Sunday, December 1, 2013

Can You Help Me!

Today has been great. This morning after Tony and I did the morning chores outside, I came in and did first of the month paperwork. I was feeling great about getting all of the rescue ranch's bills paid and all of the work that I had accomplished.

When I had run out of Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch checks I went back into the office to get more checks, then things went south, because we were completely out of checks and the only paper left in the box were deposit slips. It was my fault, because I didn't realize that I needed to order more checks. So, early tomorrow morning, while Tony does the morning chores, I have to drive Roy to the bank, so I can order more checks, get them overnight and then get a few extra checks printed, so I can finish paying the bills.

Early this afternoon, my friend Kim called me. She's the woman who rescued the Lab pups and gave one to Brandon. "Nancy, two of the yellow Lab pups came back. Can you help me find homes for them?..."

After Kim and I adios-ed each other, I picked up the phone and left a couple of phone messages. Then I called Kim back and told her that I was waiting to hear back from two possible women who might want the male and female puppies. Then I took a short, sleepless nap, until Roy rolled over and fell off of the bed, causing Belle, Mama and Beau to start barking loudly at Roy, as he stood up, still shaking his head sideways, like he was trying to figure out how that had happened. Personally, I think Mama pushed him off, because she is jealous of Roy.

Around 2:30, the phone rang—it was Jennifer returning my phone call, "Nancy, I most definitely want the male!...." By the time we had ended our conversation, Jennifer is totally excited, because she is going to adopt both of the puppies. She loves Labs and she knows that they can be destructive for at least two years and she can't wait to get them.

After I called Kim back to tell her the great news, I called Jennifer back. She is going to come out here, late tomorrow afternoon, to adopt the precious pups. And that is about it for today, because I need to go take Ginger Rogers and Walter Matthau outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Y'all have a great evening!

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