Our dear friend, Rick, had invited Tone and me to come down, and he told us to invite a few friends to come along. Well, instead of friends, I invited my best friends, Ronnie and Nita and Cindy and Ray! Believe it or not, I think they are more excited about the mini-vacation, than Tony and me, if that is possible! Unfortunately, it looks like Nita isn't going to be able to come.
Today was great and it was a beautiful day, too! Our great volunteer Jim showed up this morning to walk our dogs, and so did our new dog walking volunteers, Sha and Lisa! Thank you Lisa, Sha and Jim! Our dogs loved it! Y'all Rock!
This afternoon, Tony and I ran errands in Kerrville. When we got home, we went over to the Lodge to see Kinky, Will and The Friedmans. After we said our howdies to each other, we took a short hike, and then we ended up in Kinky's kitchen. "Y'all, I had the strangest dream today!" Kink said. "I was somewhere in a big crowd, and this woman tells me that Kinky Beman was coming to the party and..."
When Kinky had finished telling us about his weird dream, we all broke out laughing! Then it was Will's turn. "Y'all, this morning, at five o'clock, Bogie woke me up! He had accidentally or on purpose pooped on the sheets and the quilt!"
"Bogie spent the night in The Pro Shop?" I asked, as Kinky and Tony started laughing.
"Yes," Will continued. "I don't know what made him do it. I've been up since five this morning!" Then it was T.'s turn.
"Well, this morning, when I got up around four-thirty, Hank was sick. Poor little guy. He had pooped three times. Runny diarrhea. And he also had vomited twice! We had to take him to Hoegemeyer's today, but he is going to be okay." Kinky and Will shook their heads.
Now, I'm sitting there thinking, are Tony and Will trying to do a one up man ship here, about poop and vomit. And, I'm wondering why are we having this conversation, so I changed the conversation.
"We're going to Port Aransas Thursday morning! Cindy and Ray and Ronnie are meeting us down there. And, I can't wait! We can't wait to see Rick and Leisa! We are going to..."
"But Tony," Will said. "Because I don't have a washer and dryer, like y'all do, I was down at the creek at five-forty-five washing crap off of the quilt and sheets, and it was forty-one degrees outside and dark!"
"We are going to do a lot of fishing and playing music! Rick is awesome on his mandolin, and..."
"Yeah, but Will," Tony said. "I had to use up a whole roll of paper towels to clean it up, and it nearly stained the floor, and..."
"Tony!" Will said. "I was down at the creek, and vomiting every time that I smelled that awful smell! I was puking my guts out, man!" Tony and Kinky started shaking with laughter! "Nance, can I come over later on, to use your washer and dryer? The quilt and sheets still stink."
As I finish writing this blog tonight, Will is here, and he has just finished washing and drying the quilt and the sheets, for the third time. He says that he can still smell the odor, but I can't! Tony is now in a snit, because he had to go outside to the pump house, a couple of minutes ago, to turn the water pump on, so we don't run out of water tonight. I'm pooped, and now I think I know how the Invisible Woman feels.
Y'all have a great evening!
Here's a picture of Will and the quilt!

Nance, to continue the poop theme, do you have any idea why one of my cats would decide to use the guest room sink as a litterbox? She has 3 clean litterboxes to choose from! Maybe because the new kitten doesn't get fixed for 2 more weeks, and her urine has some smell from hormones that the older cat is smelling? I am at my wit's end! Any other readers have any wisdom for me? Would love to see a pic of your new breakfast nook, too.
Hi Linda! I have no idea why your cat would do that. I will ask Tone and Will.
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