Sunday, July 8, 2012

Declutterization Rules!

Today has been a great day. This morning after we did our morning chores outside, we went over to Koyote Ranch to eat breakfast and it was delicious and the best part about it was I didn't have to fix it or clean up the dishes and when we got home, we fed our leftovers to our dogs and they ate it up and wanted more.

This afternoon, after making and eating Tuna fish sandwiches for lunch, I decided to finish decluttering my office and I am totally thrilled about how much nicer it looks and feels, even though my back is aching, causing me to write this sitting on Mari's pretty, pink dyed lambskin.

When I started cleaning out my desk drawers, I was shocked to find so much clutter and useless, dated papers, that years ago I must have thought were important to keep. It took me nearly two hours to turn my super cluttered office, that I have been avoiding to go into, for quite a long time, into a feels-so-good place, that now I want to be in all of the time to do my work. In fact, I am writing this from my office chair and the lambskin is starting to work wonders on my sore lower back.

When I was finished with my declutterization, I carried out two heavy bags of trash and put them in the back of Kermit, and that's not counting topping off the paper shredder's holding tank.

Then I asked Tony to please come take a look at my beautiful, new office and he was amazed and thought it looked so fantastic, that he declared, "I'm going to declutter my office this week." Then he and I carried out a table, that I had made several years ago, to put stuff on, that I now no longer need. Anyway, everything inside The Cabin has now been decluttered, except for Tone's Man Cave, I mean his office. And that's about it for tonight. Declutterization Rules!

Y'all have a great evening!

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