Dear Nance,
Click on the link for a picture of my band playing the sock hop at the local school. This picture was on the front page in color above the fold! Remember we have a newspaper that only comes out once a week so we got a lot of miles from it.
That gig was at the Port Aransas Elementary School K-6. It was the annual Sock Hop. Even though it was at night over 70 kids came. The previous years it had been done by a D.J. Mike and I heard about it and volunteered to do it for free. It was a fund raiser for the P.T.A.
My partner Mike Jones and I play four shows a week during most of the year but this one was by far the funnest gig we ever played. There were little girls in poodle skirts and little boys with slicked back hair and rolled up blue jeans.
In the picture you can see the little girl who is on stage with us is leading all of the crowd to put their hands in the air and is leading the dance. The last note of every song brought about a scream that went all the way to the rafters. It was like the Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl! Not one kid out of 70 ever sat down. They danced every dance in wild abandon. See ya! Pete
P.S. I believe we have adopted another bulldog! A lady found this one in the parking lot of Petsmart. She took it in and nobody claimed it so she ran down the tag and she was told the people moved so she took it to the clinic where Kelly worked.
The clinic took it in and ran some tests and determined that she was heart worm positive, and, needed to be spayed. They said if we wanted to take the dog that they would treat her for heart worms and spay her for free. If you have anybody who is specifically looking for a bulldog let us know we seem to be drawing them. Say hello to the dogs for me.
We all have our fingers crossed that Pete and Kelly can come up, clip some doggie nails, and get in a good visit!

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