At seven-forty-five, I called The Rose 99.9, to do The Harley Show live. Harley had me laughing in thirty-seconds, and it was a lot of fun! His Pet of the Week was Moe Bandy! After trying to sell the listening audience on Moe, I told Harley about my true love—Hudson, and I couldn't quit talking about what a great dog he is. After doing the Harley Show, the phone rang—it was Kinky.
"Good morning, Nance," Kinky said. "I think you should adopt Hudson!"
"Were you listening to The Harley Show? And, where are you?"
"Yes, and I really think that you should adopt him. He is precious, and I just drove through Fredericksburg, I'm going to eat breakfast in Johnson City, then..." Kink and I talked for about ten minutes. He had left the ranch early, because he had to be in Dallas before one o'clock.
After walking six miles, and when Tone was finished outside, we ate lunch. Then we decided to go to San Antone to get my long awaited Apple computer! To say the least, I was excited! As we were fixing to enter The Apple Store, a very tall man, carrying a new Apple computer, nodded his head at us and said hello. We said, "hi," as we passed by him.
"Nance!" Tony said, with excitement! "That was David Robinson! I can't believe it!"
"Who is David Robinson?"
"He is one of the greatest Spurs players ever! He's over seven feet tall and..." As Tony filled me in, I went to the display table and found the computer that I wanted. Then a friendly nerd showed up to help me. As we checked out, Tony asked the nice nerd, if David Robinson, had just been in the store. The nerd nodded, yes. That made T. even more excited.
Ten minutes later, Buttermilk was taking us back to the rescue ranch.
When we got home, I unpacked "Roy" and then immediately gave the computer a test drive! I loved it for three hours! But, because I am not that computer savvy, things started going south. The upgraded software was a little confusing, and I got confused on how to transfer my files from the old "Roy." I knew that I was trying to do too much, too fast, and I found myself getting overwhelmed. So, I called Jon Wolfmueller, to ask him to walk me through the iChat software.
Jon was great! But, after fifteen minutes into my lesson, I gave up, because I couldn't remember the one, out of four thousand different passwords that I use, so I pulled the plug. "I'm sorry, Jon, not tonight. I'm truly exhausted. Thank you for helping me. Let's try it again in a few days. I wish I was nerd, as in Nancy Nerd, but I'm not. Bye." Jon was laughing at me, as I hung up the phone.
This morning, at ten-thirty, Ashley Judd got adopted! Fingers crossed, we hope that she has found her forever home! Tim and Chrissy, the young couple who adopted her, are super people and that's what Ashley deserves! Here's a picture of Ashley, who was Miss April, in this year's rescue ranch calendar! Isn't she beautiful!

Today, after lunch, we went to Kerrville to get a few supplies. While we were in Walmart, Tony says, "Nance, you might ought to think about getting some new glasses, before you take your driving test next week. You might flunk it with those old wire rims."
"Thanks, Tone," I said, a little sarcastically, as we headed to the 'Cheap Cheaters' department. They didn't have any wire rims that I liked, so as I tried on one ugly plastic pair after another, and then having to force myself to look into the mirror, I started laughing! I said, "That cousin family reunion tomorrow is going to be hilarious! It's been nearly twenty or thirty years, since I've seen some of my cousins, and I can just see everyone looking at everyone else and thinking, how much older everyone looks than them! I wish you were going with me. You'd be one of the youngest ones there, and I could tell everyone that I robbed the cradle!" Here are my new 250+ powered $8.95 cheaters!

I'm going up to Dripping Springs, tomorrow morning, with the help of Garmina, Tony's GPS, and hopefully I want get lost. I will be spending the night at Ronnie's, so I won't be blogging tomorrow night.
Y'all have a great evening!
1 comment:
glasses for reading, right?
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