After I climbed out of our tall bed, I reluctantly went to the kitchen, because I knew I had to feed the dogs and Lucky. As they, Toto, Little Girl, Thunder and Hank, yapped at me to hurry up and feed them, I swallowed two baby aspirins. Then I chased them down with an Aleve.
As I painfully scooped up dog food, and filled their bowls, I tried to explain to them that my arms were killing me, but they didn't care! Once they were all fed, I put them outside, so they could take care of some unfinished business. Then came the dreaded hard part—I still had to feed Mama and Abbie. They are our two giant dogs, and they require several scoops of dry dog food, in their heavy, but cute, hand painted, ceramic dog dishes. After feeding them, I was the happiest girl in the U.S.A., because the Aleve had finally kicked in.
When Tony came home, he teased me about my arms being sore, but he was nice enough to pick up Mama's and Abbie's dishes, and wash them and put them up for me. When T. went outside to do his chores, I walked six fast miles.
At eleven o'clock, we rescued Walter Matthau! Walter is a big, sweet black Labrador mix. My friends, Lindy and Kim brought him to us. Someone had dumped him near their ranches. Walter is approximately one year old, and he is really well trained! Here's a picture of him.

After a fun visit with Lindy and Kim, Buttermilk took Tony and me to Kerrville. A dog that we rescued last week, Rosanna Dana, was ready to come home, after undergoing heart worm treatment and getting her shots. She didn't need spaying.
When we walked inside Hoegemeyer's Animal Clinic, I saw the two cats, that we had rescued last week, from Johnson City, sitting happily in their large crate—waiting to get adopted. Here's their story.
Last week, Dr. Sam, my dentist, had called to tell me that an old woman had died in Johnson City. She left behind over one hundred cats. With the help from various shelters and concerned citizens, all of the cats were spayed or neutered, given all shots, and checked for diseases. When Sam called me, she told me that they had two cats left that needed homes. I told her we would take them, after talking to Dr. Craig Janssen, to make sure his clinic could help us adopt them out. The happy ending to this story, is that all one hundred cats were extremely tame, friendly, healthy and had all found forever homes!
After Tone and I talked to the cats, Kathy, Dr. Janssen's sweet wife, brought Rosanna Dana out to us! She is the sweetest, one year old dog, and so beautiful. Here's a picture of her:

Kinky is up in Dallas, for the Willie Nelson Bloody Mary Morning brunch tomorrow morning, but he will be back here tomorrow evening!
P.S. Today Jim and his friend, Leo, came out and walked our dogs! Thank you, Jim and Leo! Our dogs loved it and so did we!
Y'all have a great evening!
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