Yesterday morning around eleven o’clock, Tony came into the trailer to announce my solar dryer had been set up and was ready for me to start hanging out on it! I was busy doing some paperwork, but I stopped, so I could thank him for doing my ‘honey-do.”
A few hours later, when Tony was inside the trailer, again— I stopped what I was doing and went over and gave him a big hug and then thanked him again for setting up the solar dryer. “You’re welcome,” Tony said. “It was no big deal.”
Around four o’clock, Ben, Tony and I were sitting in “Outer Space,” discussing how wonderful our new screened in porch was, when Ben gets out of his chair and walks over to the kitchen window. He then grabbed the little thin antenna wire, for our Sirius radio, which we no longer were receiving—due to the roof on the screened in porch. Then he grabs the magnet, jumps on a ladder—pushes it above the new roof, and then he went outside, around to the side of our trailer, climbs up on the roof and then properly places the antenna where we could get a signal, again!
When Ben came back to “Outer Space” I thanked him for fixing our antenna problem. “You’re welcome,” Ben said. “No big deal.”
“Ben, have you seen my new solar dryer? It’s right behind you, ” I said. “I just love it!”
“Yes, Nancy,” Ben said. “I dug the hole for it. It’s pretty cool.”
“What?” I said. “Tony told me that he did it.”
Tony and Ben started laughing. “No I didn’t, Nance,” Tony said. “Now that’s a lie. I told you that your solar dryer was set up and ready for you to hang out with it. Am I right?”
Tony and Ben start laughing again and so did I. “Well, thank you, Ben,” I said. “I have thanked Tony twice today for setting it up for me. And, here you did all of the hard work.”
“Nance, Ben dug the hole, and I placed the clothesline pole into the hole, and it was heavy, too,” Tony said. “We set it up for you. Right Ben?”
Ben couldn’t say anything, because he was laughing so hard.
“Ben, thank you for doing my ‘honey do’ list for Tony,” I teased. “Now, I’ve got Sirius radio back, so I can listen to it—while hanging out our dirty laundry.”

P.S. Later that evening, after Ben had left for Austin, Tony and I drove over to Koyote Ranch to listen to some live music with our great friends, Harley and Becky Belew and their friends—Randy and Maria. We had a great time and we laughed the night away! If it wasn’t Harley making us laugh—Randy was!
P.S.S. No word from Kinky, yet. He must be having a great time in Amsterdam!
1 comment:
Nancy, I like the solar dryer and used one for many years until everyone complained that on the days I did laundry someone in the neighborhood decided to burn leaves making the clothes smell like burning leaves and pine needles. They did not believe me when I told them that it was just a new fabric softner scent.
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