This morning, the Buddha Pugs arrived! When the FedEx man arrived at our front gate—I skipped out of the house to greet him, and I think I sorta scared him—seeing an old fat woman skipping towards him—wearing a great big smile on my face. After giving me my package—he left real fast.
I carried the heavy box up to the trailer, and then I set it down on the kitchen table and opened it! I dug through the popcorn and found Dharma, the small Buddha Pug first! It was adorable! I immediately set it above the kitchen sink!

I then dug into the popcorn filled box, and found Karma, the big Buddha Pug, that weighed a ton! When I unwrapped the bubble wrap, there were two Buddha Pugs—Big Karma, and a tiny two inch one! They were precious, and made me smile. I immediately took Karma into Outer Space, and placed the happy Buddha Pug on a table, next to my wood carved bear—Cubby! Perfect! I loved it!

Then I left Outer Space and came back inside the trailer. I needed to name the miniature Buddha Pug and thought and thought. Ten minutes later, it had a name—Nirvana! I put it in my purse.
I didn’t think my day could get any better, until our dear friends, Drew and Renee W. called. They have just moved back from Wimberley, and they needed help moving one large piece of furniture. I went outside and rounded up Tony, John and Ben and we headed off to Kerrville!
When we arrived at their home, there was nothing but hugs, handshakes and constant laughter! They gave us a tour of there newly purchased home, and then the men went outside, to carry in the large oversized sofa. In a matter of minutes, it was inside their home. Then we visited for about an hour, and it was a total blast!
Before leaving, Renee asked me if I wanted any of the statues outside. We went outside and I nearly croaked, when I saw them! “Oh my gosh,” I said. “I would love to have them, to add to my collection! Are you sure, you don’t want them?”
“No, we don’t want them,” Renee said. “They came with the place. Take them if you want them.”
I tried to pick up the squirrel, but it was a little too heavy, so John grabbed it and put it inside Buttermilk for me. Tony grabbed the adorable turtle, and Ben picked up the really heavy, Pelican, and then they loaded them into Buttermilk. Then we all hugged and shook hands and then we headed back to the rescue ranch.
When we returned to the ranch, the guys unloaded my statues, and then placed them, in the front yard of my writing cabin, where I wanted them. I haven’t named them, yet, but I love them!

This has truly been a special day for me, and I hope that y’alls has been as good as mine! Tonight, when it's ‘twilight zone’ time, out here, I am going into Outer Space, and count my many blessings.
P.S. Thank you Nancy Lemon, for introducing me to the world of Buddha dogs, I never knew they existed! And, Happy Birthday, to my super brother, Ronnie! I wish I could have made your surprise birthday party at Cindy and Ray’s tonight. I love you!
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