Well, I am sure that everyone reading my blog, knows who N. M. Kelby is, if not, you need to stop reading this right now, so you can trot down to the nearest bookstore to buy everyone of her books! Then when you get home, get on your computer, and go to this address: nmkelby.com and check it out! Her sight is great, and you’re gonna love it! I promise!
I think Nicole, is one of the best authors on this side of the planet, as well as the other side, too! I think it is way too cool that Dwight Yoakam bought the movie rights to her last book, "Whale Season," and she’s been busy working on the movie version with him! And, did you know that N. M. Kelby is the first critically acclaimed author to have ever had a BBQ sauce—as a companion for her latest book—"Murder At The Bad Girls Bar And Grill."
Okay, so now everyone knows who N. M. Kelby is, and I want to thank y’all for buying her books, and checking out her web site. Now, I can continue my exciting story, and tell you the great news!
My good friend, Fay, up in Toronto, who adopted Kris Kristofferson from us, and introduced N. M. and me to each other—via the internet—a while back, and from time to time we have sent each other notes.
Well, this morning I received an e-mail from Nicole, telling me that she wants to send down one of her books, along with a jar of “Bad Girls Bar and Grill BBQ Sauce” to add to the auction items for the June 6th Bonefit! And get this— she is also sending me a copy of her book, and a jar of BBQ sauce, too! I can’t wait! I am so excited! And, I’ll guarantee you this, her book and that jar of BBQ sauce will definitely be two of the high dollar items! Thank you so much, Nicole, and thank you Fay—for introducing us, and thank you Kim for putting on this Bonefit for us!
I just called Kinky, to tell him the great news, and he said to tell Nicole, Fay and Kim, “Thank you, Very Much! And he sends y’all—his best!”
As soon as I get this blog posted, I am sending Kim G. an e-mail asking her to please check out today’s post. When Super Woman reads about this—I’m sure it will make this the best Memorial Day that Kim has ever had!
And, now for the rest of the story. Yesterday, our good friend, the professional photographer, Brian Kanof, came out to the ranch, with his better half, Jackie, and his daughter Lauren, so he could take some photographs. After he had finished his shoot, Tony challenged him to shoot a game of pool.
Before Tony racked up the balls, I asked Brian, “What is your nickname? Tony’s The Medina Bulldog.”
“I don’t have one, but I guess it could be the nickname, that Kinky gave to me. A*** from El Paso.” We laughed. “No. I think I will use my old CB handle—Texas Western. Yeah, I like that one. I’ll use that one.”
The Texas Western broke up the rack of balls and the three game tournament began. The Texas Western was good, but not as good a pool player as The Medina Bulldog. Twenty minutes passed. Texas Western—1 and The Medina Bulldog—2! Yeah, Tony!
As we were leaving, I asked Brian if I could take a quick picture of him, standing next to his car, and he agreed to let me shoot him—so I did. After that, I took the picture of that rock, that looks like an ugly man’s head, that I put on yesterday’s blog. Have a great day! Here’ssssssssssssss—Brian!

1 comment:
Hi Nancy! NM Kelby is not just a great writer, she is a great gal and one of best Bad Girls around ; ))
I have one small thing to clarify, that is I am not the President of Dwight's Fan Club. I'm quite good at exploiting his good name to fundraise for the charities he supports, but I'm
known more familiarly as DYGoddess ; ))
If it weren't for Dwight turning 50I would never have met you, there would be no "Jack & Annie's Place at the Ranch, and I wouldn't have adopted my beloved Kris! Now THAT's good synergy. Thanks Dwight!
I really hope Wolfmueller's gets Nicole's new book in, she had an AMAZING review from the New York Times. I recieved this wonderful note from Nicole yesterday:
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"Well, it's nearly time. Just a few more nail-biting days until Murder at the Bad Girl's Bar and Grill is released and I begin my 40+ stop tour. Here's my schedule, love to see you if you have the time.
The reviews are coming in. My favorite is this one from the Post. I just love being a "guilty pleasure"!
New York Post, May 25, 2008
The Top 10:6. Murder at the Bad Girl's Bar and Grill
“A Hiaasen-esque mystery in Florida, where a couple of deaths at a retirement community are anything but natural. Mix in a campy slasher film actress, Barry Manilow impersonator and his pet pooch Mandy and a Baptist-turned-Buddhist blues singer and you get a perfect beach read.”
* * *
I am anxiously awaiting my copy and look forward to talking to everyone here about it!
I wish Nicole much success with her latest book and can`t wait to see it at the top of the New York Times Bestseller list for weeks and weeks.
Thanks for blogging us Nancy, you ROCK!!
F. xo
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