Dear Nancy,
Hi to you and Tony. I have to share this little story with you. My friend Judy was listening to Imus on her way to work, a month or so ago and he was talking to Kinky on the phone. While talking to him, another one of his phones was ringing so Imus told Kinky to answer the phone and it was you calling him. Judy was so excited because she knows you from hearing how great you are from Herb and I.
Herb and I enjoy seeing Kinky on O’Reilly every Monday night.
Little Rubeun has the Mange. I’m giving him Ivomec. He has to take it for a month. Hugs and kisses to “Miss Bunny” Love, Karen”
Karen’s words made me laugh when I remembered that Imus show, but I’m not so sure about being great, in fact, I can prove that I’m not great—and here’s the proof!
After reading Karen’s card, I asked Tony to please read it, and he laughed out loud when he got to the part about me being great! And, today, when I talked to Kinky on the phone, and told him about Karen’s note, he laughed, too when I mentioned the word—great and so did I!
P.S. Karen, you are so nice and thank you for making me laugh. I’m never going to live down that Imus show—it was pretty funny. And, I want to let you know that I am going to frame your card and hang it in front of my bathroom mirror—to cover it, because the mirror scares me and your great note will make me laugh—first thing in the morning and all day long! Its great and I love it! Thank you. Have a great day! : ))
P.S.S. Judy, your friend Karen is great, and we love her and Herb! They’re GREAT!

Nancy, you're the GREATEST! ; ))
I love reading your blog, thanks for taking the time to share a bit of Utopia with us all.
Peace, love & tail wags,
Fay & Kris xo
... P.S... I would love to chat, but that dog of mine just pilfered something off the counter and flew by the door for points unknown LOL!! Gotta run!
P.S.S. Who's Smarter than a 5th Grader? Um, that would be this dog 'o mine.
I got home not too long ago... I sit down at the computer and he grabs my half empty lunch bag off the counter. He runs past me at 100 miles an hour. I chase him around a bit, tell him to drop it. He did. I say "Good Boy!" and gave him some really nice piece of extra old cheddar, and a pat on the head.
If you look up "gullible" in the dictionary and you'll find my photo. D'oh!
I'll chalk it up to a win/win situation, otherwise I'd feel a little silly. He's too much!
You are G*R*E*A*T !
We love you.
Overheard at a service in a church somewhere near Kerrville, Texas:
Preacher: Brothers and Sisters, please turn your hymnal to page 72.
We are going to dedicate this to Cousin Nancy. Please join the choir in singing "How GREAT Thou Art"!
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