During the cutting of fabric, sewing and then going back and forth to Outer Space, I decided to remove the spring off of the screen door, opened it up wide, so my dogs could come and go into Outer Space easily.
Well, just before my last trip into Outer Space, Tony hollered from outside, “Nance, there’s a female Cardinal in Outer Space, because you didn’t close the door!”
I went outside with my last pillow, and watched Tony try to shoo the bird out—nothing worked. The bird just kept flying around and I asked Tony to please let me try, so he went back inside the trailer and so did I—to get my camera.

When I returned to Outer Space, I snapped a few pictures of the beautiful bird, and then, with my dogs watching I talked to the little bird, explaining that it would be okay, and I was there to help it leave Outer Space. I don’t know if the frightened bird understood English, but it looked at me and then took a right as I had suggested, and then a hard left—and was freed! As soon as it had flown out—I closed the screen door and attached the spring back to it.
This morning, I woke up at 5:45. After feeding the dogs, I made some coffee and had a productive morning doing paperwork. Around sevenish, I decided to make a great breakfast for Tony, who would be home soon—from the Old Timer in Medina. I decided to cook my ‘Cousin Nancy’s Cowboy Breakfast Supreme’ which requires queso. I was out of queso, so I had to make some. I melted 8 ounces of Velveeta Cheese and then added a can of Rotel Tomatoes with green chiles.
This part is where I am pretty sure that I will make it into the Guinness Book of World Records, because I doubt that anyone has ever done what I did this morning—in the privacy of my own kitchen.
After the hot queso was ready, I put on one of those rubber mitts and poured the queso into a large bowl. Then I opened the refrigerator door, and bent down to place the queso on the bottom shelf, but it didn’t quite make it. The bowl slipped out of my hand, landed part way on the bottom shelf and then fell to the floor—with queso spilling everywhere! Mama and Abbie ran to my rescue, and began eating the queso as fast as they could. I told them to get back, like the Beatles song, and then I put them outside. I then quickly closed the refrigerator’s door, and began wiping up the mess on the floor with wash rags!
Please note: A few weeks ago, after watching Oprah’s show about going green—I decided to give up using paper towels and paper plates for the planet. So, I now use wash rags when needed.
Well, wash rags and queso don’t mix real well. I had to use seven to clean up the spill on the floor, and the rags were covered in cheese—and they are still soaking in the sink.
When I opened the door of the refrigerator to start breakfast—I was shocked at what I saw! There was queso covering the entire bottom shelf, and cheese was dripping onto the drawers below, and onto the floor! I grabbed more wash rags and began trying to clean up the spill. How the queso had flowed all of the way back to the back of the refrigerator—I’ll never know.
When Tony arrived and saw what I was doing—he laughed out loud! “Nance, what in the world are you doing—washing beer cans?”
As I stood at the sink, scrubbing queso off of the cans, I explained to him what had happened, and we both, had a good laugh about it.
Needless to say, ‘Cousin Nancy’s Cowboy Breakfast Supreme’ had to be canceled, since the only queso left— was stuck on my wash rags still soaking in the sink. So, we ate Cousin Nancy’s Instant Oatmeal’—instead and it was okay.
I would bet you, that I am the only person on the planet, who has washed and scrubbed beer cans, and it just might be a world record. Warning! Please don’t try this at home—it ain’t fun!

The view from outer space is beautiful and it sure looks homey. That is probably why the cardinal came in because she felt welcome just like all your visitors. I hate to admit I have had to wash beer cans off before but it wasn't queso that I was cleaning up it was jello. That happens when you are trying to put a bowl of jello in the refrigerator and a Saint Bernard decides to goose you with a wet cold nose.
Hi Cindy Lou! LOL! That is hilarious! What color was the jello? Thanks for the note.
Oh, she's beautiful! She must have given you some cheek before she left Outer Space ; ))
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