Saturday, November 3, 2012

Permission Slips!

Today has been great, but before I tell you about it I must tell you a funny thing that happened to me yesterday, after we ate lunch, at Koyote Ranch, with our friends/volunteers.

When Tony and I walked out of Koyote Kafe, with Eileen, Jim & Kris, everyone had taken off, except for Lisa, who was sitting in her car, waiting on Eileen. While we were visiting in front of the cafe, we heard Lisa jokingly half-holler, "Okay Eileen, I'm leaving!" Then Lisa slowly backed her car out and Eileen took off running, while laughing and jumped into the car and as they laughed, they waved goodbye to us.

When Tony was telling our friends about some friends we have, that keep getting things stolen from their ranch at night, he said, "I've told him that he needs to borrow or get a "catch dog" and that would put a stop to the burglaries."

The Mineral Man agreed with Tony and then he said, "Polish dogs are the very best at that." And while Tony and Kris agreed with him. I was confused, because I've never heard of that breed of dogs, so I asked, "Polish dogs?" They burst out laughing at me.

"Police dogs, Nancy," Jim teased. "I said, "Police dogs, not Polish dogs." Then I started laughing at myself, too. "Jim, I thought you said Polish dogs, because my hearing just ain't what it used to be."

Today, in between visitors, I wrote up a little permission contract, asking my friends to sign off on, giving me the rights to use their names, for my hilarious fictional characters that I've dreamed up in my head, for my novella and I have had a blast today, reading their replies and I want to thank them for doing it so fast.

Even though I still need to get our friends/volunteers to sign off and give me their permission slips, I am going to send those out tomorrow, because it is now time for me to spend the rest of my evening "turning back time" on all of my clocks. And the other reason that I am ending this tonight is because it just thundered outside and now I must unplug everything.

Y'all have a great evening!


Mari of the NoMads said...

So now it's What Would Ben and Lisa do? HELP! I can't keep up........

cousin nancy said...

Laugh out loud, Mari. Yes, I am going to see what Lisa and Ben would do, because Ronnie is not an expert on Mercury Retrograde. What do you think I should do? And remember I am still waiting for my pot pie pans to be shipped by Amazon.

Mari of the NoMads said...

Oh no you don't. I know a 'trick' when I hear it. Next thing you know there will be refrigerator magnets and bumper stickers and gimme caps and who-knows-what with "What Would Mari Do?" on them.

cousin nancy said...

How'd you know? : )