Saturday morning about nine-fifteen, I drove Trigger down to the puppy pen, so Tony and Aaron could load up the four wannabe Lab pups and Little Skeeter, because they were going to Kerrville. Skeet, and three of the puppies: Hank Williams, Sr., The Duke, and Audie Murphy were going to Pet Supplies Plus to be dropped off, so that Jan and Todd, our great volunteers, could hopefully find them forever homes. Unfortunately, Burt Lancaster was going to Hoegemeyer Animal Clinic, because his scratched eye wasn't getting any better, and Tony wanted our vets to take a look at him. As soon as Tony and Trigger took off—I took off for the trailer, because I needed to finish cleaning it, before P&P arrived!
Hazel had just finished her job, and was about to go back into the closet, when my dogs cranked up barking—Peggy and Patty were here! After hugs and hugs, I invited my friends to come inside the Nellybelle to give them a tour of it, and to visit. They loved our trailer—especially my Roy Roger's wall! I loved it. Then we got to visiting like old friends!
Patty K., who had come up from Florida, came bearing gifts for me—two boxes of beautiful note cards, from the Forum On Women's Health Note Card Project, which Patty is passionate about, and who is also on their Board of the non-profit Forum On Women's Health. The cards were absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to use them!
While T. was in Kerrville, the three of us had a really great hen party, talking about men, friends, politics, Wolfmuellers Books, her soon to be trip to Vietnam, etc. At one point, Patty told me about her trip to attend an Italian cooking school in Florence, Italy, a few years back. She told me that her friend, Brenda went on that trip with her, and they had to share a room, which turned out great for Patty, because Brenda would repack her suitcase at least six times a day and she taught Patty how to do it! They are both neat-freaks, and they never knew that about each other. "We were Thelma and Louise on that trip," Patty said. "Brenda was Thelma and I was Louise!" Then Patty starts telling me funny stories about her friend, Marta. "Marta is this..."
"I can't believe that I just saw the most beautiful purple bunny in your front yard!" Peggy says, with excitement in her voice! I smiled, then nodded, and then looked at Patty? Patty continued to tell me about Marta. Then Peggy, who is married to Patty's elderly father, gets out of the chair, walks over to the front door, and tells us to look outside at the beautiful purple bunny. Huh? I shot Patty another look. "They are so beautiful! Look there's two in your hanging birdfeeder on the porch!"
I'm startin' to think Looney bird time, here. I look out the window—no purple bunnies anywhere. "Where'd you say that purple bunny was, Peggy?" I asked, as I watched a beautiful Painted Bunting land softly onto the hanging bird feed tray. "I'm sorry, Peggy, I thought you said purple bunny!"
"Me, too," Patty confessed. Then the three of us burst out laughing! And, that's when Tony walked inside the trailer. The four of us visited for about thirty minutes, and then it was time for P&P to leave, so they could go eat lunch in Kerrville. But before they left, I gave them a tour of my writing cabin—which they loved!
After Tony and I ate lunch, Tone and Trigger headed back to Kerrville to pick up our dogs at Pet Supplies Plus, and I went outside to go visit with Linda T. and Aaron, who had been walking our dogs all day. After thanking them, we had a fun visit out by the barn. Then I returned to the Nellybelle.
Jan and Todd called. They had great news! The Duke had just been adopted! Here is a picture that Todd took of The Duke with his new best buddy!

And here is a great picture of Jan holding Hank William, Sr.!

Jan and Todd were disappointed that only The Duke had found his forever home today, but I was on cloud nine that The Duke had found his! I thanked them for helping us out, again! Before hanging up, Todd told me that he would e-mail me the above pictures. Thank you, Todd—I love them!
When Tony returns to the rescue ranch, after putting Audie Murphy and Hank, Sr. back into their puppy pen, and Little Skeeter back into his pen, he comes inside the trailer and says, "I just put all of the dogs up. Todd told me that The Duke is going to be living in Terlingua. That's West Texas and awful far away."
An hour later, I received Todd's e-mail with his photos! After reading Todd's note, I started laughing out loud! "Tony!" I half-hollered down the hallway. "Please come in here!" Tony came into the kitchen. "I just got a note from Jan and Todd. The Duke isn't going to be living in Terlingua. His forever home is in Terra Linda, Kerrville!" We both cracked up laughing and agreed that it's hearing aid time for us, and we need to get ourselves bullhorns or hearing aids.
Around five-thirty, my dear friend Cindy P., came out for a visit! We went into Outer Space, and enjoyed Happy Hour, with a glass of my fine boxed wine. I am so happy for her, but am going to miss her so much, when she permanently moves out to northern New Mexico.
This morning was not good. Buttermilk and Tony hit a deer on their way back to the rescue ranch. Fortunately, Tony is fine, but Buttermilk isn't. The poor deer dented the hood, and shattered the windshield. I'm glad that Tone is okay and didn't get hurt, but I am very sad for the poor doe.

This afternoon, thanks to the advice from Patty, and my dear friend, Cindy P.—I am on a roll with my book, and I hope to have it ready to go in less than a week! Thank you Patty and Cindy, Todd and Jan and Linda T. and Aaron! I love y'all!
Y'all have a great evening!
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