It is now five o’clock, Sunday evening. I just wrote a check, to a very nice tow truck driver, for bringing Buttermilk back to the rescue ranch, for Tony and me, and it feels so good to be home. I was planning on writing a blog last night, about yesterday’s fun events, but last night around ten thirty—I almost died or at least that’s what Maribeth told me this morning. There is much to tell, so here goes. I’ll start from the very beginning, and I pray that this doesn’t turn into another saga.
Saturday morning, I cleaned the trailer, because I was so excited about John’s mom, the great Mary S. from Lake Charles, Louisiana, her daughter, Leslie, and Leslie’s son, Sam—coming out to visit us! John met them out on Highway 16, so they wouldn’t get lost, and they arrived at the rescue ranch around eleven-fifteen!
It was all handshakes and hugs, when they first arrived, and then I invited them for a visit in Outer Space! As soon as Mary S. walked into Outer Space, she said, “I love Outer Space and look, there’s your Buddha Pug! I love it, Nancy!”
I had a blast visiting with all of them! Mary S. is one very entertaining, charming and extremely funny storyteller! I feel like I have known Mary all of my life, and to be in the same room or in Outer Space with her—is a real treat. She told us some of the funniest stories, that kept me shaking with laughter, as did everyone else in Outer Space!
Unfortuntely, Richard, Mary’s husband, was not able to make the trip with them, because he had to stay home to take care of their two children—Yorkies! During our visit, I discovered that Sam is somewhat famous—in the Louisiana fishing world. He caught an eight pound Speckled Trout —and his picture appeared in the ‘Louisiana Sportsman” magazine with his catch of the day! “Sam,” Tony said. “Where did you catch him?”
“Big Lake, Louisiana,” Sam replied proudly.
“I always catch mine in the mouth!” Tony teased. Sam laughed.
Our visit in Outer Space, ended way to soon for me. After we left Outer Space, John and I took his family on a Grand Tour of the rescue ranch. First, we showed them our trailer, then my writing cabin, and then the dogs. About halfway through the tour, Tony drove up in Kermit, “Nance, Rebecca has just been adopted! I will bring Nancy back to y’all, as soon as she fills out the adoption papers.” I climbed inside Kermit and Tony drove me to the trailer.
Ten minutes later, Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm, was officially adopted, to a very nice family, with a young son! John had finished the grand tour, and they were able to meet Rebecca’s new family, and wish them and Rebecca good luck. I was on cloud nine, as Rebecca drove away to her new home! Fingers crossed—it will stick.
After they had left, we left for Kinky’s, for a short visit, and a tour of the Friedman Family Bone Orchard, which I think impressed them.
Then we returned to the rescue ranch. It was now time for Mary S. and her beautiful family to leave, because they had made plans to eat lunch in Fredericksburg and to shop. “We will see you later at Wolfmueller’s for Kinky’s book signing,” Mary said. “Don’t eat too much. Dinner is at six-thirty. See y’all at Wolfmuellers.” Then they drove away.
Tony and I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, and then I took a short thirty minute nap, with Hank, Little Girl, Toto, Thunder and our cat, Lucky. I love sleeping with them—it’s the best! When I awoke, it was time to get ready to go to Kinky’s book signing. I decided to wear a new shirt that I had bought at a hippie store in Kerrville and my new pink slacks. Little did I know, what an impression it would make later, on my friends, at Wolfmuellers Books.
We arrived around three-thirty, at Sandy and Jon’s store, and it was packed! Kinky was busily signing one book after another, so Tony and I visited with Sandy and Jon and Mary Jo. Then we visited with Dylan and Sage Ferrero, Max Swafford, Copper Love, Beth B. and Sue, and Irene Van Winkle. We were in good company.
Around fourish, John and his family arrived, and it was like a family reunion—all over again! And, as always, many hugs, handshakes and laughter. Kinky took a short break, and joined us in a brief conversation, and then he went back to signing his books for his adoring fans.

While that was going on Mary S. handed me a present, that she had purchased in Fredericksburg—two adorable place mats, with the cutest pictures of dogs on them! I loved them! Then Irene Van Winkle, a fabulous writer for the ‘West Kerr Current’ newspaper, told me about her new book, “Family Chronicles.” I immediately purchased a copy, and she signed it to Tony and me. I can’t wait to read it. It is an historical account of the first families of Kerr County.
Then Mary S. found Tony’s postcards, and she bought several of them! When Irene heard her talking about Tony’s postcards, she went over and bought several, too. Then Irene had Tony sign them! Everyone’s favorite postcards, seemed to be the Cardinal in the metal dish, and the fighting deer, which I named, “Kung Fu 101!”
Oh yes, I almost forgot, during this entire time at Wolfmueller’s, everyone I knew complimented me on my outfit. I knew I didn’t look great, and I was feeling a little like a fish out of water, in my new hippie clothes. I guess, none of them have ever seen me in anything else—because my standard attire up until today, has always been my rescue ranch sweatshirt and pants, with a white Kinky cap on my head, to cover my white hair, along with my monogrammed “N” skipping shoes. In fact, Kinky didn’t even recognize me when he first saw me. “I like your outfit, Nance!” Kinky said. “I really like it.”
Okay, let me get back to the story—enough said about my wardrobe—it’s boring. Around four-forty, “There’s Cousin Nancy!” I looked over, and it was my other great ‘Mary’ friend, but she spells her name with an ‘i.’ “Cousin Nancy,” Mari Bailey, of the famous NoMads said, as she gave me a bear hug. “When I read that you would be here, I couldn’t miss seeing you! I have broken every speed limit, from San Antonio, to get here! I thought Kinky’s book signing was from three to six! The San Antonio Dog Show had our event last on the list, and I got out of there as soon as our competition was done. It is so good to see you and Tony!”
“Hi Mari!” I said. “Well, thank you. I hope that you didn’t get a speeding ticket. I wish you and the NoMads would come out, and spend some time in Outer Space with Tony and me. I’ve really missed you and the gang.”
“I can’t wait, to go into Outer Space with you guys, but I am not a hot-weather person, and I will have to wait until the temperature, is at least, in the seventies.”
“Mari, I finally got my Buddha Pugs!” I said. “I love them, and I want to thank you so much, for letting me know about them.”
“I know you got them, Cousin Nancy,” Mari said. “Because, I read your blog everyday! And, did you know that you are starting to cost me a lot of money, too?”
“What?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
“I have been reading your blog since day one, when Abbie flung flour all over your kitchen and ‘big room.’ Since then, I have purchased ‘Miles of Chocolate’ which I absolutely love, “Dave’s Smokin’ Jalapenos and Dave’s Smokin’ Garlic” which my whole family and I are now addicted to, and I also bought John Kemmerly’s book, ‘Velma the Vomiting Vulture,” for $35.00 and many more since. John is a great writer. Oh yes, Cousin Nancy, I now own all of N.M. Kelby’s books, too—which I really enjoyed reading. ‘Whale Season’ and ‘Murder at the Bad Girls Bar and Grill,’ are my two favorites. That girl can really write!”
Tony and I were shaking with laughter! “Mari, I cannot believe, that you have bought all of that stuff,” I said. “Good grief, that is fantastic! What a compliment.”
“I promise I did. Where’s John Kemmerly?” Mari asked. “I was the first, after you, to buy his book—off of the internet, and I brought it with me, for him to sign.”
“John and his family left about ten minutes ago,” I said. “I tell you what. Give me your copy of Velma, and I will get John to sign it, and then I will drop it off here, for you to pick up, if that is okay with Sandy and Jon.” Sandy smiled and nodded, yes.
Mari and her NoMad friend, Judy, then took off to get Kinky to sign their books.

She and I visited a little bit longer and then it was closing time and she and Judy left. As Tony and I were about to leave, Sandy said, “Tony, Nancy! Why don’t y’all come over, to our house, for a drink, before meeting John and his family at six-thirty?”
“I don’t know, Sandy,” I said. “We have to go to WalMart for Tony to return an outdoor camera. I am not sure we will have enough time.”
“Y’all have to come over, “ Jon said. “Come on, you guys?”
“Okay,” Tony said. “We will see y’all soon.” Then we left the bookstore, and headed off to WalMart.
After Tony got his refund—we drove over to Sandy and Jon’s house. As soon as we arrived at their beautiful home, we went directly outside, to sit on their beautiful, gigantic patio. John handed Tony and I beer, and then we sat down for a fun visit with them. “Nancy and Tony, this is our version,” Jon said, “of your Outer Space.”
“Sandy and Jon,” I said. “I love your version—it is absolutely beautiful!” We visited for about twenty minutes in their lovely flower covered, filled with awesome plants—veranda. Then it was time to meet John and his family for dinner, at a very fancy Kerrville restaurant...
I am sorry, this story is fast turning into a book. I will finish the rest of the story tomorrow. Tony just came in and announced that it is fixin’ to be ‘Twilight Zone’ time, and he wants me to go into Outer Space with him. He is now pouring me a glass of wine from my wine box. I can’t resist. I promise to finish my story tomorrow. Cheers!