Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Episode: 33 The Engagement! or Beavis & Butthead!

If you would like to listen to this podcast rather than have to read it please click here on: The Cousin Nancy Show or click on The Cousin Nancy Show on the right side bar. 👉 

The other night I was watching a re-run of Saturday Night Live: Season 49 Episode 17 with guest host Ryan Gosling and Chris Stapleton. And I don’t believe that I have ever laughed so hard in my life.

Every skit was funnier than the last one, but my two favorite skits in that episode were: The Engagement and the Beavis & Butthead skits.

And what made these two skits even funnier was watching Ryan Gosling, because he had a very difficult time trying to keep a straight face and not burst out laughing, while desperately trying to stay in character.

Anyway, to view these two hilarious skits just click here: The Engagement or the Beavis & Butthead skits. 

In fact, just watch the entire episode, because every skit was funny and Chris Stapleton’s performance was, as always, unbelievably awesome. I love his music.

Okay, now here is a Cousin Boomer Update for y’all: Yesterday Boomer came over for happy hour, but when he arrived he was not all that happy, so Tony asked him what was wrong. And Boomer replied, “Last week I sold my homing pigeon on Ebay—for the 22nd time."


Now here are My Thoughts For Today folksAs I've grown older, I’ve realized that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake. And I also know for a fact that the truth is six out of the seven dwarves are not happy.


Okay now it is Make Me Laugh Time! Thank goodness. Our dear friend Clive sent me these two:

When one door closes another door opens—and other than that it’s a pretty good car.

Sometimes I often wonder what happened to all of those people who asked me for directions.

Our dear friend Fourth sent me these two to tell y’all—One blonde to the other asks,

“Why do the French like to eat huge snails?”— “Because, they don’t like fast food.”

Why do golfers always carry extra pants? In case they get a hole in one.

I found a book called How to Solve 50% of Your Problems. So I bought 2.

Why did the coffee taste like dirt? Because it was ground just a few minutes ago.

What happens when a strawberry gets run over crossing the street? Traffic jam.

Why was six nervous? Because seven eight nine. And this concludes this segment of Make Me Laugh Time. 


Well folks, I do hope that my podcast has made you laugh at least once, but if it didn’t—who cares! I want to thank y’all for listening. And please remember my favorite quote: Life is short. And so am I! Y’all take care and keep on laughing! Adios!