feet from the stage and I watched in awe.
When the concert was over, Lindie and I took our albums over to the table, to get them autographed by them. Lindie and I were probably the youngest and the shortest people there, and when Mary saw us, standing there, among the towering college students, she looked at me and said, "Everyone please step back, and let these two young ladies come up to the table first." Then she gestured for Lindie and me to come up to the table! I was star struck, and my knees were shaking.
When I handed Mary my Peter, Paul and Mary album, she asked me my name and what grade I was in. After answering her questions, I told her that I played guitar, and I knew how to play many of their songs. It made her smile, and then she signed my album, and then Paul and Peter signed it, too! She had no idea of the impact that she had made on me, with her simple act of kindness. I will never forget it or her. Godspeed, Mary.
Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, when the rescue ranch officially closed for the day, I went out to the Space Ship with my iPod and Bose Dock, and listened to Peter, Paul and Mary, for hours, as I made a few improvements to it.
It is now nearly ten o'clock, and I must go to bed. I hope the Dallas Cowboys win tonight, because Ronnie and Nita have season tickets, and they drove up to Dallas today, to watch their and my favorite team play. Go Dallas Cowboys!
Y'all have a great evening!
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