Saturday, April 5, 2014

Donna Gable Hatch & The Kerrville Daily Times Rocks—BIG TIME!

Today has been incredibly great. This morning, when Tony walked inside The Cabin, after drinking coffee with his friends, at the Old Timer, in Medina, he was wearing a big grin on his face. "Donna's article, in The Kerrville Daily Times, about our rescue ranch is more than great." Then he handed me the newspaper, so I could read it.

A few weeks ago, on the Friday that Tony and Chet O'Keefe went down to Port Aransas, Donna Gable Hatch, came out to interview Kinky and me for an upcoming article she was writing about our rescue ranch, for The Kerrville Daily Times. Our super friends/volunteers were out here walking our dogs for us, when Donna arrived, so she interviewed several of them, too.

I smiled when I first looked at the newspaper, because on the first page, high up, on the left hand corner was a picture of Roscoe, who we adopted out a few weeks ago.

Then I thumbed over to The Kerrville Daily Times Life & Times section and on the front page was Donna's story and my jaw dropped to the floor, which made it really hard for me to smile. Oh my goodness, there was a big picture of all of us standing inside Rufus & Roxanne's pen posing for Donna's camera, a picture of our donkey, Gabby Hays and my favorite picture of Roy Rogers & me, that Tony took, on December 22, 2011, the day Roy finally came to live with us. By now, I was grinning ear-to-ear as I began reading Donna Gable Hatch's awesome article about our rescue ranch.

When I turned to page 2, I started to tear up, because I was so happy. There was a great picture of Kinky with Sophie, Kris Bobbitt with Peggy Sue & Buddy Holly, the same picture of Roscoe, on the front page, but much larger and our old rooster, Alfred Hitchcock, who always chose to crow at the crack-of-noon.

When I finished reading Donna's super story, I made Tony wait for breakfast, because I sat down, at the kitchen table, with Roy underneath the table, by my boots, so I could read the story again. And Tony was fine with it, because he picked up another copy of The Kerrville Daily Times, so he could re-read her story, too.

During breakfast Tony and I could not quit talking about how much we loved Donna's story about our rescue ranch and how nice it was for The Kerrville Daily Times to put it on the front page of their Life & Times section. 

Several times today, I have tried to link to the newspaper article for y'all to read, but I only get a few paragraphs, because I think you have to be subscriber to read the entire story. Anyway, I am betting that by tomorrow, there will be link to the entire story, since it will be yesterday's news and then I will post it, for all of y'all to read. So now, I want to do a shout-out: "Donna Gable Hatch & The Kerrville Daily Times Rocks—BIG TIME! Thank y'all so much!"

Around 9:00, when I was washing the breakfast dishes, I was literally on Cloud Nine, because of Donna's super story, while Tony was in his office, talking on the phone to our good friend Charlie. As I was drying my hands I heard the phone ring and then I heard Tony say, "Hello,..."

A few minutes later, Tony walked down the hallway and said, "I've got to go open up the gate, because I think Carol is fixin' to be adopted. A nice man just called me about he and his wife wanting to adopt a small dog, for his mother and I told him about Carol...."

When Tony went outside, I decided to go ahead and prepare Carol's adoption papers, just in case they wanted to adopt her. Ten minutes later, Tony went back outside to greet the couple, so he could invite them to come inside The Cabin, to meet little Carol.

When the super nice couple walked inside, the wife saw Carol, in her crate and immediately said, "Oh, she's so adorable, Scott." Then we introduced ourselves to Scott and Debra, who we instantly liked and then Tony took Carol out of her crate and handed her to Scott. After Carol kissed Scott on his cheek, Scott handed Carol to Debra to hold in her arms and that cinched the deal, because Carol started kissing Debra, as she wagged her tail wildly. Here is a picture I took of Debra and Carol, while Scott filled out Carol's adoption form.

Before Debra and Scott left with Carol, we told them Carol's and Lorri's story, then we had an enjoyable visit with the nice couple. And before they left to go home, Scott said, "I love what you have done to your trailer. It feels like a cabin."

"I do, too," Debra said. "And I like the painted rugs..." 

After Tony and I adios-ed Scott and Debra, we could not believe how great our day had already been and it was only 9:50, ten minutes before we officially open to the Public from 10 -3:00. And that is about it for tonight, except I want you to know that early this evening Donna sent me an e-mail to let me know that her story about us has been picked up by the Associated Press, so her fabulous story might appear in several more newspapers!

Y'all have a great evening!

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