(Jimmy Stewarts’ picture is on the front cover of my book, standing near the left hand corner with Audrey Hepburn.) Here is that picture, that I took of them, years ago!) He's the one standing.

Before leaving Wolfmueller’s, Jon and Sandy asked me to please finish, my story about last Saturday, so here goes.
When we all had arrived at the restaurant, our table was ready and waiting for us. Before sitting down, Mary had come up with a very unique and strategically planned out—seating arrangement for us. So, we took her direction, and we all sat where she asked us to sit. At the time, I didn’t realize how really smart Mary was, or even think about why she had made sure to place us in that particular order.
Our good-looking, twenty-something, waiter was excellent—we definitely weren’t his first rodeo on a Saturday night! After he handed out the menus, Mary suggested that John order some appetizers for all of us—and some fine wine! Mary doesn’t drink, so she ordered a Shirley Temple, Tony and Sam ordered iced tea with lemon. And I, after checking out their fine wine list, ordered iced tea, too—because they didn’t have any boxed wines at all. None.
When the fine wine started flowing, Mary,who was now officially—on the good ship, Lollipop—had us rolling on the floor with her stories! When the appetizers arrived, my back was hurting from laughing so much!
After a couple of glasses of wine, Sandy asked Sam how old he was.
“Fourteen,” Sam replied.
“You look much older than that, Sam,” Sandy said.
“Now Sam, that’s a compliment,” I said. “But, please, don’t go telling me—that I look much older than I am—it would kill me.” Sam laughed. Little did he know—I meant it.
“Dinner is served,” our waiter announced, and we began eating. Everyone at the table remarked about how delicious their meals were, including me. Even though we were busily eating, the laughter from our table never ceased! It was a blast! Everyone was having a great time, except for the people sitting nearby waiting for a table, who were muttering back and forth about when we were going to leave.
“Who wants desserts?” Our friendly waiter asked, as the onlookers frowned, and shook their heads.
“I do,” Sam, Sandy, Mary, and Leslie said, as one hippie looking couple, stood up, and left the restaurant, to probably go eat at McDonalds—They’re much faster there! And, their food is to die for! (Please watch the documentary, "Super Size Me" or read 'Fast Food Nation'!)
When the desserts arrived, there was a lot of—passing back and forth, so everyone could get a taste of them. It was like our table was this one big happy face— : ) and the hungry onlookers were just the opposite— : ( How sad.
I was waiting to hear an applause from the hungry mob, when Mary paid for our dinner, and we stood up to leave, but it didn’t happen. As we left, I did notice the upside down smiles, turning into smiles.
Outside, on the deck of the restaurant, overlooking the Guadalupe River, as the sun was setting, Leslie took pictures of all of us. Then we walked to our cars, and sadly said our goodbyes, to one another.
As Tony drove us home, I said, “This has been a fantastic day! I love Mary, Leslie and Sam—they are great people—just like John!”
Tony burped. “I agree.”
P.S. This is my drawing of the seating arrangement at our table. Please note where Mary strategically placed the Libras. It was a balancing act and it worked!

We love you Mary, Leslie and Sam! Thank you for all of the fun and our gate will always be open to y’all! And, please bring Richard the next time!
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