Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Aggie's Sugar!

Today has been great. This morning, before we did our chores outside, Ellen and Charlie went with me over to Kinky's to see how Sugar would react to them.

As soon as we got over there, Sugar started barking at them and they ignored her. Then we immediately went on a long hike with Kinky, The Friedmans and Sugar and by the time when we started to hike back to The Lodge, Sugar was friends with Charlie and Ellen and fetching Frisbees for us. All of us were thrilled for Sugar.

When we sat on the front porch with Kinky, within minutes, Sugar was happily sitting in Ellen's lap and letting Charlie and Ellen pet her.

Later this afternoon, Kinky called me to tell me that Sugar had reacted exactly like she did with Tony, when his friend Nelda arrived and it was very scary for both Nelda and Kinky. Then Tony and I put Kinky on Speakerphone to discuss what we needed to do about Sugar's part-time aggressiveness that was out of control at times.

After we had talked for about ten minutes, we came to the conclusion that Sugar's problem was that she had not been properly socialized when she was a puppy and it had nothing to do with hats, cowboy hats, men or women, etc. So we decided that it was best for Sugar to come over here, so Tony and I and our volunteers, etc. can help socialize her.

Fifteen minutes later, while Tony moved Tuesday Weld from her old pen, to my writing cabin's front yard, so we could put Sugar in her old pen, Kinky and Sugar arrived. Sugar happily went with Kinky and me into Tuesday's old pen, that I had already added a soccer ball and some doggy toys, so she could play with them. Sugar investigated her pen and she seemed to like her new pen, so when Kinky got into his pickup and drove away, she was calm and acted like it was no big deal. In fact, she didn't even notice.

As soon as Kinky left, I put a kids, yellow, plastic swimming pool in her pen, because Sugar loves the water and when I started filling it up with water she jumped into the pool and sat down in the shallow water. By the time her swimming pool was full Sugar was happily laying down in her pool.

When Lois Lane, her next door neighbor, saw Sugar enjoying the swimming pool, she started yapping at me, to remind me that she loves water, too and that she wanted a swimming pool inside her pen, too. And ten minutes later, both Lois and Sugar were having a blast, jumping in and out of their swimming pools and then shaking off the water. It was pretty fun to watch.

Tony and I stayed outside for awhile watching Lois and Sugar having fun and before we took off in Kermit, Tony handed Sugar a doggie treat, through the fence and Sugar took it from it and she never barked once at him or acted scared of him. So hopefully, within the next few days or weeks or months, Sugar will be fully socialized and be ready to be adopted or go back over to Kinky's to live.

When Tony and I finally returned to the trailer I called Kinky to tell him the good news about Sugar being very happy, in her new pen and really loving her swimming pool and about Lois being happy with her swimming pool, too. Then I told him, "Kink. I am changing Sugar's name. Her new name is going to be Agatha Christie, because it will always be an unsolved mystery, to us, how she actually got here, even though we did have some clues that we can never prove. And we're going to call her Aggie, for short, too..."

Kinky liked Agatha's new name and tomorrow, if and when I have the time, I will take some pictures of Aggie and post them on my blog and on our website.

Y'all have a great evening!


Mari of the NoMads said...

What a very insightful post, Nancy!

I'm very excited to read of your work with Agatha! At the rate you're going, soon enough you'll be able to count her as yet another star in your crown!

Lucky, lucky Agatha to have found the right place to start her rehabilitation and higher education!

cousin nancy said...

Thank you, Mari. Aggie really is a great dog, but she just doesn't it yet, but I'm sure she'll learn and prove it to everyone sooner than later.