The past ten days I've been very busy learning more about professional podcasting while Tony has been having to go back and fourth to Medina to pick up several packages delivered to me, at the Post Office.
And I do hope that the time and the money that I've already spent for podcasting is going to pay off for me. Because this morning I got out my calculator to add up just how much money I've already spent on The Cousin Nancy Show podcast. And that is not counting all of my time.
After adding it all up it was pretty shocking to say the least. Here are just a few pictures of the equipment that I've recently purchased.
1 Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface @ $179.00
2 Sony Headphone Sets @ 26.68 each = $53.36
4 Q2R Microphone Bundles @ 2 Mics per Pack for $149.00 = $298.00

1 Blue Yeti Microphone @ $129.00
VistaPrint Business Cards @ $20.00
2 Husky Equipment Carrying Cases @ $8.00 each =$16.00
1 Apple Power Supply @ $40.57
InnoGear Mic Stand @$20.00
Website setup & Hosting, Buzzsprout, etc. @ $200.00
Free Royalty-Free Music Used for Intro/Outro - Clive Romney@Pixabay donation $50.00
Bottom Line: Here is a detailed list of my costs so far for my upcoming The Cousin Nancy Show:
Items: Cost Quantity Total Amount
Focusrite Scarlett2i2 Audio Interface $179.00 1 $179.00
Sony Headphones $26.68 2 $53.36
Miscellaneous Cables/Hardware $50.00 $50.00
4 Q2R USB Microphones (2 to a Package) $149.00 2-2pks. $298.00
Blue Yeti Microphone $129.00 1 $129.00
VistaPrint Business Cards $20.00 $20.00
Husky Carrying Case $8.00 2 $16.00
Apple Power Supply Cord $40.57 1 $40.57
Innogear Microphone Mic Stand $20.00 1 $20.00
Website & Podcast Hosting $200.00 $200.00
Donation for Royalty-Free Music $50.00 $50.00
Grand Total I Have Spent So Far is: $1,035.93
And yes, I know that $1,035.93 is a lot of money to spend on podcasting, especially when there are many podcasting hosts out there that are totally free. Like the ones that offer you a free app and all you have to do is use your cell phone to podcast, but after all of my research I chose to use Buzzsprout. Because Buzzsprout is the most popular podcasting host and it is highly respected among the podcaster community.
Anyway, this morning after I had discovered just how much I've spent I felt guilty about spending so much money and I wanted to tell Tony (confess to him) about just how much I've spent.
So when Tony got back home from working, I told him/confessed and it made him laugh. Not because we are rich by any means or have plenty of money to throw around—Tony laughed because he thought it was going to be a lot more money, because of all of the packages that he has been picking up for me. And after Tony had quit laughing, he teased me, and he asked, "So, do you think you're done, yet?" And that is just another reason why I love Tony.
Speaking of love, yesterday I got a sweet e-mail from my dear friend Gaby, who lives in Germany. And when I opened up her e-mail I read the first couple of lines and I burst out laughing. Because Gaby was wishing Tony and me a happy anniversary and she was apologizing for being a day late, because our anniversary is March 10th.
So I quickly sent her a note back telling Gaby that once again Tony and I had both forgotten our anniversary and I also thanked her for reminding me, so I could go tease Tony about it. And Tony laughed about us both forgetting our anniversary, again.
Lastly, early this afternoon I was talking to my sweet sister Cindy, on the phone and I was telling her about how much money that I've already spent on my upcoming podcast and we were laughing about it. "Cindy, the last few days I have probably spent at least eight hours trying to find the perfect, royalty-free, no copyright music to use on my podcast. "
"Well, two days ago after going to several of the royalty-free websites that Buzzsprout's Team had highly recommended I found nothing that I liked. So, I then went to Pixabay, which Buzzsprout, in their YouTube tutorial, had rated Pixabay as their number one choice to find royalty-free-music."
"Anyway, Pixabay is a fabulous site where musicians upload their music for anyone to download for free and to use however they want to. And it is royalty-free with no copyright."
"Anyway, I finally found the perfect music for my podcast after being on Pixabay's site for several hours. After I had downloaded the Clive Romney song for free, Pixabay suggested that I thank Clive Romney for the use of his music and that I might also consider making a donation to him, before leaving Pixabay's site."
"So, I decided to make a small donation of $50.00 to him, because I wanted to sort of pay it forward and do the right thing for getting to use his music for free. And also because in the picture of him, on Pixabay, Clive has white hair underneath his cowboy hat. So I figured that Clive Romney is probably some old, starving musician, on a fixed income, just hoping to make a little extra spending money from donations."
"That was nice, Nance," Cindy said.
"I thought so too," I said, and then I burst out laughing. "Cindy! I Googled Clive Romney and he is very famous—for his music and he also performs at Cowboy Poetry events, too. And get this—Clive Romney only joined Pixabay on January 7, 2021. Five days ago!" Then Cindy started laughing with me.
"Cindy, can you believe that I was thinking that I was helping out some poor, old musician with my donation. Heck, I bet when Clive Romney got my e-mail thanking him for letting me use his music for my podcast and for also making a donation to him—he probably felt insulted by my $50.00 donation. And he probably also thinks that I am one cheap, ungrateful woman..."
And that is about it for tonight.
Y'all take care and keep on laughing!