Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tiger Balm!

Today has been great, even though my back went out, when I got up this morning, to do the Harley Show. I had a lot of fun talking to Harley Belew, on the radio and his Pet of the Week is Roscoe.

Roscoe is a very sweet, full-blooded Yellow Lab, but because Roscoe's hair is so white instead of yellow tan, like Roy, many people refer to them as Silver-haired Labradors. Roscoe is a fabulous pup. He loves to play, give away kisses and he is great with other dogs. So please help spread the word about Roscoe.

When Tony returned home, after drinking coffee with his friends at the Old Timer, I told him about my back going out, as he ate breakfast, wearing his lumbar brace, for his back. And we ended up laughing about both of our backs. And, when it was time to go outside to do our chores, Tony went outside to do all of the chores by himself, so I could rest my back.

While Tone was outside, Kinky called me, to check on us and The Friedmans. When I told Kink about Tony telling me yesterday, "Fourth teased me this morning, about my back, because he threw his out, too. He told me that he caught it from me, because it is contagious."

Kinky said, "I think Fourth is right about that. Remember many years ago, when Tony's back went out and two days later, yours went out and I teased y'all about it. Then mine went out the next day, the same day that Pryor, Richard Pryor's dog, that he and his wife Jennifer had rescued and flew out to us."

"Yeah, I do. It was pretty funny, when the three of us carried Pryor's crate into his pen, around ten o'clock at night, during that terrible thunderstorm. And we had to scoot our way, looking like we were doing a bad imitation of Tim Conway..."

Before we adios-ed each other, Kinky said, "Nance, you need to put Tiger Balm on your back. It really works. I've got some in my office, in..."

"Thanks, Kinky. That's a great idea. I've got some here and am going to put some of it on, right now..."

After talking to Kinky, I decided to do something productive, since I wasn't outside helping Tony feed the dogs and clean their pens, so I made a list of everything that I would need to pack, for the Boerne Library's 1st annual Local Authors Expo, this coming Saturday. Then I grabbed our three, insulated, red, H-E-B tote bags and filled them with copies of the four books that I have written, along with some rescue ranch and my business cards, information sheets, etc. Then I zipped them up and took this picture of them.

After Tony did the chores outside, he and I went to Kerrville, to start putting up Concert for Utopia posters. We put up twelve posters this afternoon, before we had to get back home, for the kids to come over and walk our dogs for us. So far, the Concert for Utopia posters can be seen at Hoegemeyer Animal Clinic, Randy & Lisa's Save Inn Restaurant, Gibson's, El Sombrero, the Medina Highpoint Resort, Wolfmueller's Books, one Mini-Mart, Pet Supplies Plus, Classic Burgers & Moore, Dr. Hubble's Chiropractic office, Bank of the Hills, Cal-Bob's Smoke Shack and The Pooch Parlor. We hope by the end of next week we will have saturated the Kerr County businesses and surrounding counties with our beautiful, Concert for Utopia posters, that Karen designed for us. So, please wish us luck, in achieving our goal.

Early this evening, while Chet was over here, Kinky called me, again. He wanted to check on Tony's and my backs. I told him, "Don't worry about my back, Kinky. I am fine. The Tiger Balm has really helped my back and I am hardly feeling no pain..." Then Kinky talked to Chet for a few minutes and then he adios-ed us. And now I am going to adios y'all, until tomorrow.

Y'all have a great evening!


Mari of the NoMads said...

Nancy, you should know that back problems can also be communicated to those who read your blog! I am living proof of that.

My back was so sore earlier today that I had to take 2 ibuprofen. The effect is wearing off now, so I might even have to take 2 more!

Maybe your blog should come with a Warning Label?

Remember: only YOU can prevent bad backs! *smile*

cousin nancy said...

Hi Mari. I am still laughing, even though it hurts to laugh! I love getting older. It is so much fun....