Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thank You, East Kerr 4-H Club! Y'all Rule!

The last few days have been great and so much fun. Friday, with the exception of two, all of our wonderful friends/volunteers showed up to walk our dogs for us.

Kris & Jim brought along, Kate, their beautiful daughter, who was down here visiting them, from Portland. And Kay, our newest friend/volunteer came out, too.

While our dogs were being walked Kris & Jim and Kate came up, to The Cabin, so we could meet her and visit. Roy, Belle, Little Debbie and Big Al(ice) were delighted to see them, too. Our dogs acted goofy for a few minutes and then they settled down. And while we had a fun visit Kris and Kate took turns holding Little Debbie and Big Al(ice).

When the dog-walking was done outside, all of us went up to the Koyote Grill to eat lunch together. Normally, Tony and I are the last to leave the rescue ranch, but because it was Kay's first time to come out, she followed us up to the Medina Highpoint Resort.

As always, Tony and I had a blast eating lunch with our dear friends and there was tons of laughter, to say the least. When Eileen retold her hilarious, story about going kayaking, with June, Ellen and Nyta  and accidentally snagging a fish, on her life jacket and thinking it was a snake attached to her life vest—everyone had to quit eating, because we were all laughing so hard. And I'm pretty sure that's when my back started aching.

This time Tony and I didn't order the exact same food. He ordered a hamburger, with no onions and fries and I ordered their Special, which was cheesy-potato soup and a BBQ slider and it only cost $5.00. Omg, the soup was absolutely delicious. I have never had cheesy-potato soup before, so I vowed to find a recipe for it, on the Internet and make it as soon as possible.

Before Tony and I adios-ed all of our good friends, Jim & Kris invited Tony and me to join them and Kate for a Saturday lunch, at the Thai O'Cha.

Saturday morning, while Tony was outside working I called Kris & Jim to ask them if it would be okay to invite Kinky to join us. Their response was a unanimous, "Yes. By all means! Invite him."

After we adios-ed each other, I called Kinky. "...By the way, Tony and I are going to eat lunch with Jim & Kris and Kate, at our favorite Thai restaurant. We would love for you to join us."

"It sounds good, but Nance I just woke up. Let's discuss it in a little while. Mr. P. stop it. Leave Sophie alone...." Right after we had adios-ed each other, our phone rang—it was Kinky. "Nance, my new coffee-maker, that I just purchased, two months ago, isn't working. I desperately need some coffee, now."

"I'll make you a cup and bring it right over," I said. "Wait, I can lend you my inexpensive, wannabe Keurig coffee machine, that I take with me on trips. I'll be over there in just a few minutes." Then I called Kris & Jim back. "Kinky thinks he wants to do lunch with us, but he is not sure, yet, because I just woke him up and right now I've got to take Kinky some coffee, because his new coffee maker is broken. I'll call you as soon as I know."

I made Kinky some Kona coffee and then I put it into a plastic container, so it wouldn't spill. Then I found my imitation Keurig, that was in the Mother Ship. Then I took off for the Lodge.

Let's just say that Kinky was more than thrilled to see me. He met me outside and took the hot coffee, in the container. While I was showing him how to use my little, traveling coffee-maker, he started teasing me about me going into my teaching mode. "Seriously Nance, I think I can figure it out...."

A few minutes later, before I left, I asked him he was going to eat lunch with us. "Nance, I think so, but I am so exhausted from being, on the road and having to go to all of these receptions. I mean the receptions were nice and fun, but I am sort of peopled-out..."

When I came back home, I immediately called Kris & Jim. "....Kinky is still not sure if he is going to eat lunch with us, but he told me that 1:30, would be the best time for him. He started joking with me about being tired of going to all of these receptions...."

After I adios-ed Kris, I went to my computer. And a few minutes later, I had made a sign, to tease Kink, if he showed up for lunch. These are the three words I put on my homemade sign that I was going to place on our table: 

Kinky Friedman

Tony and I arrived at the Thai O'cha, at 1:29 and we saw Buddy, Kris' truck and Mr. Green Jeans, Kinky's truck parked in the parking lot. "Dang it, now I can't surprise Kinky," I said, before entering our favorite Thai restaurant.

Right after howdies, we sat down, at the table. I sat next to Kinky and while he was telling our friends a funny story, I pulled the sign, out of my sack to show to everyone. Kinky immediately started laughing and so did everyone else.

Our lunch was totally delicious and as always, we were the loudest table, because Kinky kept us laughing, with jokes and hilarious tales from his recent tour. We spent over an hour and a half with our friends. When Jim asked Kinky to pose with Kate, for a picture, I grabbed my iPhone and snapped these pictures, too.

And you can see the Kinky Friedman Reception sign that I placed behind him.

When we laughed about the sign, Kinky grabbed it and posed, again.

Today has been great, even though it has been drizzling most of the day. This morning I found a cheesy-potato soup recipe and I made it for lunch. But, it was pretty bland taking, so I started adding all kinds of leftovers and it turned out great. Tony loved it and he ate two servings of it. "Nance, that is the best soup that you've ever made! You need to share your recipe. What's in it?"

"I started out with potatoes, celery, onion, garlic, organic chicken broth, bacon, milk, three kinds of cheese, pepper and salt. Then I added our leftover Cajun beans & rice, a jalapeño sausage, spinach and some pico de gallo. And the secret ingredient is cinnamon, because I was talking on the phone to Rick and when I thought I was adding pepper, I picked up the cinnamon instead...."

Tony laughed, and then said,"You need to call it Cousin Nancy's Kitchen Sink Soup."

It is now 4:30. Tony is still outside with Karon and the kids, walking our dogs for us. And Kinky has just called me, "Nance, are you still threatening to bring over your soup that Tony says is the best soup that you've ever made?"

So, I just put some of my delicious, leftover Kitchen Sink soup, in the same plastic container that I used to take Kinky some coffee yesterday morning.

I just got back from taking the soup over to Kinky's, He told me that he wasn't hungry right then, but he would heat it up later and give it a try. When he asked me what was in it, I named off all of the ingredients, but I intentionally left out that  cinnamon was the secret ingredient. Then he asked me to go on a short hike with him and The Friedmans, but I told him that I couldn't, because I was wearing my pink Crocs. Anyway, I hope he likes my soup as much as Tony does.

And lastly, I want to thank the great, East Kerr 4-H Club, our favorite 4-H Club, for the totally awesome dog house that they built for our dogs. It is green, huge and it has a shingled roof. For the past three weeks, Gayla and I have been trying to coordinate a Saturday that would work out for us and the club to come out to deliver their incredibly great dog house, but things kept coming up for each or us or the weather wasn't cooperating.

Anyway, Gayla & Scott, delivered it to us, Saturday morning. Scott and Tony unloaded the giant dog house, by Baxter and Honey's pen and this week, with some help, it will go into Honey's and Baxter's pen, so they can enjoy it. 

I wanted to take a picture of it, but they unloaded the front of the dog house facing the fence, so I am going to have to wait, until it is moved into the pen, so I can take a good picture of it. "We love the East Kerr 4-H Club and we thank them! The East Kerr 4-H Club Rules!"

Y'all have a great evening!

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