"I answered, "She's four and a half months old. But, I need to tell you that there is also someone else interested in adopting Peggy Sue.""I also kinda started getting nervous with Bob, at the end of our conversation, too, when after I had told him about Starsky being Peggy Sue's roommate and him maybe getting adopted, Bob asked me, "Can I change her name to Hutch?""Of course," I told him."
"Y'all, I hope Bob's not a loony-tune or something. Anyway, he told me that he will call me back, at the exact same time, in the morning, about coming out and adopting her. Isn't that great news!" The volunteers loved my news. And to say the least, "As always, having lunch with our friends was a total blast."
Oh my goodness! We had a blast at Carols last night. When we got there, Carol, Lorri and Jeff were working in the kitchen, preparing a snack tray. After hugs and handshakes, Jeff asked me about my day. I told them, "It has been great." I told them about Bob calling me this morning about Peggy Sue. "I am so excited, because I think Bob is really going to come out tomorrow and adopt sweet Peggy Sue." Even though their backs were turned away from me, I could tell that they were as thrilled to hear my good news about Peggy Sue, as I was. Then Tony and I excused ourselves, so we could go outside to get my guitar and banjo, because I couldn't wait to show off my banjo to Jeff Severson, who is one very talented, singer, songwriter musician—just like Chet O'Keefe is.
When we returned with my banjo and guitar, I told Jeff about how cool my banjo was, because the volume matches the volume of a guitar. Then I gave Jeff a quick lesson on some chords. Then Jeff and I grabbed a couple of bar stools and started pickin' and a grinnin'. And believe it or not—we sounded good, as Jeff sang one of his songs after another. At one point while we were playing, Jeff told me, "This is a great banjo and a lot of fun to play. When we get home, I'm going to get one just like yours."
Fifteen minutes later, when Chet arrived, with his Martin guitar, we moved Carol's birthday party outside, on the deck, that had a fire already burning inside her chiminea. "Chet," Lorri said. "Last night after Carol had played us your Game Bird CD we loved your music so much, she showed us the great Austin Chronicle article about you and your music. We would love to hear you play us some of your new songs that Carol has been telling us about."
As Chet was removing his guitar from its case, I stood up and handed my guitar to Jeff, so they could play together, because Jeff had left his Martin guitar, at home. "No, Cousin Nancy. You play with Chet," Jeff said.
"No, Jeff. You play. You are a much more talented musician than me, but at some point I do want to play at least one song with Chet, so I can later brag about it, when Chet becomes a super famous musician." Then they started pickin' and grinnin,'and taking turns singing their songs, as their magical music mesmerized us.
During a break, Jeff handed me my guitar and said, "It's your turn to play with Chet. I had a blast having Chet play lead guitar, to a simple finger pickin' tune, but unfortunately, me jamming with Chet wasn't nearly as good as listening to those two pros play and sing, so after playing one song and Tony taking one ugly picture of me, playing with Chet—I gladly handed my guitar back to Jeff.
After their fabulous concert ended, Carol announced, "Dinner is ready, everybody." And while we were eating a delicious dinner, Lorri and Carol made Jeff confess to me about him playing a prank on me, this morning, and telling me that he was Bob, which I thought was so funny I nearly choked on my food.
After everyone had quit laughing, Jeff says, "Nancy, I was reading the Bandera County Courier article about Peggy Sue being the Pet of the Week, the whole time when I was talking to you. I thought you would figure it out when I said, "Now how old is this four and a half month old Beagle?" "You were so sweet, and said, "She's four and a half months old.""And when I asked you if I could change her name to Hutch. You said, "Of course.""
"I thought you would surely have figured it out," Carol teased, in between chuckles, "when you started telling us about Bob, in the kitchen, and saw us turn our backs away from you, at the same time, because we were trying not to laugh..."
By the time dinner was over, Chet had invited Jeff and Lorri to come over, in the morning, to let Jeff cut a few of Jeff's latest songs, on Chet's fabulous recording equipment.
About five minutes, before Tony and I adios-ed our good friends, Jeff called the rescue ranch and left a message, that we couldn't hear.
When we got back home, after letting our dogs go outside, I pressed Carlton's button, so I could hear Jeff's hilarious Bob message and Tony and I are still laughing about it.
Today has been great, but I will keep it short, because this is one, very long post. At 10:00 this morning, a nice couple, came out to check out our dogs, because they wanted their older dog to have a companion. We walked George and their adorable dog, down to the creek, but George wasn't nice to their dog. Then we walked Merlin and their dog, down to the creek, but their chemistry together wasn't good.
On our third walk, Peggy Sue joined us and their dog seemed to really like her. As we were walking down the road, Lorri and Jeff drove up. "....Jeff just cut three, great new songs, on Chet's recording equipment," Lorri said.
"And, one of the songs I wrote and just recorded, is about you," Jeff said. I was flabbergasted. Then I remembered to introduce the nice, retired couple, standing next to me, to Lorri and Jeff. "And Jeff, this is Peggy Sue! They might adopt her!" Then Lorri, Jeff and I all started laughing, about Jeff's hilarious prank. "We've got to go," Jeff said. "We're going to meet up with Carol and we're running late..."
To make this long story short, "The couple took Peggy Sue home to try her out and they are pretty sure that they are going to adopt her. And Jack called me this afternoon to tell me, "Nancy, we love Starsky and we definitely want to adopt him..."
Y'all have a great evening!
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