Thursday, August 30, 2012

We Bought A Zoo!

Today has been great, but tonight I am walking behind schedule, because early this evening, we invited Kinky and Marcie to come over to visit Toto and us. After Kink and Marcie had fed Toto some special treats, Tony showed them his beautiful Dragonfly poster, that Marguerite had given to him and his book about Dragonflies, that Sandy and Jon had given to him, yesterday.

After Kinky and Marcie had admired Tony's poster, they took turns browsing through the Dragonfly book, so I fixed them some hot Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger tea to try, with a half of a teaspoon in each cup of Rick and Leisa's harvested Port Aransas honey from their bees and they loved it, as much as we do.

We had a fun visit with Kink and his sister and after they left to go back to the Lodge, I started a load of clothes washing, in Queen Bee, our washing machine and then I put Leslie Sansone's Four mile workout DVD into the player and started walking and walking and walking.

I finished her four mile workout a few minutes ago and I have just put our cleaned clothes into Airy Queen, our clothes dryer and as my Lemon Zinger tea is brewing, it is time for me to end tonight's post, because I am fixin' to watch a Netflix rented movie, We Bought A Zoo, which Sandy and Jon told us we would love and I can't wait to watch it, before I go to bed tonight.

Y'all have a great evening!

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