A couple of days ago, while in Kerrville, I noticed, as we passed by, that Randy and Lisa’s Save Inn Restaurant had a sign posted—NOW HIRING! I was in shock, because they have the best waitresses in all of Kerr County! They are friendly, upbeat and always wearing smiles.
So, this afternoon, Tony and I needed to go Kerrville for supplies, and we decided to eat lunch at Randy and Lisa’s Save Inn Restaurant, because we love their food, and also because I wanted to know if the same waitresses were still there.
As soon as we walked into the restaurant, I was tickled to see that the waitresses were still there and working—hard! The place was packed. “Hi Cousin Nancy and Tony,” Angie said. “Two teas?”
“Yes,” Tony and I answered, in two part harmony. Our teas were sitting on our table, before we had time to even sit down. Tony was feeling special, because of some good news that he had received, earlier this morning, so he ordered their Special, and I ordered their chicken fried steak, but this time I asked for the half portion, because the last time I ordered it, my chicken fried steak was nearly the size of a Frisbee. And, I ended up taking most of it home, too.
Within no time at all, Angie was at our table serving our lunch to us. During our meal, I couldn’t help but notice how everyone in the restaurant was smiling or laughing. The vibes in there are great! While Tony and I were eating our meal, a cell phone rang.
An older man, sitting at the table right next to us, with another older gentleman—answered his cell phone. Tony and I couldn’t help, but overhear his conversation, because he was talking real loud. “Hello? No there isn’t any Mrs. K. This is Mr. K. and I divorced her seven years ago, and she’s dead.” Then there was a long pause.
Tony and I continued eating, but everytime that we looked over at each other—we would laugh. And, it’s not easy laughing with food in your mouth. “Who are you?" Followed by another long pause. “Well, I’m sorry that she owes your company money. I promise you, this is not her number. Her number’s up—she no longer has a number. She’s dead!”
Tony and I continued eating, but with caution. We would only sip our teas, when there was a pause, and we made sure not to look at each other. Heaven forbid that tea would come out of our noses! “Okay. Fine. If you want to reach her, here’s her number. Got a pen? Okay. It’s 1-800-468-6435 or just dial 1-800-GOTOHEL!”
Mr. K. then ended his phone call. I was laughing so hard—I was shaking, and I had to put my napkin up to my face. I’m thinking—thank goodness that conversation is over. Just as I put another bite of mashed potatoes into my mouth. Mr. K. says to his friend, “That dang woman is still haunting me from the grave! I’m going to have a slice of their Key Lime pie for dessert. It’s delicious.”
Tony and I were just about finished eating, when Angie walks up. “Y’all want to hear a couple of jokes?”
We did, even though we were exhausted from laughing. We said yes.
“Do you know how to catch a unique rabbit?” Angie asked. Tony and I shook our heads. “Unique up on them.”
Tony and I laughed. “Do you know how to catch a tame rabbit?” She asked. We shook our heads, again. “Tame way.”
Tony and I were still laughing when we left the Save Inn Restaurant. I just love that place!
P.S. Today, I received a sweet snail letter from Olivia C., in Fort Payne, Alabama, who wrote to tell me that she enjoys reading my blogs. Olivia, thank you for the kind note, and yes, I will make sure that Kinky gets your letter, and the gift, as soon as he gets back to the ranch. He’s gonna love it!
Nancy!! Too funny. These are a little late for Easter, but, what they hey...
What do you call a hundred rabbits standing side by side, that all take a step back at once?
A receding hare line....
What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole?
Hot, cross bunnies!!
Love ya & hope you have a great week ; ))
Fay & Prince xoxo
Nancy you really crack me up. Thanks for the entertainment. Guess what I'm sitting here visiting with Stuart Little and I must say Stewie is such a sweetie and very happy.
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