What Oprah did today for the thousands of unfortunate dogs in puppy mills—sold to pet stores, as a cash crop—is fixin’ to change for the better! No more puppy mills, and pet stores selling those dogs! Everyone needs to adopt dops from shelters and put the puppy mills out of business, once and for all! Thank you, Oprah Winfrey! Animal lovers —LOVE YOU, and so do we! We salute you! And, I am now off of my soapbox.
After Oprah, Ben and I went over to Kinky’s Lodge. The hummingbird feeder, that Kinky and I had fixed a while back—needed more fixin’. With the help of some duct tape—Ben and Kinky fixed the ancient hummingbird feeder, again! I just love duct tape!

While the three of us were outside, I told Kinky, that the Friedman Family Bone Orchard—was really turning into a beautiful, peaceful place—especially since he had added the ceramic cat, that I had suggested he place up there with his Buddha and duck, in honor of his late cat—Lady Argyle.

Kinky and Ben, both agreed with me, about the Friedman Family Bone Orchard having become a special place. It was peaceful and full of love.
P.S. Kinky is going to be on Geraldo on Sunday maybe, and on O’Reilley Monday night—for sure!

Nancy I cried through what part of the show I did see. Then I went to Oprah's web site and watched her tribute to her Cocker Spaniel Sophie. She died just a week after my Mickey died. I have been having trouble sleeping since I lost him and seeing her hurt the way I do helped me to finally break down and cry for my sweet pea. Poor Domino was in my arms kissing my face trying to stop the tears. Seeing you wipe away the tears as you remembered Yoda helped me to see that he will always be with me in some way. But our babies are lucky that they had us and they were not a part of this horrible industry. It is rescues like Utopia that’s making a difference and I send all of you a hug and much love for doing something to make a difference in those lives that you are able to touch. I believe today Oprah educated a lot of viewers I just hope it sank in and the puppy mills will one day be history.
Tell Kinky his bone orchard is beautiful and I will have to figure out something to make him to put there in memory of his loved ones. Maybe a hummingbird mobile would be nice.
I couldn't watch that show, I was at work, and, my heart would have broken in a million pieces in any event.
Good news on the animal laws in Canada: they made a ruling last week that changed the laws for the first time since 1900! It gives the animal services workers more rights and abilities to go in and protect animals. I can't believe it took over a century to achieve that. Grrrrr!
Oh! Tell Kinky I love his Friedman Family Bone Orchard, it's looking wonderful! You have all inspired me to do something similar in my backyard this summer. Snow is almost melted and after May 24th we'll be able to plant again. I'll be sure and send pics. I love seeing yours, they give me hope the warm weather will return soon. Kris/Prince is really enjoying the warmer weather, but then again, he just loves everything, everyday LOL
Love that dog!!
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