When Will showed Tone and me Milk Money, our jaws dropped to the floor! I could not believe, that Will had put it together in less than thirty minutes, but then again, I can, because Will is a Mac Wizard! Here it is: Milk Money
After we watched Milk Money five or six times, Buttermilk took Tony, Will and me to Kinky's and Copper Love's book signing at Wolfmueller's Books! When we arrived, Sandy and Jon's bookstore was packed with people, getting their books signed by Copper and Kinky! I loved it!
While we were there, we visited with our friends, Mary Jo, Laura, Sandy and Jon, Grace Atwood, Dylan Ferrero, Jane, Frank, Marcie Friedman, Steve Price, Irene, Jim & Liz Cravotta, Beth, and her father, Bob, Jan & Todd Bauer, Jim McMahon, Harley & Becky, Kinky and Copper! It was sorta like a family reunion, but no one was related except for Kinky and Marce.
At one point during the fun book signing, Grace Atwood introduced us to her sweet sister-in-law, Vicki, and her nice husband, who, unfortunately, I can't remember his name, that have just moved here. They are our new neighbors! After handshakes, Vicki asked me to go with her to the "Kinky bookshelf section" so I could recommend some of Kinky's books for her to buy.
"Well, this one here is my favorite," I said, as I pulled a copy of my book, The Road To Utopia: How Kinky, Tony & I Saved More Animals Than Noah off of the shelf! Grace started laughing! Then she quickly explained to Vicki and her husband, that I had written the book. Then I recommended some of Kinky's books.
Vicki ended up buying several Kinky books, and mine, too! Here is a picture of me signing her copy of my book. Vicki is the pretty blond, standing behind me. And that's Mary Jo ringing up sales.

As Copper and Kinky continued to meet people and sign their names,

Sandy came up to me, "Nance, did you see Tony's postcard display table?"
"Nope," I replied. Then Sandy led me over to a this table displaying all of T.'s postcards! I was impressed! It was beautiful!

At six-thirty, when the book signing was over, Buttermilk took Will, Tony and me back to the ranch. Fortunately, we made it home just before dark-thirty!
Around eight o'clock, Tone half-hollered from his office, down the hall, "Nance, Sandy and Jon are online with me on iChat! Come here and say hi to them!" This was the first time that we had iChatted with them! The four of us had a really fun visit, talking about the book signing! And, it was fun to see them talking to us from their house!
We went to bed early, because I had to get up early. Before leaving Wolfmueller's, I had told Kinky that I wanted to make breakfast tacos for everyone in the morning, before he and Frank took off for Dallas, and Marcie took off for Vietnam. So, this morning at eight o'clock, Tony and I went over the river and through the woods with eighteen hot breakfast tacos!
Kinky, Marcie, Frank, Will, T. and I had a fun breakfast over at the Lodge, and there was a ton of laughter! "Nance," Kinky said. "Your breakfast tacos are delicious! I am very impressed with your cooking."
"Kink, don't talk with food in your mouth," I teased.
"No, seriously, Nance, I think you and I should start a breakfast taco cafe. We could make millions with these! We could name it..." We had a lot of fun thinking up possible names.
By nine, Kink and Frank were on their way to Dallas, so Tone and I came home, so Marcie could pack for her trip back to Vietnam.
While Tone fed the dogs outside and cleaned their pens, I went outside and visited with June, as she groomed our dogs. Then I took pictures of three more dogs that we have rescued this week, so I could send them to Pat, to post on our web site: utopiarescue.com
Here's a picture of Lefty aka Buddy! We rescued him seven years ago, but he was returned to us last Saturday, because he is not a cat fancier. He is one great dog and I hope that he finds another forever home real soon!

Here is a picture of Lobo! Lobo is big, friendly dog, that was abused, but you could never tell it. He is about one and half years old and very outgoing and friendly. Lobo would make a great companion for someone who doesn't fancy felines.

Here is a picture of Scooby Doo! Scooby is a precious little dog, that loves children, especially rowdy little boys! He is upbeat, and only one year old. He is a Libra, and like me, he loves to have fun and laugh!

Around one o'clock, Tony came into the trailer, "Nance, there are some people here from New York, that have asked to see Cousin Nancy." I went outside and found them down by Pearl Jam and Laz's pen.
As soon as I saw them, I recognized them! It was Denise and Bruce! Four years ago, they had come out to the rescue ranch, and visited with us. After introducing them to all of our great dogs, we went into the Space Ship, and ended up in Outer Space, where we had another great visit!
This afternoon, Marcie came by to say goodbye to us, and then she took off for Vietnam. We hated to see her leave, but fortunately, she will be back in May. We love her! After she left, Tone and I had a fun visit with Copper, as always!
After Copper left, our good friends, Jan and Todd Bauer came up to the trailer, after they had walked eighteen of our dogs! They had a birthday present for me! They gave me a beautiful Lenox Fine Crystal vase, which I love! Thank you, Jan and Todd! I already have flowers in it! And, thank you for walking our dogs! We love y'all!
I am sorry for this being such a long blog, but now I am caught up, and fixin' to watch a movie with Tone!
Y'all have a great evening!
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