As soon as Kinky and Imus said goodbye to each other, the phone rang—it was Kinky! "Morning, Kinky," I said. "You were great on Imus! When did you get in last night?"
"Late, Nance," Kinky said. "Do you want to come over for some coffee?" Five minutes later, I was sitting in the kitchen and drinking coffee with Kink. We had a great visit! He told me all about his European tour, and how much he had enjoyed it, and then we caught up with each other's news. Before leaving the Lodge, we decided to meet for lunch at El Sombrero, in Kerrville, with Tony and Frank at twelve-thirty.
Tone and I were two minutes early when we arrived at the Orange colored restaurant, and when we saw Mr. Green Jeans parked in the parking lot, we knew that we would find Kinky and Frank inside. The four of us had a fun lunch.
Frank told us about singing karaoke, at a bar in Bandera, last Thursday night, and how much he loved Bandera. Kinky talked about his hectic upcoming schedule, and then he told us some very funny stories about his trip across the pond. Tone talked about the weather, and whether or not he should go with me, to my family reunion, at Ronnie's in Dripping Springs, this Saturday, because Saturdays are our open house.
Kinky thought Tony should go with me, so I wouldn't get lost, and we had a fun time discussing the pros and cons. After getting teased about my driving skills, and being direction challenged—it was decided that T. would stay at the rescue ranch, and I would go to Ron and Nita's using Tone's Garmin GPS.
Near the end of our delicious lunch, Kinky said, "You know, we are all creatures of habit. We are set in our ways, and we can't help it. I think we should change things up more. It would be good for all of us." The three of us stared at Kinky.
"Like what?" I asked. "What do you want to change up?"
Kinky smiled. "You and Tony are going to get gas at H.E.B. after lunch, and Frank and I are going to get groceries, and then run a few errands. Let's switch it up! Nance, you go with me to run errands, and Frank can go with Tony to get gas! How does that sound?" Frank, Tone and I looked at each other.
Frank went first. "I don't mind riding with Tony." Everyone then looked at T., it was his turn.
"That's fine with me," Tone said, as he shot me a wink. Then it was my turn.
"Where all do we have to go, Kinky? I was planning on working on my book." After Kinky told me his list of things to do, I agreed to go with him. Kinky and I said goodbye to Tony and Frank as they climbed into Buttermilk. Then Kinky and I jumped into Mr. Green Jeans, and drove two hundred feet and parked in front of Albertsons to go grocery shopping.
On our way to the store, a man stopped Kinky to shake his hand. When we were close to walking into the store, a woman stopped Kinky to talk to him about a few things, so I went ahead into Albertsons, and grabbed a grocery cart. As I was picking out some fresh cut yellow flowers, I overheard a man behind the deli counter holler hello to Kink. Then another person and then someone else.
As I was being checked out, so was Kinky at the next checkout counter. Four different people walked up to him to introduce themselves and to shake his hand. Then a woman next in line, behind me, rushed past me to go meet Kinky. She was nice and gushing somewhat! She told him that she was a professor at Schreiner University, and that she was going to vote for him. After she shook hands with Kinky, she got back in line to pay for her groceries.
"You can put his groceries in my cart," I said, as Kinky was writing a check. The store manager looked at Kinky, to make sure I wasn't some kind of a nut. "I'm Cousin Nancy and we're running errands together today." Kinky nodded, and the man began putting Kinky's groceries into my basket.
"You're Cousin Nancy!" The manager said. "I know who you are!..."
When we reached Mr. Green Jeans, a man hollered, "Hi Cousin Nancy!" I turned around and saw my good friend, Les Ferguson waving at me! He's the man that keeps running into Tone and me, at H.E.B. and Walmart! I introduced him to Kinky, and the two of them visited for a few minutes. Then I gave Les a hug, and told him to tell Denise, his beautiful wife, that I had said hello, and for them to come out and see us. Then we said our goodbyes, and Kinky and I drove away.
Kinky and I ran our errands and then we came back to the ranch. Kinky had bought some fried chicken for The Friedmans and he wanted to have a picnic with Toto and my dogs today, so we went to the Lodge first. Will and Nelda helped us unload Kinky's groceries. Then Kinky needed to make a few phone calls. After that we took off for the rescue ranch.
As we passed by Hudson's and Layla's pen I asked Kinky to stop. "Kinky, you have got to meet Hudson! I am in love with this dog! And, I want you to meet Layla and Walter Matthau!" Mr. Green Jeans came to a halt, and we got out. I introduced him to Walter, first. Kinky petted him and talked to him, then he followed me back to Layla and Hudson's pen. "Kink, this is Hudson! Isn't he adorable! And this is Layla. We rescued her..."
Kinky thought Hudson was adorable, too and he tried to talk me into adopting him, as he petted the two happy dogs. "Kink, I would in a heartbeat, but it would not be fair to our old timers." On our way back to the truck, I introduced Kinky to Rosanna Dana, and he fell in love with her! Then we drove up to the trailer, so Kinky could have a picnic with Toto and our other three old dogs. Needless to say, Thunder, Hank, Little Girl and Toto ate it up, and loved seeing Kinky.
After Kinky went back to the Lodge, a UPS truck showed up outside. I was working on my book, so Tone went outside to see what was being delivered. A minute later, T. walked inside the trailer. "Nance, this package is for you. It's from Nancy Doyle. Do you want me to open it for you?" After Tony opened up the box, he handed me an hilarious birthday card from Nancy and the cutest canvas sign about Outlaw Women who really tamed the Wild West! I love it! Tomorrow, I plan to hang it in my writing cabin, above my desk, next to Yoda's picture! Thank you, Nancy and Theodora!

Y'all have a great evening!
My favorite part of kinky on imus was when he answered imus' question with the line "about the time the doorknob broke"--You have to be a diehard dylan fan to get that. Hey are you guys making a 2010 Utopia calender? Linda
Hi Anon! I loved that part about the doorknob, too! I am glad that you watched the show! I wish we were doing a calendar this year, but it is too late. Maybe next year when the economy recovers. Thank you for the comment.
Hi Nancy, It's a shame you didn't found the time to make a calendar for 2010. We were really looking forward to that one. But if there is one available for 2011, we will be the first to buy it.
Greets, Nele and Jay from Belgium
Howdy Nele and Jay from Belgium! Wow, Belgium! Thank you for your comment, and I am sorry that I didn't have the time or the energy to do a 2010 calendar.
I just left Kinky's Lodge, and his sweet sister, Marcie just told me that she was disappointed that I didn't do a calendar, too.
Please don't quote me, but just maybe I will try to have one for 2011. Thank you for making my day! Best Wishes!
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