Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Lumber Yard!

Today has been great. Around 10:30 this morning Tony and I decided to work outside. So we started cleaning up the Lumber Yard.

The Lumber Yard is located outside our side yard fence that is closest to Highway 16, where we have been storing extra piles of wood, scraps, sheets of plywood, roofing tin, metal posts, etc. And in no time flat we had filled up the wheelbarrow with scraps of wood that we could not use or did not want to use. So we decided to burn it. And here is a picture of the wood burning in the fire pit.

By early afternoon, Tony and I had hauled 18 or 19 wheelbarrow loads, out of the Lumber Yard, to the burn pile and I am thrilled to say that the Lumber Yard looks so much cleaner and organized, since we removed all of that unwanted wood.

But I am sad to say that both of our backs are aching tonight, because of all the bending over and heavy lifting that we did. But I am not complaining, because we both needed the exercise and Big Foot Ranch looks even more beautiful than before we burned that wood.

And that is about it for tonight, because needless to say our day has been pretty boring unless you are a pyromaniac. Which we are not.

Have a great evening and keep on laughing!

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