"Today's Harley's Pet of The Week is Princess, " I said. "She is four years old and one super dog. She is great with other dogs, children, she is housebroken and good on a leash and she needs a fantastic forever home. She is medium sized with long black hair..."
Before telling Harley goodbye I quickly told him about our three adorable Chihuahuas and then we hung up. Ten seconds later the phone rang—it was my sister Cindy. "Nance, I was thinking about coming down and bringing you the coffee table. What do you think? Is it a good day?"
"Cindy, come on down!" I said. "I would love to see you, but how are you going to lift the table into your Camry? It's awfully heavy and you might hurt your back."
"Ray and I loaded it into his RAV this morning. I'm taking his car. I should be there by eleven-thirty. Bye."
"Dear Nancy, I already enjoyed The Road to Utopia a lot...and I really looking forward to new stories from you. When I'm reading your tales it feels to me like I'm over there in Texas in the beautiful Hill Country...I wish that I can be back some day. Took two pictures of me and Kinky (my 8 year old cat) with The Road to Utopia book—got a pretty cool mustache on my head on the second one :-) looks funny! Please say hi to Kinky and you can get him the news that I'm going to be a daddy this December :-) Yours, Joachi"
Hey Joachim, I love the pictures. Kinky the cat is beautiful and gigantic! And it appears that you are a huge Kinky fan.
My next e-mail was fun to read. Eileen had sent me an update on Callie. She said that they received a ton of rain and that Callie Dean loves rain and she is definitely a water baby and has no problem sitting in the rain while chewing on a bone. She sent me a couple of pictures of Callie enjoying the rain when CD discovered Eileen at the window taking her picture.
Eileen said that C.D. had her first obedience class this past Saturday and Callie did pretty good after she had straightened out a giant Dane / Lab mix and endured a massage that she didn't ask for from the dog trainer. And, Eiileen bragged that Miss Cal-Cal has already learned to shake hands. All that I can say is Callie Dean is one lucky and smart dog. Callie Rocks!
At 11:31 Tony and I walked outside to greet Cindy—she was one minute late. After howdy's and hugs we came inside the trailer and started visiting, while I made a salad and the DiGiorno Supreme Pizza finished cooking in the oven. Ten minutes later Cindy said, "Nance, the pizza is delicious! Did you make it?"
"Yes," I said. "I took it out of the box, removed the plastic and heated in the oven..." After lunch Cindy and I went outside to visit with the dogs and she thought the Chihuahuas were way too cute. Then we went into the Space Ship, so I could show her my latest improvements and then the three of us went into Outer Space for a fun visit filled with laughter.
An hour later, before we went to unload Ronnie's coffee table that he had made for Cindy and Ray over twenty-two years ago Cindy started laughing and said, "Y'all are not going to believe what I did this morning. You came this close to not getting a coffee table today." Then she started laughing, again. "Before I took off I went out to my car and put my purse, water and backpack in it and then I took off. I drove about two blocks before I remembered that the coffee table was in Ray's car! So, I had to go back home and get Ray's Rav!" Tony and I burst out laughing.
"Thank goodness you remembered," I said, as Tony continued to laugh.
"Y'all are two peas in a pod," Tony declared softly. "No sense of direction and forgetful. I'm not sure if it is such a good idea for y'all to go to Paris together. Who knows what might happen. Y'all will probably get lost and wind up in Dublin or Italy, Texas." Then the three of us went and unloaded the heavy, wooden tiled table from Ray's SUV and put it into the Space Ship. Then Tony took off to go meet Charlie Cooper at the mailboxes, so they could go look at Tony's orange 1973 VW Bug over at his brother's house in Medina and Cindy and I went back to the trailer.
Right before we left the trailer to go back into Outer Space the phone rang and I let Carlton take the call.
"Hello, my name is Brenda and I heard you on the Harley Show this morning talking about the three Chihuahuas. I have a male Chihuahua and I want to get him a friend..."
"I'm sorry, Cindy. I have to take this call. Hello, this is Nancy..." Five minutes later, after answering all of Brenda's questions and she answering mine she told me that she wanted to come out after work at 5:30 to possibly adopt Fiona!
Cindy left a little before three o'clock and I really enjoyed seeing her, she is one great sister and I am so lucky that we are so close. Tony returned ten minutes later while I was returning some phone calls and e-mails. Then I took a fifteen minute sleepless nap with Mama and Abbie and then I got up and prepared Fiona's adoption papers just in case Brenda wanted to adopt her.
At five thirty-seven Fiona was officially adopted to Brenda! The minute that they laid eyes on each other it was love at first sight. And after Brenda filled out Fiona's adoption papers and T. handed Fiona back to Brenda— Fiona kissed her on the cheek before I shot them!

After Fiona drove away in Brenda's arms I came inside and called Kinky to tell him the great news about Fiona getting a fantastic forever home and he was delighted. Then he told me that Sophia was really starting to fit in with The Friedmans and that all was good. "We're talking three men and a baby," I said. Kink laughed.
Today has been a great day for me and I am starting to feel recharged at last. There's more good news to tell, but not tonight, because I am off of the clock and am now going to relax and watch a movie before going to bed.
P.S. Rick "The Friendly Lighthouse Keeper" just called with some great news about him and his better half Leisa, but my lips are sealed or should I say my fingers are frozen. Anyway, Rick is riding his Triump up here on Monday and going to be our guest for a few days. I can't wait to see him and laugh!
Y'all have a great evening!
1 comment:
OMGosh... Kinky, the cat looks exactly like my cat, Prissy. She was same coloring and white paws and white on her belly. She was the most independent cat I ever had. She slept just above my head on the pillow. Sometimes she slept like a person (with just her head on the pillow next to me). If I tried to sleep in she would very gently bite my nose. LOL LOL LOL She went to kitty heaven this last spring. She was about 12 years old. I do miss her.
Hi, Nancy, from Susan Burke
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