Last week, Richard, a very nice man, called me, about doing a one hour taping, for his media group, because he wanted to help us get more exposure for the rescue ranch, and I agreed to do it, after talking it over with Kinky. I do many interviews about our rescue ranch, and am quite comfortable doing it, but I was not prepared for today’s taping. I assumed that I would be talking about our rescue ranch, but instead I was asked to discuss “how to” adopt, choose the right dog, picking the right shelter, etc. I had misunderstood Richard.
They had great questions to ask me, but I wasn’t comfortable speaking for other rescue groups or shelters—because we all do it differently. I also am bad about trying to memorize lines or anything else, for that matter—and that is one of the reasons, why I am not an actress.
Drew, the nice cameraman, was patient and kind with me and helpful, when I would go blank in the middle of a sentence, or not know what to say, or forget to say, “Hi, I’m Nancy from the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch,” immediately after I said the first sentence—introducing the subject. I kept forgetting to say the ‘Nancy’ part at the beginning and “I’m Nancy, at the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch,” at the closing of the subject on which I was trying to talk about.
I came off as a total moron! I apologized to Drew and I hope that it never airs, but Drew guaranteed me that he could piece it together and that the final cut would be fine.
“If you can do that,” I said. “It will be a miracle! I am going to call Richard and apologize.”

P.S. Mari, if you think having your picture on my blog is bad—how about knowing that millions of people, will be laughing their heads off, as they watch me, an old, gray haired, fat lady, who sounds like Gabby Hayes on hellium—make a total fool out of herself! I think it was ‘Come Back Karma”—for posting your picture! I am so truly sorry!
P.S.S. Not really! LOL!
Nancy the video will be great. I bet you will grab them by their heart strings and make a great impression. I had to be on camera once when my BT's Mickey and Pookie renewed their vows. I looked like an idiot but the whole show was centered around people who love their animals. I'll have to show you the video then you will feel better about yours.
Hi Nancy it's Drew the cameraman. You did fine don't worry about it. We got all the soundbites we needed and I'll just edit them together with some cute doggy footage. Thanks again for your help it was nice to meet you!
And I really appreciate and admire the work you guys do at the ranch!
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