John helped us get into Ringo’s pen, and it was a match made in heaven! The young children wanted Ringo and so did Anna! “ I have one question to ask you. Ringo, wants to know if y’all have air conditioning?” I said.
“Yes,” Anna said. “And, we have a doggie door, too, and my son just told me twenty minutess ago—that the Beatles are his new favorite band.”
“Then we’ve got us an adoption!” I said. “Congratulations Ringo Starr! Today’s your day!” Ringo knew that he was being adopted! He was smiling and his tail was wagging so fast, I was scared that he might stir up a Texas dust storm! “Let me go to the trailer and get the adoption papers. I’ll be right back.
I drove Kermit up to the trailer. The Beatles were singing 'Give Peace A Chance' on my ipod Bose idock! I wrote up the adoption contract, and by the time I went back outside—John was taking pictures of them with Ringo. I wished that I had thought to bring my camera. Anna loaded up Ringo into a fancy crate in her luxurious SUV and then drove away.
I was so happy for Ringo. He really lucked out—he got three kids! I'm calling Kinky!
P.S. Thank you, Dr. Sam H.—for rescuing Ringo up in Johnson City, last summer! He has finally found his family!

RIngo made it home with us. He was quiet and content in the crate in our car. He was a lovely houseguest at our friend's home in San Antonio and is at home here in Houston. Winnie and he are fast friends, he mastered the dog door right away and is happily lounging in his air-conditioned mudroom with access to the backyard as I write this.
Nancy, What is your email so that I can send you the photo John took.
PS. I tried to post a moment ago, but don't know if it made it. We loved Ringo before we got out of the rescue ranch driveway!
Hi, Anna, please call me and I will give you my e-mail address. I am so glad that Ringo has a super home! Thank you so much for adopting him! You and Ringo Rock!
Would you be able to email me a picture as well?? I'd love to see the kids and their new dog!! I was so happy to hear y'all were going over there.. We talked about that quite a bit when I was caring for your little girl..I knew it would work out well!! I remember Ringo from my visit the previous day !! The Beatles are the best!
I have to admit, it took me a minute, but I love the title of this blog post! You have a wonderful sense of humor and wit! Judy
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