I am writing this blog from my writing cabin. I am sitting at my desk, and I am listening to James Taylor's new CD. I love his new CD, and I can't seem to quit listening to it. Mamajello is stretched out, sleeping on the couch. Mama is the Great Pyrenees, that we rescued over seven years ago. She is a great friend, and she and I have a very special bond. I know that she thinks that we are soul mates, and I am sure that she would be with me all of the time, if I would let her. In other words, Mama is my friendly bodyguard, and if she had a motto, I'm sure it would be: 'Don't Mess With Nancy.'
I love my little cabin. It is a peaceful and special place for me. When I need a break from the world, or the rescue ranch, or the men, this is where I come to get recharged. Mama just came over to me, and has just laid down beside my chair. James is now singing, On Broadway.
This morning, I woke up at five o'clock sharp, and unfortunately could not fall back to sleep, so I drank a cup of coffee with Tony, and then he helped me feed the dogs and Lucky. Since my back is still partially out, I filled their food dishes, and Tony put them down on the floor for me.
This is unbelievable! Y'all are never going to believe what just happened! A few minutes ago, I heard four car doors slam almost simultaneously. Mama jumped to her feet, and barked, as I turned around to see what was going on outside. There were four women, about my age, surrounding Tony, by their car. Poor Tone.
I slowly got up from my chair, and went outside to greet the women. "Hi! I'm Cousin Nancy. Welcome to the rescue ranch." One old lady acknowledged my presence, while the other three tried to convince Tony that he had groupies! It was hilarious! Tony's face was redder than red, and the expression on his face said it all. I had to bite my lip. "Would y'all like to come into my writing cabin?" I asked.
No one moved. It was like they were going to take Tone's lead, so he led them inside my cabin. I had my Bose cranked up, as usual, and one lady sorta started to dance to James singing Not Fade Away! I looked over at T. and accidentally let out a laugh, which my back didn't appreciate one bit. After I gave them a tour of my writing cabin, I gave Tone's senior groupies, rescue ranch bumper stickers. They seemed excited about getting them, and I was surprised that they didn't ask Tony to autograph them!
Right as James began singing Summertime Blues, I asked where they were from. "We're from the crazy farm in Kerrville!" Said the woman standing closest to T.!
I laughed out loud at her funny remark! "That's a good one!"
"Nance, they want to take a tour of the rescue ranch," Tony said. I could tell that he wanted me to give them the tour.
"Great! Tony, why don't you give these ladies a tour?" The women seemed excited, but Tone didn't. Then they followed Tony outside to take a tour.
Twenty minutes later, I heard four car doors slam. Mama barked. I looked out the window and saw their car leaving the rescue ranch. Then Tony walked inside the cabin.
"Thanks for giving them a tour, Tone," I said. "They seemed really nice."
"Nance, they were really from the crazy farm in Kerrville," Tony said. "That really large woman, told me that she was getting out next week, and she wants to come back out here, so she can work with me."
"Are you serious? Looks like you've got yourself a groupie. Were they all from the crazy farm?"
"Yes. They told me they were out on a day pass," Tony said. "That's why they didn't laugh, when you laughed about them being from the funny farm." Even though I felt horrible about putting my foot in my mouth, I couldn't help but laugh, and so did Tone!
"I'm blaming it all on Mercury in retrograde, and we still have two more weeks of this kind of stuff happening." Then I looked at the wooden plaque by the door, and started laughing, again! "If nuts could fly, this would be an airport!" I said, pointing to the sign. "How true. How true."

"I'm going to go lock the gate," Tone said. Then he left the cabin.
I am still laughing about what just happened. It is starting to thunder outside, so Mama and I need to get back to the trailer, before the rain starts falling. I can't wait to tell Kinky about this!
Y'all have a great evening!
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