Well, Tony sorta won the bet, this morning—I think. I grabbed my magnifying glass, at eight-fifteen, and closely examined the potted dirt. I saw a couple of tiny little green dots, but was not sure what it was. I will know for sure in the morning. So I am not paying T. anything, yet—but attention.
This morning, Kinky invited me over to the Lodge for a short visit and it was fun. Then I returned to the rescue ranch.
Tonight, Tone and I have some exciting New Year's Eve party plans! We're going to watch the 'Bucket List,' again, then we will make our own bucket lists, and then try to stay up until nine! I bet Tony, five more dollars, that he would go to bed early, and be sound asleep by eight o'clock—and another five, that our radishes would definitely have sprouted by morning—and he took those bets and~shook on it!
Tonight, after I have completed my bucket list, I plan to go into Outer Space, for a minute, to make a very special wish, upon the first star that I see tonight. My wish will be, that I please win the bets that I have made with Tony! Wish me luck!. Then I will go to bed, because I will be doing 'The Harley Show,' next year, at seven forty-five!
Happy New Year, Y'all! May it be a trillion times better than 2008 was for all of us! I hope that 2008 was the end of an error, and that 2009 be the beginning of a new era of hope, love, joy and peace on our planet!
P.S. Tone sends you his best for the new year!
Kinky Friedman, Cousin Nancy (Nancy Parker-Simons) and Tony Simons founded Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch in '98. Friends Willie Nelson, Billy Joe Shaver, Spike Gillespie, Richard Pryor, Jerry Jeff Walker, Molly Ivins, Dwight Yoakam support the ranch. We primarily rescued dogs. Nancy, author of "The Road to Utopia: How Kinky, Tony & I Saved More Animals Than Noah" by UT Press '06 utopiarescue.com. © cousin nancy blog 2025 by Cousin Nancy All rights reserved.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'll Bet You Five Dollars!
This morning, after breakfast, I caught up with my paperwork, again! Then I took care of a few more things. When I was done with my work, I sat down at my computer, and googled the health benefits of radishes, because I always put two radishes into our morning smoothies—everyday.
I found a great web site, and I was blown away with their information on radishes! In fact, I asked Tony to please come read the benefits of radishes, and after he read the article—we agreed to eat even more radishes, everyday! Here is the address with the radish benefits information:
Tone and I found out that radishes are good for the liver, the stomach, a great detoxifier, it purifies blood, checks destruction of red blood cells, and increases fresh oxygen in the blood! It cleans the kidneys, a good dietary option for losing weight! Then the article goes on to state that radishes are rich in vitamin-C, and can help with the cure of many types of cancer! The list went on and on! I hope that y’all will check it out! It is amazing!
I was so thrilled about the benefits of radishes, I went to another site on radishes, and it said that growing radishes is extremely easy—anyone can grow them! Radishes grow fine in winter weather, and they are the perfect vegetable to grow, for impatient gardeners, like me, because three weeks after planting the seeds—they are ready to be harvested and eaten! So, I asked Tony to please come and read that article, too. By the time he was done reading it—he was totally impressed!
I then went to my office, and checked our box of organic heirloom ‘Victory Garden’ seed packets, to see if we had any radish seeds to sow!
“Tone! We have two different packs, of organic heirloom radishes!” I was so excited! “Look, we have the Crimson Giant Radish and the Easter Egg Radish varieties! Will you please help me plant some of the seeds?”

Tony and I went outside to the front porch with the packets of seeds. Tony filled two big containers with our organic dirt, and then he proceeded to carefully plant the miracle seeds, while I watched! When T. was done with the planting—I took this picture and thanked him!
Later, this afternoon, I called Kinky to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk with me. “I’d love to, Nance,” Kinky said. “Come on over. The Friedmans and I need a break.” I drove Buttermilk over to the Lodge. Kinky and I had a fun visit and walk, that lasted over thirty minutes, while his dogs, The Friedmans, raced back and forth along our trek.
When I returned to the trailer, Tony was working in his office. “Tone,” I said. “I am so excited about our radishes! Thank you so much for planting the seeds! I’ll bet you five dollars—that by eight o’clock in the morning, those radishes will have already sprouted!” T. took the bet, and we shook hands on it.
This evening, Tony and I plan to watch ‘The Kennedy Center Honors’ and I can’t wait, because I love Streisand, George Jones, and Morgan Freeman and the many other honorees! Wish me luck on my bet with Tone! I am pretty sure that I am going to win the bet, because those organic heirloom seeds, that we have—are awesome! Y’all have a great evening, and please eat more radishes!
FYI: Tony and I buy our organic, heirloom seeds from: heirloomseeds.com They are the best seeds you can purchase!
I found a great web site, and I was blown away with their information on radishes! In fact, I asked Tony to please come read the benefits of radishes, and after he read the article—we agreed to eat even more radishes, everyday! Here is the address with the radish benefits information:
Tone and I found out that radishes are good for the liver, the stomach, a great detoxifier, it purifies blood, checks destruction of red blood cells, and increases fresh oxygen in the blood! It cleans the kidneys, a good dietary option for losing weight! Then the article goes on to state that radishes are rich in vitamin-C, and can help with the cure of many types of cancer! The list went on and on! I hope that y’all will check it out! It is amazing!
I was so thrilled about the benefits of radishes, I went to another site on radishes, and it said that growing radishes is extremely easy—anyone can grow them! Radishes grow fine in winter weather, and they are the perfect vegetable to grow, for impatient gardeners, like me, because three weeks after planting the seeds—they are ready to be harvested and eaten! So, I asked Tony to please come and read that article, too. By the time he was done reading it—he was totally impressed!
I then went to my office, and checked our box of organic heirloom ‘Victory Garden’ seed packets, to see if we had any radish seeds to sow!
“Tone! We have two different packs, of organic heirloom radishes!” I was so excited! “Look, we have the Crimson Giant Radish and the Easter Egg Radish varieties! Will you please help me plant some of the seeds?”

Tony and I went outside to the front porch with the packets of seeds. Tony filled two big containers with our organic dirt, and then he proceeded to carefully plant the miracle seeds, while I watched! When T. was done with the planting—I took this picture and thanked him!

Later, this afternoon, I called Kinky to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk with me. “I’d love to, Nance,” Kinky said. “Come on over. The Friedmans and I need a break.” I drove Buttermilk over to the Lodge. Kinky and I had a fun visit and walk, that lasted over thirty minutes, while his dogs, The Friedmans, raced back and forth along our trek.
When I returned to the trailer, Tony was working in his office. “Tone,” I said. “I am so excited about our radishes! Thank you so much for planting the seeds! I’ll bet you five dollars—that by eight o’clock in the morning, those radishes will have already sprouted!” T. took the bet, and we shook hands on it.
This evening, Tony and I plan to watch ‘The Kennedy Center Honors’ and I can’t wait, because I love Streisand, George Jones, and Morgan Freeman and the many other honorees! Wish me luck on my bet with Tone! I am pretty sure that I am going to win the bet, because those organic heirloom seeds, that we have—are awesome! Y’all have a great evening, and please eat more radishes!
FYI: Tony and I buy our organic, heirloom seeds from: heirloomseeds.com They are the best seeds you can purchase!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Million Dollar Baby!
This morning, I woke up feeling like a hundred dollars, and was thrilled! By ten o’clock, when our great volunteers, June and her sister, Ellen, showed up to work with our dogs, I was happy to see them, and I now felt like four hundred and seventy-five dollars! By eleven o’clock—we’re talking close to nine hundred dollars! I was finally on the well side! I was so glad, because Kinky’s and our friend, U.S. Representative Lamar Smith, was coming out to visit Kinky and Tony and me, and our dogs!
Around eleven-fifteen, Kinky called me. “Nance, Lamar is here, and we’re going to come over there, in about twenty minutes. Lamar has brought a huge box of treats for our dogs, and he wants to pet every dog, and give each one of them a treat, and he also wants to visit with you and Tone!”
Twenty minutes later, Kinky and Lamar arrived at the rescue ranch! Tony and I think the world of Lamar, because he is one of the finest human beings on the planet, but more importantly—he loves dogs as much as we do! In fact, a few years ago, when he came out to see us, our three-legged Pit Bull, Mama—stole his heart, and he almost adopted her!
“Howdy Lamar!” I said, as Tony and I walked outside to greet him and Kink. “Congratulations on getting reelected! Tony and I voted for you, too. After we all shook hands, and said our hellos—we walked Lamar around the pens, introduced our dogs to him, as he petted them, and handed out Milk Bone dog biscuits—to everyone of them! The dogs loved it!
When Ellen and June were fixin’ to leave, Kinky said, “Lamar, I want to introduce you to two of our best volunteers! They come out weekly, and hand out treats, and groom our dogs! We love June and Ellen! They are great!”
We walked over to June’s car, and met up with them. After introductions and handshaking—the six of us had a fun conversation, about dogs, and how great they are! Lamar told us a touching story about a black dog, and Kinky told us another great story about J. Frank Dobie’s story about an eagle.
Before June and Ellen left, June offered to take a picture of the four of us! After she shot us— Lamar thanked Ellen and June for helping us, help the dogs. He was really impressed with those two.
After they left, Kinky needed to get back over to the Lodge, so Lamar and Kinky said their good-byes to each other, and then Kink took off in Mr. Green Jeans.
Tony, Lamar and I then went to the rest of the dog pens, so he could pet them, and give them a treat! We had a fun conversation the entire time. When the treats were all handed out, I told Lamar about my book, ‘The Road to Utopia: How Kinky, Tony and I Saved More Animals Than Noah,’ and he told me that he would order a copy, as soon as he went home! He told me that he couldn’t wait to read it! I was truly flattered! “Lamar, my book is still being sold at the Austin airport,” I shamelessly bragged. “And, the University of Texas Press published it, too! I am so proud of it! I have some copies of my book, and I will sign it for you.” Lamar was more than delighted.
On our way back to the trailer, Tony said, “Lamar, you have got to see Nance’s Space Ship!” The three of us then went inside my Space Ship, and he was blown away! He absolutely loved it, and could not believe how cool it was—I loved it!
Then T., Lamar and I went into Outer Space! I told him all about my brother, Ronnie, and my cool nephew,Tom, coming down from Austin and Dripping Springs, to build it, in just one and a half days, and he could not believe it—he thought it was totally awesome! He loved our view, and he enjoyed meeting our ‘old timers’—Hank, Little Girl, Toto and Thunder! Our dogs loved him!
We had a great visit in Outer Space, and then I signed my book to Lamar, and gave it to him! He was delighted, and he told me that he could not wait to read it! Then he made a very generous contribution to our rescue ranch, and then we said our goodbyes.
After Lamar left our rescue ranch, I told T. that I was feeling like a million dollars—thanks to Lamar, and some serious aspirin consumption! Lamar Rules and Bayer Aspirin—Rocks! I’m back! I’m well!
Here is the picture that June took of us! We love you, Lamar Smith! And, thank you for being on our Advisory Board! We are so lucky! We wish you the best in ‘09!

P.S. Like me, Lamar is, and was a big fan of Roy Rogers! He told us, that when he was eight or nine years old, he was at the annual San Antonio Rodeo, when Roy Rogers appeared! He said that Roy was on Trigger, and when he and Trigger rode into the arena, Roy held his hand out and touched every child's hand, with his hand, as they circled the arena! Lamar told us, that when Roy touched his hand—he broke out crying with excitement! That made me tear up, and gave me goosebumps, because I never got to meet Roy—my hero. Y’all have a good night!
Around eleven-fifteen, Kinky called me. “Nance, Lamar is here, and we’re going to come over there, in about twenty minutes. Lamar has brought a huge box of treats for our dogs, and he wants to pet every dog, and give each one of them a treat, and he also wants to visit with you and Tone!”
Twenty minutes later, Kinky and Lamar arrived at the rescue ranch! Tony and I think the world of Lamar, because he is one of the finest human beings on the planet, but more importantly—he loves dogs as much as we do! In fact, a few years ago, when he came out to see us, our three-legged Pit Bull, Mama—stole his heart, and he almost adopted her!
“Howdy Lamar!” I said, as Tony and I walked outside to greet him and Kink. “Congratulations on getting reelected! Tony and I voted for you, too. After we all shook hands, and said our hellos—we walked Lamar around the pens, introduced our dogs to him, as he petted them, and handed out Milk Bone dog biscuits—to everyone of them! The dogs loved it!
When Ellen and June were fixin’ to leave, Kinky said, “Lamar, I want to introduce you to two of our best volunteers! They come out weekly, and hand out treats, and groom our dogs! We love June and Ellen! They are great!”
We walked over to June’s car, and met up with them. After introductions and handshaking—the six of us had a fun conversation, about dogs, and how great they are! Lamar told us a touching story about a black dog, and Kinky told us another great story about J. Frank Dobie’s story about an eagle.
Before June and Ellen left, June offered to take a picture of the four of us! After she shot us— Lamar thanked Ellen and June for helping us, help the dogs. He was really impressed with those two.
After they left, Kinky needed to get back over to the Lodge, so Lamar and Kinky said their good-byes to each other, and then Kink took off in Mr. Green Jeans.
Tony, Lamar and I then went to the rest of the dog pens, so he could pet them, and give them a treat! We had a fun conversation the entire time. When the treats were all handed out, I told Lamar about my book, ‘The Road to Utopia: How Kinky, Tony and I Saved More Animals Than Noah,’ and he told me that he would order a copy, as soon as he went home! He told me that he couldn’t wait to read it! I was truly flattered! “Lamar, my book is still being sold at the Austin airport,” I shamelessly bragged. “And, the University of Texas Press published it, too! I am so proud of it! I have some copies of my book, and I will sign it for you.” Lamar was more than delighted.
On our way back to the trailer, Tony said, “Lamar, you have got to see Nance’s Space Ship!” The three of us then went inside my Space Ship, and he was blown away! He absolutely loved it, and could not believe how cool it was—I loved it!
Then T., Lamar and I went into Outer Space! I told him all about my brother, Ronnie, and my cool nephew,Tom, coming down from Austin and Dripping Springs, to build it, in just one and a half days, and he could not believe it—he thought it was totally awesome! He loved our view, and he enjoyed meeting our ‘old timers’—Hank, Little Girl, Toto and Thunder! Our dogs loved him!
We had a great visit in Outer Space, and then I signed my book to Lamar, and gave it to him! He was delighted, and he told me that he could not wait to read it! Then he made a very generous contribution to our rescue ranch, and then we said our goodbyes.
After Lamar left our rescue ranch, I told T. that I was feeling like a million dollars—thanks to Lamar, and some serious aspirin consumption! Lamar Rules and Bayer Aspirin—Rocks! I’m back! I’m well!
Here is the picture that June took of us! We love you, Lamar Smith! And, thank you for being on our Advisory Board! We are so lucky! We wish you the best in ‘09!

P.S. Like me, Lamar is, and was a big fan of Roy Rogers! He told us, that when he was eight or nine years old, he was at the annual San Antonio Rodeo, when Roy Rogers appeared! He said that Roy was on Trigger, and when he and Trigger rode into the arena, Roy held his hand out and touched every child's hand, with his hand, as they circled the arena! Lamar told us, that when Roy touched his hand—he broke out crying with excitement! That made me tear up, and gave me goosebumps, because I never got to meet Roy—my hero. Y’all have a good night!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sick And Tired Of This!
Hi everyone! I am still sick, and getting real tired of this! Cough, cough, hopefully I will be better tomorrow, because Kinky called, and we have a V.I.P. coming out tomorrow, to visit Kinky, and us! Please wish me luck on getting well. Y'all have a great evening.
P.S. I cannot believe that the Dallas Cowboys played so poorly today. Maybe they are all sick with what I've got—I hope not.
P.S. I cannot believe that the Dallas Cowboys played so poorly today. Maybe they are all sick with what I've got—I hope not.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Pass The Kleenex Please!
This morning, at 5:30, I woke up with the worse sore throat, but I got up, took my medicine and did my chores. Before Tony left for Medina, we decided that we definitely would not open the rescue ranch to the public, because we needed a break, and I was in no shape to give tours, etc.
I was all for it, and did paperwork all morning, as I coughed and sneezed away the morning. After catching up with my work, the phone rang. "Cousin Nancy, this is Jody. Matt and I are back, and we wanted to know if we could come out, and pick up Toby and Baby? We've really missed them!"
Around eleven-thirty, they showed up to pick up their dogs. Tony was gone, so I bundled up, and went outside to say hello. After Matt had loaded up Baby and Toby—into their truck, he said, "Cousin Nancy, thank y'all so much for helping us out with the dogs. Jody and I were wondering if you would consider letting us adopt those two small pups? We fell in love them when we came out to leave the dogs."
"I would love for you to adopt those two pups! Sniff-sniff. Their names are Rebecca and Sasha, and they are wonderful little dogs! Cough, Cough, Cough!" Then we went to their pen and got them.
When Matt, Jody, Baby and Toby—drove away, Sasha and Rebecca were boucing around, inside the pickup, and it made me laugh, cough and sneeze!
When I came back to the trailer, the phone rang. "Rescue ranch," I said, in my new deep voice. "This is Nancy."
"Hi, this is Bill and I was wondering if y'all are open today? We wanted to come out."
"No, not today. We are closed, and besides, I have some kind of bug, but if you are wanting to adopt one of our dogs—then yes, we're open."
"We want to adopt one of your dogs!"
"Well, come on out then! Sneeze, sneeze, excuse me—sneeze!"
Bil and Rita showed up about an hour later, and guess what—they are good friends with our friends, Little Jewford and John Mc.! After I gave them a tour of our rescue ranch, and introduced them to all of our dogs, they picked—Honey! I then took off for the trailer, to write up the adoption papers, and to call Kinky to tell him the good news. Unfortunately, Kinky wasn't near his phone.
After Rita completed Honey's adoption form, Tony and I shook hands with Rita and Bil, and then thanked them for giving our Honey, a super great—forever home!
Y'all, that is about all that I can write tonight. I'm sneezing so hard, and so much, I am afraid that I might just get electrocuted by my laptop, if I don't catch a sneeze in time! Y'all have a great evening!
I was all for it, and did paperwork all morning, as I coughed and sneezed away the morning. After catching up with my work, the phone rang. "Cousin Nancy, this is Jody. Matt and I are back, and we wanted to know if we could come out, and pick up Toby and Baby? We've really missed them!"
Around eleven-thirty, they showed up to pick up their dogs. Tony was gone, so I bundled up, and went outside to say hello. After Matt had loaded up Baby and Toby—into their truck, he said, "Cousin Nancy, thank y'all so much for helping us out with the dogs. Jody and I were wondering if you would consider letting us adopt those two small pups? We fell in love them when we came out to leave the dogs."
"I would love for you to adopt those two pups! Sniff-sniff. Their names are Rebecca and Sasha, and they are wonderful little dogs! Cough, Cough, Cough!" Then we went to their pen and got them.
When Matt, Jody, Baby and Toby—drove away, Sasha and Rebecca were boucing around, inside the pickup, and it made me laugh, cough and sneeze!
When I came back to the trailer, the phone rang. "Rescue ranch," I said, in my new deep voice. "This is Nancy."
"Hi, this is Bill and I was wondering if y'all are open today? We wanted to come out."
"No, not today. We are closed, and besides, I have some kind of bug, but if you are wanting to adopt one of our dogs—then yes, we're open."
"We want to adopt one of your dogs!"
"Well, come on out then! Sneeze, sneeze, excuse me—sneeze!"
Bil and Rita showed up about an hour later, and guess what—they are good friends with our friends, Little Jewford and John Mc.! After I gave them a tour of our rescue ranch, and introduced them to all of our dogs, they picked—Honey! I then took off for the trailer, to write up the adoption papers, and to call Kinky to tell him the good news. Unfortunately, Kinky wasn't near his phone.
After Rita completed Honey's adoption form, Tony and I shook hands with Rita and Bil, and then thanked them for giving our Honey, a super great—forever home!
Y'all, that is about all that I can write tonight. I'm sneezing so hard, and so much, I am afraid that I might just get electrocuted by my laptop, if I don't catch a sneeze in time! Y'all have a great evening!
Friday, December 26, 2008
You Give Me Fever!
Tony and I had a wonderful Christmas—sorta! Yesterday, we got up at 5:30 and started cooking our rescued dogs, their annual, people Christmas dinner, with all of the trimmings! I enjoyed it so much! After our dogs were served their dinner, we went around and served them seconds, and then Tony and I came inside, and opened up our presents!
I bought T. a GPS device (for selfish reasons, so I can use it!) and I loved everything that Tone gave to me, except for one thing, that I wish I could exchange, but I can't, because, as of last night, I now have the bug that he had! Yes, I am sick, and feeling pretty lousy, and running a low-grade fever.
I am going back to bed now, and as soon as I feel better, I will write more and post the pictures that I took of our dogs enjoying their trailer-cooked meals.
I bought T. a GPS device (for selfish reasons, so I can use it!) and I loved everything that Tone gave to me, except for one thing, that I wish I could exchange, but I can't, because, as of last night, I now have the bug that he had! Yes, I am sick, and feeling pretty lousy, and running a low-grade fever.
I am going back to bed now, and as soon as I feel better, I will write more and post the pictures that I took of our dogs enjoying their trailer-cooked meals.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
When Push Comes To Shove!
Tony’s no longer sick—it was just some kind of bug! So, this afternoon, after taking a fun walk with Kinky—Buttermilk, Tony and I went to Kerrville to get our last minute groceries, for our Christmas dinner. Tony needed to get something at Wal Mart, so we went there first.
The parking lot was full, and the store was packed with plenty of crazy people! There were isle traffic jams, and little kids throwing screaming temper tantrums, etc. T. and I had planned to use our cell phones to find each other, but with all that was going on—Tony asked me to shop with him and not get out of sight. We were out of Wal Mart within fifteen minutes—thank goodness!
When we arrived at HEB to pick up a few groceries—it was just like what we had experienced at Wal Mart! When we entered the store, I had gone ten feet, when I realized, that I had forgotten my three, cloth grocerie sacks, and the letters to mail—they were inside Buttermilk!
Tony offered to go fetch them, but before heading out to the parking lot, he said, “Nance, turn your cell phone on, so I can find you, when I get back.” I turned my cell phone on.
While I was shopping alone, a woman, out of nowhere, well, actually, over by the fresh baked bread, suddenly, and purposefully—pushed her cart into mine, and then started ramming my cart! My first thought was ‘where is Tony!’ Then I looked at the woman, who was still banging my grocery cart, and who was now—laughing!
I quickly realized that it was a good friend of mine—Pam M.! With people in the isle stopped, and watching us, Pam said, “Hello, Cousin Nancy! Can you believe this place? I have wanted to ram someone, since I entered this store! These people in here are acting insane! I am so glad that you showed up, because I have wanted to ram someone!”
“Howdy Pam. It is just like this—over at Wal Mart, too! How have you and Pat been doing?...”
The rubberneckers, quickly realized that we were friends, and the grocery cart traffic began moving, at a slow pace, as we caught up with each other’s news. We promised to get together after the hectic holidays—with Drew and Renee, to have a vegetarian cooking party.
After Pam left, I was able to check off a couple of more items on my shopping list. Then my phone rang, which startled me, because I had forgotten that it was turned on. “It’s me, Nance. Where are you?”
I gave Tone my location— “Over by the nut section, near the green bananas.” Then someone shoved their cart into my butt!
“I know,” Tony said, as I turned around, and there he stood, wearing a big grin! “I saw Pam, and she said that you were over here.” Then he started laughing, when I told him about Pam—pushing a fast one on me! Y’all have a great evening!
The parking lot was full, and the store was packed with plenty of crazy people! There were isle traffic jams, and little kids throwing screaming temper tantrums, etc. T. and I had planned to use our cell phones to find each other, but with all that was going on—Tony asked me to shop with him and not get out of sight. We were out of Wal Mart within fifteen minutes—thank goodness!
When we arrived at HEB to pick up a few groceries—it was just like what we had experienced at Wal Mart! When we entered the store, I had gone ten feet, when I realized, that I had forgotten my three, cloth grocerie sacks, and the letters to mail—they were inside Buttermilk!
Tony offered to go fetch them, but before heading out to the parking lot, he said, “Nance, turn your cell phone on, so I can find you, when I get back.” I turned my cell phone on.
While I was shopping alone, a woman, out of nowhere, well, actually, over by the fresh baked bread, suddenly, and purposefully—pushed her cart into mine, and then started ramming my cart! My first thought was ‘where is Tony!’ Then I looked at the woman, who was still banging my grocery cart, and who was now—laughing!
I quickly realized that it was a good friend of mine—Pam M.! With people in the isle stopped, and watching us, Pam said, “Hello, Cousin Nancy! Can you believe this place? I have wanted to ram someone, since I entered this store! These people in here are acting insane! I am so glad that you showed up, because I have wanted to ram someone!”
“Howdy Pam. It is just like this—over at Wal Mart, too! How have you and Pat been doing?...”
The rubberneckers, quickly realized that we were friends, and the grocery cart traffic began moving, at a slow pace, as we caught up with each other’s news. We promised to get together after the hectic holidays—with Drew and Renee, to have a vegetarian cooking party.
After Pam left, I was able to check off a couple of more items on my shopping list. Then my phone rang, which startled me, because I had forgotten that it was turned on. “It’s me, Nance. Where are you?”
I gave Tone my location— “Over by the nut section, near the green bananas.” Then someone shoved their cart into my butt!
“I know,” Tony said, as I turned around, and there he stood, wearing a big grin! “I saw Pam, and she said that you were over here.” Then he started laughing, when I told him about Pam—pushing a fast one on me! Y’all have a great evening!
Monday, December 22, 2008
T. Is Sick!
Tone is sick, with a bug, that is going around the Texas Hill Country. Last night, he was up most of the night—coughing nonstop and running a fever! This morning, his fever finally broke, and he spent most of the day catching up on his handsome sleep.
I spent the morning, doing paperwork, until Kinky called me, and asked me to come over to the Lodge, to read a story from his book, that he is working on, for his new book— "Kinky Friedman's Celebrity Pet Files!" I went over to the Lodge, and laughed out loud, as I read what he had written about..."
I hope that y'all have a great evening! I'm fixin' to watch a movie.
I spent the morning, doing paperwork, until Kinky called me, and asked me to come over to the Lodge, to read a story from his book, that he is working on, for his new book— "Kinky Friedman's Celebrity Pet Files!" I went over to the Lodge, and laughed out loud, as I read what he had written about..."
I hope that y'all have a great evening! I'm fixin' to watch a movie.
Happy Birthday—Susan Price! We Love You!
Our dear friend, Susan Price is 52 years old, today! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday, Dear Susan! Happy Birthday to You! We Love You!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
These Boots Are Made For Walking!
Yesterday morning, Linda T. and her daughter came out to walk dogs! They drove three hours to get here, and we were glad to see her, and meet her beautiful daughter, Hunter! They showed up with some homemade cookies, and chocolate covered, peanut butter balls for Aaron, Kinky, and Tony and me! Talk about delicious! OMG, they were fantastic! Seriously, look out Reese’s Peanut Butter cups—you’ve been outdone!
After a brief visit outside, Aaron, Linda and Hunter started walking our dogs! I loved it, but not as much as our dogs did! After fifteen of our dogs had been walked, Aaron went home for lunch, and I took Linda and Hunter over to meet and to visit with Kinky. And, it was a lot of fun!
When we returned to the rescue ranch, Aaron showed up with his girlfriend’s daughter, Heather and her friend, who also wanted to help walk our dogs. I loved it! The more the merrier! By the end of the day—over twenty dogs went for walks! Thank you, Linda, Hunter, Heather, Carol and Aaron—Y’all Rock!
This morning, Tony and I went to Kerrville to shop for our dogs—Christmas dinner, and to run a few errands—like buying presents for each other, and getting me some new cowboy boots. My old Justin Ropers boots, are over thirteen years old, and they are worn out.
We went to a cowboy western store first, and after trying on several cowboy boots, I gave up—they either didn’t have my size or the ones I liked were on backorder. So I gave up. We went to Wal Mart and filled a basket full, of people food, for our dog's annual Christmas dinner! Then we came home.
Around three o’clock, our friends, Matt and Jody, arrived to drop off their dogs, Toby and Baby, that they adopted from us months ago! Before making their adoptions final for Baby and Toby, we agreed to board their dogs for four days, during this year’s holiday season to make the adoptions happen—and we kept our word.
When they arrived, Toby and Baby quickly jumped out of their truck, without leashes, and they ran straight to their old pen, which Tone and Aaron had made ready for them! I couldn’t believe it! Tony opened the gate to their old pen, and they ran in and quickly started smelling and rolling in the dirt and grass—they were happy, with tails wagging—they were home, again! We were all astonished that they remembered their old pen, and that they were so happy to be back! And yes, I loved it! I took it as a compliment.
Earlier this evening, my sister Cindy called to visit! She called to tell me that, this morning she and her husband Ray, had spent their morning wrapping presents, and then they left the house to run errands, leaving their two Boston Terriers, Tipper and Maisy, inside. Two hours later, when they returned home— they discovered that their dogs had opened up only one present—theirs! Cindy said that all of the other presents under their tree, were untouched, but their dog’s present had been totally torn up—with gift wrap paper everywhere! We had a fun conversation, and during our catching up, I found out that her son, Tom, who helped Ronnie build Outer Space for us, was now working at a cowboy store in Austin, and he was a cowboy boot salesman, working on commission! How perfect is that! Cindy wasn’t sure which store he was working at, so I called Ronnie to find out.
After the receptionist answered the phone, I asked to speak to Tom in the boot department.
“Hello, this is Tom. How can I help you?”
“Hi Tom, this is your aunt Nancy—Cousin Nancy,” I said. “I need some new cowboy boots, and I want to buy them from you—so you’ll get the commission. I’ve already been online, and I have the codes for the boots.” Then their was silence.
“Wow, let me check with the manager to see if that will work!” Tom said, before laughing. Then he put me on hold for a couple of seconds. “The store manager is okay with it. Which boots do you want to buy?”
I told him that I wanted to buy the premier Justin Ropers, and the new Justin Gypsy cowgirl boots—the pink ones!”
“Pink ones?” Tom questioned.
“Yes, they are Peptol Bismol pink.”
“Okay, let me check to see if we have them.” Tom put me on hold, but not for long.
“Nance, I have good news and bad news. We have the pair of Peptol Bismol, but we are out of stock on the Ropers.”
“Okay, that’s fine.” I gave Tom my American Express information. “Thank you, Tom. If you don’t mind, please take them over to Cindy’s Wednesday or Thursday, when you see them, and please tell Nicky that I said hi. Y’all need to come down for a visit, and please bring her parents.”
“ I will. Wow, Nance! You really freaked me out! I am trying to sell cowboy boots, and they announce over the loud speaker—Tom please pick up the phone. Then I pick it up and it’s you. I’m thinking why is my aunt calling me at work?” Then Tom started laughing and I joined him.
I then called Cindy to tell her about buying the boots from Tom.
Two minutes later, Cindy calls me, and tells me that Tom had just called her, and the store needed to know when the issue date for my credit card was.
I then phoned Tom back at work. “Nance, for some reason, American Express is the hardest charge card to work with. Do you know the date when it was first issued?”
“No Tom,” I said. “Five, six or seven years ago? How about me using my Visa card? Would that be easier?” I then gave Tom all of the information.
Three minutes later, Cindy calls! “Nance, Tom just called. He said that your credit card showed up—as closed.” I told Cindy that I would call Tom back.
“Could I please speak to Tom,” I asked the receptionist, again. She immediately handed the phone over to Tom.
“Hi Nance. I think I didn’t write the numbers down correctly. Can you give me the numbers, again?”
I read off the set of numbers, and on the third set, we caught the error! After we repeated the numbers —it was a done deal! Then we said goodbye to each other, again.
Five minutes later, I couldn’t help it, I picked up the phone and I called my sister, Cindy!
“Hello?” Cindy said.
“Hello, I was just checking to see if I had anymore new phone calls,” I said. We broke out laughing! Here is a picture of my Justin Gypsy cowgirl boots! Y’all have a great evening!
P.S. Happy Birthday Robyn Fay! I hope your sweet sixteen was fantastic!
After a brief visit outside, Aaron, Linda and Hunter started walking our dogs! I loved it, but not as much as our dogs did! After fifteen of our dogs had been walked, Aaron went home for lunch, and I took Linda and Hunter over to meet and to visit with Kinky. And, it was a lot of fun!
When we returned to the rescue ranch, Aaron showed up with his girlfriend’s daughter, Heather and her friend, who also wanted to help walk our dogs. I loved it! The more the merrier! By the end of the day—over twenty dogs went for walks! Thank you, Linda, Hunter, Heather, Carol and Aaron—Y’all Rock!
This morning, Tony and I went to Kerrville to shop for our dogs—Christmas dinner, and to run a few errands—like buying presents for each other, and getting me some new cowboy boots. My old Justin Ropers boots, are over thirteen years old, and they are worn out.
We went to a cowboy western store first, and after trying on several cowboy boots, I gave up—they either didn’t have my size or the ones I liked were on backorder. So I gave up. We went to Wal Mart and filled a basket full, of people food, for our dog's annual Christmas dinner! Then we came home.
Around three o’clock, our friends, Matt and Jody, arrived to drop off their dogs, Toby and Baby, that they adopted from us months ago! Before making their adoptions final for Baby and Toby, we agreed to board their dogs for four days, during this year’s holiday season to make the adoptions happen—and we kept our word.
When they arrived, Toby and Baby quickly jumped out of their truck, without leashes, and they ran straight to their old pen, which Tone and Aaron had made ready for them! I couldn’t believe it! Tony opened the gate to their old pen, and they ran in and quickly started smelling and rolling in the dirt and grass—they were happy, with tails wagging—they were home, again! We were all astonished that they remembered their old pen, and that they were so happy to be back! And yes, I loved it! I took it as a compliment.
Earlier this evening, my sister Cindy called to visit! She called to tell me that, this morning she and her husband Ray, had spent their morning wrapping presents, and then they left the house to run errands, leaving their two Boston Terriers, Tipper and Maisy, inside. Two hours later, when they returned home— they discovered that their dogs had opened up only one present—theirs! Cindy said that all of the other presents under their tree, were untouched, but their dog’s present had been totally torn up—with gift wrap paper everywhere! We had a fun conversation, and during our catching up, I found out that her son, Tom, who helped Ronnie build Outer Space for us, was now working at a cowboy store in Austin, and he was a cowboy boot salesman, working on commission! How perfect is that! Cindy wasn’t sure which store he was working at, so I called Ronnie to find out.
After the receptionist answered the phone, I asked to speak to Tom in the boot department.
“Hello, this is Tom. How can I help you?”
“Hi Tom, this is your aunt Nancy—Cousin Nancy,” I said. “I need some new cowboy boots, and I want to buy them from you—so you’ll get the commission. I’ve already been online, and I have the codes for the boots.” Then their was silence.
“Wow, let me check with the manager to see if that will work!” Tom said, before laughing. Then he put me on hold for a couple of seconds. “The store manager is okay with it. Which boots do you want to buy?”
I told him that I wanted to buy the premier Justin Ropers, and the new Justin Gypsy cowgirl boots—the pink ones!”
“Pink ones?” Tom questioned.
“Yes, they are Peptol Bismol pink.”
“Okay, let me check to see if we have them.” Tom put me on hold, but not for long.
“Nance, I have good news and bad news. We have the pair of Peptol Bismol, but we are out of stock on the Ropers.”
“Okay, that’s fine.” I gave Tom my American Express information. “Thank you, Tom. If you don’t mind, please take them over to Cindy’s Wednesday or Thursday, when you see them, and please tell Nicky that I said hi. Y’all need to come down for a visit, and please bring her parents.”
“ I will. Wow, Nance! You really freaked me out! I am trying to sell cowboy boots, and they announce over the loud speaker—Tom please pick up the phone. Then I pick it up and it’s you. I’m thinking why is my aunt calling me at work?” Then Tom started laughing and I joined him.
I then called Cindy to tell her about buying the boots from Tom.
Two minutes later, Cindy calls me, and tells me that Tom had just called her, and the store needed to know when the issue date for my credit card was.
I then phoned Tom back at work. “Nance, for some reason, American Express is the hardest charge card to work with. Do you know the date when it was first issued?”
“No Tom,” I said. “Five, six or seven years ago? How about me using my Visa card? Would that be easier?” I then gave Tom all of the information.
Three minutes later, Cindy calls! “Nance, Tom just called. He said that your credit card showed up—as closed.” I told Cindy that I would call Tom back.
“Could I please speak to Tom,” I asked the receptionist, again. She immediately handed the phone over to Tom.
“Hi Nance. I think I didn’t write the numbers down correctly. Can you give me the numbers, again?”
I read off the set of numbers, and on the third set, we caught the error! After we repeated the numbers —it was a done deal! Then we said goodbye to each other, again.
Five minutes later, I couldn’t help it, I picked up the phone and I called my sister, Cindy!
“Hello?” Cindy said.
“Hello, I was just checking to see if I had anymore new phone calls,” I said. We broke out laughing! Here is a picture of my Justin Gypsy cowgirl boots! Y’all have a great evening!

P.S. Happy Birthday Robyn Fay! I hope your sweet sixteen was fantastic!
Happy Sweet 16 Birthday—Robyn Fay K.!
Robyn Fay K. is the daughter, of one of my good friends, up in Toronto, Canada! Robyn is one super cool young lady! In fact—Robyn Rocks! Kinky, Tony and I wish a Sweet 16 Happy Birthday and we send you our love!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cowgirls In The Sand!
Today was an absolute blast for me, because I got to be a cowgirl! It has been a really long time, since I put on my Justin Roper cowboy boots, jeans, cowboy hat and bandana—and it felt so good! The reason for me dressing up in my cowgirl garb, was because my dear friend, Cindy P., had asked me to go horseback riding with her, on a Texas Parks and Wildlife 5,000 acre ranch, for horses only trail riding, just south of Bandera!
This morning, after taking care of business, I disappeared into the bedroom. Ten minutes later, I came out of our bedroom—a Texas cowgirl! Tony loved it, and told me that I had to go show Kinky! So, I went over to the Lodge to show Kinky my outfit. He liked it, too!
At ten-thirty, I took off in Trigger—headed to Bandera, to meet Cindy. Because my iPod was acting up, I was ten minutes late, but fortunately, it didn’t cause any problem.
We arrived at this incredibly beautiful Texas Park, on time, and Jeanie B., our wrangler, who owned the horses, was already there, with her horses saddled, and ready to go! Cindy was first to saddle up! She stood on a park bench, to saddle up on Davy Crockett, a handsome tri-colored Paint!

Then it was my turn! Not able to balance as well on the park bench, we found a giant rock for me to saddle up from. My horse was Black Jack Cadillac, and he was a very well behaved horse! After adjusting my stirrups, Jeanie climbed up on to her horse, Thunderbolt, without having to use a bench or a rock, because she is tall—and then we took off! Yee Haw!
Thunderbolt led the way, followed by Black Jack Cadillac and then Davy Crockett. I was in heaven or in between! I had forgotten how fun it is to ride! We rode through streams, valleys and climbed a bluff—it was so fantastic!

At one point, during our trail ride, Jeanie stopped Thunderbolt, jumped down from her saddle and went into a thicket to pick up an old horseshoe. Then she walked over to me and my sidekick, and started tying the old rusted horseshoe to the back of my saddle. “Why are you tying that to my saddle?” I asked.
“Because, it’s the only saddle with back straps,” Jeanie answered. “Just be careful not to sit on one of those old rusty nails.” Four rusty nails were sticking out of it! Then Jeanie jumped back into her saddle and we were off, again!
About ten minutes had passed, when Jeanie stopped Thunderbolt, again, and jumped down to the ground! “Look what I’ve found!” Jeanie said, with excitement. She held up an old blue hoof cup, which protects a horse’s hoof, if it loses a shoe. Jeanie then walked over to the other side of my saddle, and started tying it to the other strap. “It’s a good thing,, that I came along for this ride, or you wouldn’t have a trash can to pick up the litter with,” I said. “Jeanie, I sure hope that Black Jack Cadillac, didn’t get his name, because you found a old junked out Caddy out here, and made him pull it?”
“Nope,” was her answer, and the three of us laughed. In fact, we sorta laughed the whole time we rode today, because Jeanie is one hilarious woman, and her stories about her many adventures in life, kept us spellbound or laughing!
After a wonderful two hour ride, we returned to the park headquarters, and dismounted our horses! Cindy didn’t need any help, but I did. I climbed down from Black Jack Cadillac, using that same giant rock, that I had used to get up on the horse.
While Jeanie tied off her horses, Cindy went to her car, and came back with a small box of Fig Newtons! Then she opened up the box, and began feeding Davy Crockett the contents! “I do this everytime,” Cindy said. “Davy loves Fig Newtons!”

After Jeanie loaded up the horses, she gave me the rusty horseshoe, and then Cindy and I thanked her for the great ride, and then we left the park to go home. All of the way home, I thought about how much fun that I had had today, and I am most definitely going to start riding weekly—on Black Jack Cadillac—because I love that horse! Happy trails to you—until we meet again!

P.S. For anyone wanting to book a two hour ride, in Bandera, with ‘Jeanie B. since ‘93!’ Please call: Desert Hearts Cowgirl Club at 830-796-7001. I promise, that you will have the time of your life!
This morning, after taking care of business, I disappeared into the bedroom. Ten minutes later, I came out of our bedroom—a Texas cowgirl! Tony loved it, and told me that I had to go show Kinky! So, I went over to the Lodge to show Kinky my outfit. He liked it, too!
At ten-thirty, I took off in Trigger—headed to Bandera, to meet Cindy. Because my iPod was acting up, I was ten minutes late, but fortunately, it didn’t cause any problem.
We arrived at this incredibly beautiful Texas Park, on time, and Jeanie B., our wrangler, who owned the horses, was already there, with her horses saddled, and ready to go! Cindy was first to saddle up! She stood on a park bench, to saddle up on Davy Crockett, a handsome tri-colored Paint!

Then it was my turn! Not able to balance as well on the park bench, we found a giant rock for me to saddle up from. My horse was Black Jack Cadillac, and he was a very well behaved horse! After adjusting my stirrups, Jeanie climbed up on to her horse, Thunderbolt, without having to use a bench or a rock, because she is tall—and then we took off! Yee Haw!
Thunderbolt led the way, followed by Black Jack Cadillac and then Davy Crockett. I was in heaven or in between! I had forgotten how fun it is to ride! We rode through streams, valleys and climbed a bluff—it was so fantastic!

At one point, during our trail ride, Jeanie stopped Thunderbolt, jumped down from her saddle and went into a thicket to pick up an old horseshoe. Then she walked over to me and my sidekick, and started tying the old rusted horseshoe to the back of my saddle. “Why are you tying that to my saddle?” I asked.
“Because, it’s the only saddle with back straps,” Jeanie answered. “Just be careful not to sit on one of those old rusty nails.” Four rusty nails were sticking out of it! Then Jeanie jumped back into her saddle and we were off, again!
About ten minutes had passed, when Jeanie stopped Thunderbolt, again, and jumped down to the ground! “Look what I’ve found!” Jeanie said, with excitement. She held up an old blue hoof cup, which protects a horse’s hoof, if it loses a shoe. Jeanie then walked over to the other side of my saddle, and started tying it to the other strap. “It’s a good thing,, that I came along for this ride, or you wouldn’t have a trash can to pick up the litter with,” I said. “Jeanie, I sure hope that Black Jack Cadillac, didn’t get his name, because you found a old junked out Caddy out here, and made him pull it?”
“Nope,” was her answer, and the three of us laughed. In fact, we sorta laughed the whole time we rode today, because Jeanie is one hilarious woman, and her stories about her many adventures in life, kept us spellbound or laughing!
After a wonderful two hour ride, we returned to the park headquarters, and dismounted our horses! Cindy didn’t need any help, but I did. I climbed down from Black Jack Cadillac, using that same giant rock, that I had used to get up on the horse.
While Jeanie tied off her horses, Cindy went to her car, and came back with a small box of Fig Newtons! Then she opened up the box, and began feeding Davy Crockett the contents! “I do this everytime,” Cindy said. “Davy loves Fig Newtons!”

After Jeanie loaded up the horses, she gave me the rusty horseshoe, and then Cindy and I thanked her for the great ride, and then we left the park to go home. All of the way home, I thought about how much fun that I had had today, and I am most definitely going to start riding weekly—on Black Jack Cadillac—because I love that horse! Happy trails to you—until we meet again!

P.S. For anyone wanting to book a two hour ride, in Bandera, with ‘Jeanie B. since ‘93!’ Please call: Desert Hearts Cowgirl Club at 830-796-7001. I promise, that you will have the time of your life!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What About Bob!
I spent this morning, doing paperwork. It was peaceful, having my dogs and cat surrounding my chair, as I worked, while my iPod played one great song after another. I accomplished a lot, in the calmness. Tony came inside, after taking care of the dogs, and told me that he needed to go to Kerrville. He needed to get our van (dog hauler) inspected. I suggested that he eat at the Acapulco restaurant, while he waits, since it was next door to Balser’s Automotive. That way, he could chew some food—instead of sipping soup with me. He liked my idea.
After Tone left, I continued to work for several more hours at the computer, as my pets snoozed and my homemade Tortilla soup cooked in the crock pot. I was having a great day, rather than those hectic ones—when it is full moon time. I needed a day like this and was truly enjoying it.
Around twelve-forty-five, I took a lunch break. The soup was delicious, and filled me up quickly. As I was washing the dishes—the phone rang. My hands were wet, so as this man talked about finding one of our dogs in Louisiana, I dried my hands, turned off the iPod, and just before I could pick up the phone, this man named Stanton—had hung up.
I quickly punched Stanton’s phone number. It rang once, “Hello, this is Stanton at the pound, how may I help you?”
“Hello Stanton, this is Nancy from the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch. You just called here.”
“We picked up a dog, wearing one of your tags.” I knew instantly who he had. "Her number is ****...”
“If she has three legs, is tan and beautiful—you’ve got Mama, but let me check the tag number, to make sure.”
“She has three legs, is tan, sweet and beautiful.”
“I just pulled it up. Yes, you have our Mama. Here is Bob’s phone number...”
“I’ve already called that number, and I got a woman’s voice on the machine.”
Then it hit me! Last month, when Bob was here visiting us, he had told me, that he was going to Panama for a month, and on his way back, he was going to swing by, and see Kinky’s friend, Don and his wife, who live in Mexico on the coast. “Stanton, Bob is in Mexico, and I think I can find him. Please let me make a couple of phone calls, and I will get back to you within twenty minutes! Is Mama safe?”
“Yes,” Stanton replied. “Call me when you find Bob.”
After we hung up our phones, I remembered that Russ, who has the talking Macaw parrot, named Kinky, Jr., had met Bob and Don here, and they had traded phone numbers, so I went through my collection of business cards, and called Russ in South Carolina! “Hello,” a man said.
“This is Nancy, from the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch, I am friends with Russ and I need to speak to him. One of our dogs is in the pound in Louisiana, and he may have the phone numbers of Don, who Bob is visiting!” I knew I sounded like a crazy woman, but Mama needed rescuing. “Russ was here before Thanksgiving, and he met some friends of ours, and I need to get Don’s phone number from Russ...”
The man gave me Russ’ cell number—real fast! I dialed Russ. “Hello, Russ,” I said. “This is Cousin Nancy and I need your help! Bob, the man that you met out here, well, his dog is at the pound in Louisiana! Do you have Don’s or Bob’s cell phone numbers?”
“I’m not sure Cousin Nancy,” Russ said. “Let me look, and I will call you back. Hey, guess where Kinky, Jr. and I are? Key West, Florida, and I’m walking on the beach with my girlfriend.”
“That’s great, Russ.”
“Give me about thirty minutes, and I will call you back, if I can find their numbers.”
We hung up, and then I realized that I might have Don’s cell number. I went through some folded up pieces of paper that I keep with the business cards, and sure enough—I had Don’s phone number down in Mexico! “Hello?” Don said.
“Don, this is Cousin Nancy, from the rescue ranch. I’ve got to find Bob, because his dog is at the pound in Louisiana! Do you have his cell number or know where he is?”
“Cousin Nancy, yes I do, in fact, Bob is here right now. I will call him immediately, and tell him to call you. What’s your number? Wait, let me get a piece of paper and pen. I’m ready, go ahead.”
I gave Don my phone number, then I said, “Don, please ask Bob to call Stanton at this number. That is the man, at the pound, who has Mama!” Don wrote the number down, and then he told me that he and his wife, would be coming to visit us in February. He wanted her to see the rescue ranch, and go into Outer Space with us.
As soon as we hung up, Tony walked inside the trailer, as I was frantically dialing Stanton’s phone number! “Stanton, it’s me, Nancy. I found Bob, and he will be calling you any minute! He’s in Mexico visiting Don.”
Stanton thanked me, and I thanked him, for helping Mama.
As Tony stared at me, wondering what in the hey, was going on, I called Russ back, and he was relieved, because he had not found Don or Bob’s phone numbers.
An hour later, after telling Tony about Mama being in jail, I called Stanton, to see if Bob had called. Stanton told me that he had talked to Bob, right after I had called earlier, and everything was going to be fine. Bob’s daughter was already on her way over to the pound—to pick up Mama!
I love happy endings!
After Tone left, I continued to work for several more hours at the computer, as my pets snoozed and my homemade Tortilla soup cooked in the crock pot. I was having a great day, rather than those hectic ones—when it is full moon time. I needed a day like this and was truly enjoying it.
Around twelve-forty-five, I took a lunch break. The soup was delicious, and filled me up quickly. As I was washing the dishes—the phone rang. My hands were wet, so as this man talked about finding one of our dogs in Louisiana, I dried my hands, turned off the iPod, and just before I could pick up the phone, this man named Stanton—had hung up.
I quickly punched Stanton’s phone number. It rang once, “Hello, this is Stanton at the pound, how may I help you?”
“Hello Stanton, this is Nancy from the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch. You just called here.”
“We picked up a dog, wearing one of your tags.” I knew instantly who he had. "Her number is ****...”
“If she has three legs, is tan and beautiful—you’ve got Mama, but let me check the tag number, to make sure.”
“She has three legs, is tan, sweet and beautiful.”
“I just pulled it up. Yes, you have our Mama. Here is Bob’s phone number...”
“I’ve already called that number, and I got a woman’s voice on the machine.”
Then it hit me! Last month, when Bob was here visiting us, he had told me, that he was going to Panama for a month, and on his way back, he was going to swing by, and see Kinky’s friend, Don and his wife, who live in Mexico on the coast. “Stanton, Bob is in Mexico, and I think I can find him. Please let me make a couple of phone calls, and I will get back to you within twenty minutes! Is Mama safe?”
“Yes,” Stanton replied. “Call me when you find Bob.”
After we hung up our phones, I remembered that Russ, who has the talking Macaw parrot, named Kinky, Jr., had met Bob and Don here, and they had traded phone numbers, so I went through my collection of business cards, and called Russ in South Carolina! “Hello,” a man said.
“This is Nancy, from the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch, I am friends with Russ and I need to speak to him. One of our dogs is in the pound in Louisiana, and he may have the phone numbers of Don, who Bob is visiting!” I knew I sounded like a crazy woman, but Mama needed rescuing. “Russ was here before Thanksgiving, and he met some friends of ours, and I need to get Don’s phone number from Russ...”
The man gave me Russ’ cell number—real fast! I dialed Russ. “Hello, Russ,” I said. “This is Cousin Nancy and I need your help! Bob, the man that you met out here, well, his dog is at the pound in Louisiana! Do you have Don’s or Bob’s cell phone numbers?”
“I’m not sure Cousin Nancy,” Russ said. “Let me look, and I will call you back. Hey, guess where Kinky, Jr. and I are? Key West, Florida, and I’m walking on the beach with my girlfriend.”
“That’s great, Russ.”
“Give me about thirty minutes, and I will call you back, if I can find their numbers.”
We hung up, and then I realized that I might have Don’s cell number. I went through some folded up pieces of paper that I keep with the business cards, and sure enough—I had Don’s phone number down in Mexico! “Hello?” Don said.
“Don, this is Cousin Nancy, from the rescue ranch. I’ve got to find Bob, because his dog is at the pound in Louisiana! Do you have his cell number or know where he is?”
“Cousin Nancy, yes I do, in fact, Bob is here right now. I will call him immediately, and tell him to call you. What’s your number? Wait, let me get a piece of paper and pen. I’m ready, go ahead.”
I gave Don my phone number, then I said, “Don, please ask Bob to call Stanton at this number. That is the man, at the pound, who has Mama!” Don wrote the number down, and then he told me that he and his wife, would be coming to visit us in February. He wanted her to see the rescue ranch, and go into Outer Space with us.
As soon as we hung up, Tony walked inside the trailer, as I was frantically dialing Stanton’s phone number! “Stanton, it’s me, Nancy. I found Bob, and he will be calling you any minute! He’s in Mexico visiting Don.”
Stanton thanked me, and I thanked him, for helping Mama.
As Tony stared at me, wondering what in the hey, was going on, I called Russ back, and he was relieved, because he had not found Don or Bob’s phone numbers.
An hour later, after telling Tony about Mama being in jail, I called Stanton, to see if Bob had called. Stanton told me that he had talked to Bob, right after I had called earlier, and everything was going to be fine. Bob’s daughter was already on her way over to the pound—to pick up Mama!
I love happy endings!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cows Drool!
Yesterday, about three o’clock, Tony asked me to go with him, to feed the cows. I had a lot of things going on, but I stopped what I was doing, grabbed my camera, and walked out the front door with Tony. Then I ran back inside, grabbed my hoodie sweatshirt, and zipped it up, before closing our yard gate.
Kermit was ready and waiting for us, already loaded with haybales and a sack of cow cubes. Tony and I jumped into Kermit, Tony put Kermit into four-wheel drive, and then we took off—headed south! We went over the river, and through the woods, drove past Kinky’s Lodge, and then we started climbing a very steep rocky hill. I held onto Tony’s arm, as Kermit pulled us up the steep, rugged terrain. I let go of Tony’s arm, when we reached the gate, because Tony needed to get out of Kermit, to open the gate, for us to enter the pasture, where the cows were.
Tony opened the gate, then he drove us into the pasture, and then he went back to close the gate behind us. “Tony please hurry! The cows are coming!” I said, raising my voice. “Tony! The cows are now stampeding towards us! Hurry Tony!” I was scared to death! “OMG!”
Tony returned to Kermit, and started laughing at me, as the gigantic, herd of eight, milk-machines ran full-throttle—toward us! “You scaredy-cat,” Tony said, as he turned the key, to start Kermit. “Those cows are harmless. I promise they are not going to hurt you.”
But, it was too late! Before Tony had released Kermit’s brake—we were surrounded by some of the meanest looking cows, in all of Texas! I quickly scooted over next to Tony, because one cow, who I will call Lizzie Borden, was staring me in the eyes, and walking slowly towards me—and she had attitude—with a capital ‘A!’ A quality that I don’t find very attractive in people or cows. Good grief, her head was the size of all of Tony’s and my electronics thrown together, and we’re talking—multiple cameras, laptops, iPods, Boses, etc. including Tony’s new twenty-million candle power flashlight! “Hold on, Nance,” Tony said, as we slowly took off between the mad cows!
As soon as we were in front of the herd of the angry black cows, Tony punched it! Kermit was racing at full speed ahead! While Tony laughed, I looked back, and the cows were running right behind us! Good grief—we’re talkin’ twenty miles per hour or more! They were kicking, and at one point, that cow, Lizzie Borden, who wanted to kill me, was running head to head, beside me!
Tony then floored Kermit, and Kermit put a little distance between us and the milkshakes! When we pulled up to the water tank, Tony jumped out, and began opening up a sack of cow cubes. “Look out, Tony,” I warned. “The cows are right behind you!”
Tony laughed. “Are you girls hungry?” he said to the cows. Then he began pouring out the cubes from the sack as he walked about twenty feet. The cows followed him, and began eating, shoving each other, and kicking. While they ate, Tony threw four bales of hay into their round feeder, and then he removed the baling wires. I was never so happy to get out of there! So now, I guess that y’all can add, to my list of “I don’t do’s”—feeding cows with Tony.
When Tony and I left the south flat, we went over to visit with Kinky. Tony told Kink about me being scared of the cows, and they laughed. We visited for a while, in the kitchen—and then Kinky challenged Tony to a pool tournament!
The Hummingbird Man— 1! The Medina Bulldog— 1! “Kinky, we’ll finish this tournament tomorrow,” Tony said. “It’s nearly dark, and I need to go check on the dogs.”
Y’all have a great evening!
P.S. To my friends, Jimmie and Nelda, up in Arkansas—we loved y’all’s holiday card!
Kermit was ready and waiting for us, already loaded with haybales and a sack of cow cubes. Tony and I jumped into Kermit, Tony put Kermit into four-wheel drive, and then we took off—headed south! We went over the river, and through the woods, drove past Kinky’s Lodge, and then we started climbing a very steep rocky hill. I held onto Tony’s arm, as Kermit pulled us up the steep, rugged terrain. I let go of Tony’s arm, when we reached the gate, because Tony needed to get out of Kermit, to open the gate, for us to enter the pasture, where the cows were.
Tony opened the gate, then he drove us into the pasture, and then he went back to close the gate behind us. “Tony please hurry! The cows are coming!” I said, raising my voice. “Tony! The cows are now stampeding towards us! Hurry Tony!” I was scared to death! “OMG!”
Tony returned to Kermit, and started laughing at me, as the gigantic, herd of eight, milk-machines ran full-throttle—toward us! “You scaredy-cat,” Tony said, as he turned the key, to start Kermit. “Those cows are harmless. I promise they are not going to hurt you.”
But, it was too late! Before Tony had released Kermit’s brake—we were surrounded by some of the meanest looking cows, in all of Texas! I quickly scooted over next to Tony, because one cow, who I will call Lizzie Borden, was staring me in the eyes, and walking slowly towards me—and she had attitude—with a capital ‘A!’ A quality that I don’t find very attractive in people or cows. Good grief, her head was the size of all of Tony’s and my electronics thrown together, and we’re talking—multiple cameras, laptops, iPods, Boses, etc. including Tony’s new twenty-million candle power flashlight! “Hold on, Nance,” Tony said, as we slowly took off between the mad cows!
As soon as we were in front of the herd of the angry black cows, Tony punched it! Kermit was racing at full speed ahead! While Tony laughed, I looked back, and the cows were running right behind us! Good grief—we’re talkin’ twenty miles per hour or more! They were kicking, and at one point, that cow, Lizzie Borden, who wanted to kill me, was running head to head, beside me!
Tony then floored Kermit, and Kermit put a little distance between us and the milkshakes! When we pulled up to the water tank, Tony jumped out, and began opening up a sack of cow cubes. “Look out, Tony,” I warned. “The cows are right behind you!”
Tony laughed. “Are you girls hungry?” he said to the cows. Then he began pouring out the cubes from the sack as he walked about twenty feet. The cows followed him, and began eating, shoving each other, and kicking. While they ate, Tony threw four bales of hay into their round feeder, and then he removed the baling wires. I was never so happy to get out of there! So now, I guess that y’all can add, to my list of “I don’t do’s”—feeding cows with Tony.
When Tony and I left the south flat, we went over to visit with Kinky. Tony told Kink about me being scared of the cows, and they laughed. We visited for a while, in the kitchen—and then Kinky challenged Tony to a pool tournament!
The Hummingbird Man— 1! The Medina Bulldog— 1! “Kinky, we’ll finish this tournament tomorrow,” Tony said. “It’s nearly dark, and I need to go check on the dogs.”
Y’all have a great evening!
P.S. To my friends, Jimmie and Nelda, up in Arkansas—we loved y’all’s holiday card!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sasha & Rebecca!
Saturday morning, Linda T. arrived at five minutes past ten o’clock! She gave Tony and I a tin, filled with her homemade cookies, along with a card! Then Ken, Rebecca, Jack and Sasha, Austin’s finest dog-walking team, arrived! Everyone was ready to start walking our dogs! “Y’all” I said. “Kinky really wants to meet y’all, so why don’t we go over to the Lodge first, to visit with Kinky, and then walk our dogs.”
Everyone was gung-ho, so we climbed into Ken’s and Rebecca’s van, and went over the river and through the woods. The Friedmans, greeted us, as we emptied out of the van, and then Kinky came outside to meet everyone! After introductions and handshakes, Kinky invited everyone into the Lodge for some coffee!
During the ‘coffee break,’ Kinky gave a tour of the Lodge, and then the conversations flowed! They discussed so many topics with Kinky, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone having so much fun! When the coffee pot was empty— their fun and exciting discussions—moved from inside—to outside, so Kinky could throw some toys for Mr. Magoo to retrieve.
Before returning to the rescue ranch, Kinky posed for pictures with all of them! Then after handshakes and hugs—we loaded up and returned to the rescue ranch. Tony was ready to go, so he began leashing up everyone with a dog, but not me, because my knee was aching, and I needed to make a few phone calls!
The first group of lucky dogs to go walking were Ruth Buzzi, Chuck Berry, Randy Travis, Mandy and Moe Bandy! Then when they returned those dogs, they walked Chase, L.G.., Nash, Blue Bell, Harley, Lulu, Buffalo Girl, Opie, Honey, Kahlua, Blackie, Max, Muffy, Lucy, Ashley Judd, Bob Dylan and Lexie! That’s twenty-two dogs! That’s a record for us! I loved seeing our dogs so happy!
Wanting to take some pictures, I joined Linda T. and Sasha on one of their walks—with Buffalo Girl and Lulu! It was so much fun for me to watch Lulu stop, every so often, turn around, and look up at me, with her tail wagging, as if saying, I am having so much fun, and then she would come up to Sasha, look up and give her that same look—thanking her! I really wish that all of y’all could walk our dogs, and feel the joy those dogs give us! It is totally awesome!
When it was time for Team Austin to leave, I thanked them, and told them how much we loved them walking our dogs, and how great it was for our dogs! They told me not to thank them, because they loved walking our dogs, and it made them feel so good! Before driving off, they told me that they are going to try to come out, at least once a month—to walk our dogs! Kinky, Tony and I are thrilled, but not as much as our wonderful muttigrees will be! Thank you Rebecca, Sasha, Ken and Jack!
After they drove away, Linda T. told me, that she is going to try to come down every Saturday to walk our dogs! That blew me away! She lives three and a half hours away! I love these people!
Tony, Linda and I decided to eat a late lunch, so Linda grabbed her apple and banana, from her car and we went to the trailer. While we ate, I opened the tin can, of Linda’s baked goodies and then I read her cute holiday card—it made me laugh out loud, and was so appropriate, since I had told her, earlier, about my tooth fairy incident! The front of the card has a cute English Bulldog saying, “Forget my two front teeth...all I want for Christmas is my %$#@@ back.”
Linda T. left around two-thirty, and she promised to return next Saturday! We can’t wait! Here are a few pictures of Saturday’s dog walking:

This is the busiest time of the year for me and Tony, so this morning, I spent a few hours doing paperwork—it is a never-ending task! Just before noon, a dear friend of ours called, needing some help. His mother, had died suddenly from a heart attack, a week ago, Sunday, and he had just returned to town, and asked if we could please take his two small, six month old dogs, because they were just too much for him, and he felt badly because they were too much, with all that was going on in his life. I told him that we would.
Tony and I went to Kerrville to check out a photography contest showing. While we were admiring the beautiful photographs, “Hi Tony and Nancy! I saw Trigger, and I just wanted to stop by and say —hi.” It was Sandy Wolfmueller!
We visited with Sandy for a few minutes, and then she left to go home, and so did we. On our way out of town, I phoned our friend, and he told us that he would meet us at the last Mini-Mart, before leaving Kerrville—to give us his two sweet dogs.
When we pulled into the convenience store’s parking lot, so did our dear friend. We had a short visit, and then we put his two, small, adorable dogs into a crate, and then we drove home. As soon as we pulled into the rescue ranch, we put the precious little girls into our puppy pen. We played with them for a few minutes, and then we went to get them food, water and toys. As we watched them devour their canned dog food, Tony suggested that we name them Sasha and Rebecca! I loved his suggested, so here are some pictures of them. The first dog below is Sasha:

P.S. We plan to name our next female dog—Linda, after Linda T.! And, our next two male dogs—Ken and Jack! Tomorrow, I will blog about Tony’s and my late adventure today. Y’all have a great evening!
Everyone was gung-ho, so we climbed into Ken’s and Rebecca’s van, and went over the river and through the woods. The Friedmans, greeted us, as we emptied out of the van, and then Kinky came outside to meet everyone! After introductions and handshakes, Kinky invited everyone into the Lodge for some coffee!
During the ‘coffee break,’ Kinky gave a tour of the Lodge, and then the conversations flowed! They discussed so many topics with Kinky, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone having so much fun! When the coffee pot was empty— their fun and exciting discussions—moved from inside—to outside, so Kinky could throw some toys for Mr. Magoo to retrieve.
Before returning to the rescue ranch, Kinky posed for pictures with all of them! Then after handshakes and hugs—we loaded up and returned to the rescue ranch. Tony was ready to go, so he began leashing up everyone with a dog, but not me, because my knee was aching, and I needed to make a few phone calls!
The first group of lucky dogs to go walking were Ruth Buzzi, Chuck Berry, Randy Travis, Mandy and Moe Bandy! Then when they returned those dogs, they walked Chase, L.G.., Nash, Blue Bell, Harley, Lulu, Buffalo Girl, Opie, Honey, Kahlua, Blackie, Max, Muffy, Lucy, Ashley Judd, Bob Dylan and Lexie! That’s twenty-two dogs! That’s a record for us! I loved seeing our dogs so happy!
Wanting to take some pictures, I joined Linda T. and Sasha on one of their walks—with Buffalo Girl and Lulu! It was so much fun for me to watch Lulu stop, every so often, turn around, and look up at me, with her tail wagging, as if saying, I am having so much fun, and then she would come up to Sasha, look up and give her that same look—thanking her! I really wish that all of y’all could walk our dogs, and feel the joy those dogs give us! It is totally awesome!
When it was time for Team Austin to leave, I thanked them, and told them how much we loved them walking our dogs, and how great it was for our dogs! They told me not to thank them, because they loved walking our dogs, and it made them feel so good! Before driving off, they told me that they are going to try to come out, at least once a month—to walk our dogs! Kinky, Tony and I are thrilled, but not as much as our wonderful muttigrees will be! Thank you Rebecca, Sasha, Ken and Jack!
After they drove away, Linda T. told me, that she is going to try to come down every Saturday to walk our dogs! That blew me away! She lives three and a half hours away! I love these people!
Tony, Linda and I decided to eat a late lunch, so Linda grabbed her apple and banana, from her car and we went to the trailer. While we ate, I opened the tin can, of Linda’s baked goodies and then I read her cute holiday card—it made me laugh out loud, and was so appropriate, since I had told her, earlier, about my tooth fairy incident! The front of the card has a cute English Bulldog saying, “Forget my two front teeth...all I want for Christmas is my %$#@@ back.”
Linda T. left around two-thirty, and she promised to return next Saturday! We can’t wait! Here are a few pictures of Saturday’s dog walking:

This is the busiest time of the year for me and Tony, so this morning, I spent a few hours doing paperwork—it is a never-ending task! Just before noon, a dear friend of ours called, needing some help. His mother, had died suddenly from a heart attack, a week ago, Sunday, and he had just returned to town, and asked if we could please take his two small, six month old dogs, because they were just too much for him, and he felt badly because they were too much, with all that was going on in his life. I told him that we would.
Tony and I went to Kerrville to check out a photography contest showing. While we were admiring the beautiful photographs, “Hi Tony and Nancy! I saw Trigger, and I just wanted to stop by and say —hi.” It was Sandy Wolfmueller!
We visited with Sandy for a few minutes, and then she left to go home, and so did we. On our way out of town, I phoned our friend, and he told us that he would meet us at the last Mini-Mart, before leaving Kerrville—to give us his two sweet dogs.
When we pulled into the convenience store’s parking lot, so did our dear friend. We had a short visit, and then we put his two, small, adorable dogs into a crate, and then we drove home. As soon as we pulled into the rescue ranch, we put the precious little girls into our puppy pen. We played with them for a few minutes, and then we went to get them food, water and toys. As we watched them devour their canned dog food, Tony suggested that we name them Sasha and Rebecca! I loved his suggested, so here are some pictures of them. The first dog below is Sasha:

P.S. We plan to name our next female dog—Linda, after Linda T.! And, our next two male dogs—Ken and Jack! Tomorrow, I will blog about Tony’s and my late adventure today. Y’all have a great evening!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
In The Wee, Wee Hours!
To Be Continued...
Today, at eleven o’clock, Tony and I were completely shocked to see who was knocking on our front door...
It was Ben, carrying a huge duffle bag! “Hi, Ben!” Tony and I said. “What a nice surprise! We didn’t know if you were coming out, this week.”
“Hi guys,” Ben said, as he put his large duffle bag on our breakfast bar. “I’ve come to spread a little holiday cheer.” Then Ben unzipped, the largest duffle bag, that I have ever seen. I brought y’all another brick of Miles of Chocolate.”
“Oh great!” I said. “We are almost out.”
“I know,” Ben said. “I read your blog about giving some to Linda T., when she came out last Saturday—to walk dogs. “I also brought you some loaves of Miles of Chocolate Pear Bread. Then Ben started pulling the loaves out of his bottomless pit bag, placing them on the breakfast— bar. “That should last y’all for a little while.”
“Yes,” I said. “Like a year or two! Thank you so much!”
Thursday and Friday, were a lot of fun out here! Aaron, Ben, Tony and I spent the afternoons—working on the Space Ship. And, they let me use the chop saw, and my nail gun some, but they did all of the hard stuff!
When there was nothing left for me to do, they sent me into the trailer, so I could paint some picture frames. By the time that I had painted three pink wood frames and two peach colored picture frames—they were done! Work on the Space Ship was completed! And, it looks absolutely beautiful inside! I love it!
As I swept my beautiful spacecraft clean, Aaron, Tony and Ben cleaned up the outside, and packed up the tools, and put them up. Then I went inside the trailer, to my laptop, and printed out several of my favorite photos, and them put them into my newly painted picture frames. When I returned to the Space Ship, Ben and Tony helped me hang up my new pictures and signs!
“Is that a picture of you?” Ben asked, as he hung it.
“Yes,” I said. “That’s me, when I was about eight years old. A man came to our neighborhood, in Fort Worth, with his little Shetland pony, and he went door to door, taking pictures of all the kids sitting on his pony. Ronnie had his picture taken on the wannabe horse, too! I remember the pictures cost my parents a pretty penny. Talk about a money maker! Every house, in South Hills, that had children—sat on that poor pony, that day.”

Ben, and his dogs, Valerie and Penny, left for Austin around six o’clock. I spent the evening catching up on some paperwork, then I went to bed.
In the wee, wee hours of the morning, I got out of bed, to wee-wee. Thunder, our sweet, old Labrador, was sleeping on the floor. I didn’t see her, and tripped, and fell to the floor! Ouch! My face hit the wooden floor, and I jammed my left thumb—trying to break my fall. I got up, apologized to Thunder, and then went into the bathroom, as Tony continued to snore.
This morning, when I woke up, my thumb was throbbing, and my mouth was sore. When I climbed out of bed, my knee was aching, too! I put on my robe, and went to the mirror, so I could look at my face and mouth.
I have needed some serious dental work, for years, and I am so embarrassed by my smile, because my teeth are in such bad shape, so when I smile, I grin and bear it. Anyway, with that said, I looked into the mirror, and was shocked at what I saw! OMG! I couldn’t believe it!
I leaned in for a closer inspection. My chin and a portion of my upper lip, had been scraped raw, but fortunately, they were not swollen—just sore to the touch. Then I smiled into the mirror! “What?” I said out loud. “This can’t be true!” I then picked up my hand mirror, and smiled again.
My two front teeth, which overlap—were no longer overlapping! The tooth that lapped, was now straight! I couldn’t believe it! I felt my two front teeth. They were no longer crooked, and they had a nice tight fit! My smile looked much better, but I still need to get some serious dental work done, when I can afford it.
When Tony returned from Medina, I said, “Tony, do you believe in fairies? Tooth Fairies to be exact.”
“Tooth Fairies. What are you talking about, Nance?”
I then told T. about my fall and landing on my face. Then I asked him to look at me, and then I smiled. “Somehow, when I fell—the Tooth Fairy came to my rescue! My front tooth is straight, now, and no longer overlapping the other! Tony was shocked! “Some how, my fall pushed my tooth where it is supposed to be! Do you realize, that I could have broken them!”
After drinking my super breakfast smoothie, I called my dentist, Sam, to tell her about my teeth. She told me that I might be just fine, or maybe there could be some root damage. Sam advised me not to bite into anything for at least a month or two, and she told me to call her immediately, if they start hurting—I wasn’t totally out of the woods, yet. (Please wish me luck.)
Then I phoned Kinky, to tell him my good news! And, he couldn’t believe it, and told me that I should blog about it! Today has been a great day for me! Tomorrow, I will tell y’all about Linda T., and the Austin bunch, Sasha, Rebecca, Ken and Jack’s dog walking episodes today!
P.S. Tony and I just finished eating our dinner. I can tell you right now, that I will not be eating out in publie for at least two months! Have a wonderful evening and count your teeth blessings!
Today, at eleven o’clock, Tony and I were completely shocked to see who was knocking on our front door...
It was Ben, carrying a huge duffle bag! “Hi, Ben!” Tony and I said. “What a nice surprise! We didn’t know if you were coming out, this week.”
“Hi guys,” Ben said, as he put his large duffle bag on our breakfast bar. “I’ve come to spread a little holiday cheer.” Then Ben unzipped, the largest duffle bag, that I have ever seen. I brought y’all another brick of Miles of Chocolate.”
“Oh great!” I said. “We are almost out.”
“I know,” Ben said. “I read your blog about giving some to Linda T., when she came out last Saturday—to walk dogs. “I also brought you some loaves of Miles of Chocolate Pear Bread. Then Ben started pulling the loaves out of his bottomless pit bag, placing them on the breakfast— bar. “That should last y’all for a little while.”
“Yes,” I said. “Like a year or two! Thank you so much!”
Thursday and Friday, were a lot of fun out here! Aaron, Ben, Tony and I spent the afternoons—working on the Space Ship. And, they let me use the chop saw, and my nail gun some, but they did all of the hard stuff!
When there was nothing left for me to do, they sent me into the trailer, so I could paint some picture frames. By the time that I had painted three pink wood frames and two peach colored picture frames—they were done! Work on the Space Ship was completed! And, it looks absolutely beautiful inside! I love it!
As I swept my beautiful spacecraft clean, Aaron, Tony and Ben cleaned up the outside, and packed up the tools, and put them up. Then I went inside the trailer, to my laptop, and printed out several of my favorite photos, and them put them into my newly painted picture frames. When I returned to the Space Ship, Ben and Tony helped me hang up my new pictures and signs!
“Is that a picture of you?” Ben asked, as he hung it.
“Yes,” I said. “That’s me, when I was about eight years old. A man came to our neighborhood, in Fort Worth, with his little Shetland pony, and he went door to door, taking pictures of all the kids sitting on his pony. Ronnie had his picture taken on the wannabe horse, too! I remember the pictures cost my parents a pretty penny. Talk about a money maker! Every house, in South Hills, that had children—sat on that poor pony, that day.”

Ben, and his dogs, Valerie and Penny, left for Austin around six o’clock. I spent the evening catching up on some paperwork, then I went to bed.
In the wee, wee hours of the morning, I got out of bed, to wee-wee. Thunder, our sweet, old Labrador, was sleeping on the floor. I didn’t see her, and tripped, and fell to the floor! Ouch! My face hit the wooden floor, and I jammed my left thumb—trying to break my fall. I got up, apologized to Thunder, and then went into the bathroom, as Tony continued to snore.
This morning, when I woke up, my thumb was throbbing, and my mouth was sore. When I climbed out of bed, my knee was aching, too! I put on my robe, and went to the mirror, so I could look at my face and mouth.
I have needed some serious dental work, for years, and I am so embarrassed by my smile, because my teeth are in such bad shape, so when I smile, I grin and bear it. Anyway, with that said, I looked into the mirror, and was shocked at what I saw! OMG! I couldn’t believe it!
I leaned in for a closer inspection. My chin and a portion of my upper lip, had been scraped raw, but fortunately, they were not swollen—just sore to the touch. Then I smiled into the mirror! “What?” I said out loud. “This can’t be true!” I then picked up my hand mirror, and smiled again.
My two front teeth, which overlap—were no longer overlapping! The tooth that lapped, was now straight! I couldn’t believe it! I felt my two front teeth. They were no longer crooked, and they had a nice tight fit! My smile looked much better, but I still need to get some serious dental work done, when I can afford it.
When Tony returned from Medina, I said, “Tony, do you believe in fairies? Tooth Fairies to be exact.”
“Tooth Fairies. What are you talking about, Nance?”
I then told T. about my fall and landing on my face. Then I asked him to look at me, and then I smiled. “Somehow, when I fell—the Tooth Fairy came to my rescue! My front tooth is straight, now, and no longer overlapping the other! Tony was shocked! “Some how, my fall pushed my tooth where it is supposed to be! Do you realize, that I could have broken them!”
After drinking my super breakfast smoothie, I called my dentist, Sam, to tell her about my teeth. She told me that I might be just fine, or maybe there could be some root damage. Sam advised me not to bite into anything for at least a month or two, and she told me to call her immediately, if they start hurting—I wasn’t totally out of the woods, yet. (Please wish me luck.)
Then I phoned Kinky, to tell him my good news! And, he couldn’t believe it, and told me that I should blog about it! Today has been a great day for me! Tomorrow, I will tell y’all about Linda T., and the Austin bunch, Sasha, Rebecca, Ken and Jack’s dog walking episodes today!
P.S. Tony and I just finished eating our dinner. I can tell you right now, that I will not be eating out in publie for at least two months! Have a wonderful evening and count your teeth blessings!
ben welch,
cousin nancy,
kinky friedman,
miles of chocolate
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Up On The Roof!
Everything that has been going on out here, the last couple of days, now makes perfectly good sense to me—it’s Full Moon Time, again—FMT! That explains all of the weirdness, the extra hundred phone calls, e-mails, etc.! I thought I was going crazy, but I’m not—it’s FMT! I also apologize for not blogging much, the last few days, and I am blaming it all on that man in the moon. Now, I am going to catch you up on what’s been going on, out here.
First, I want to thank Sasha and David for driving down from Austin, last Tuesday, to deliver fifty- twenty four cans per case, of cat food—to help out our ‘Cat Lady’ neighbor! Sasha had called me earlier, this weekend, to tell me that her great friends, had pitched in money to help the cats. She told me that Larry Tucker had picked up, and delivered the cat food—to her house! And, her friends Danielle Lefemine, Karen Breeding, Jack Campbell and Christian Garces all had chipped in the money, and had paid for the fifty cases of cat food! Here’s a shout out to them— “We Love Y’all! And, thank you so very much for caring—Cats Rule and so do Y’all! And, they won’t be drooling, because they aren’t going to be hungry!”
When Sasha and David first arrived, it was hugs and handshakes—then Sasha gave us a beautiful poinsettia plant, and a giant box of dog treats! Then I gave them a tour of my Space Ship, and they loved it! Next, we went into Outer Space and we had a great visit! After leaving Outer Space, we gave them a tour of our trailer, and David was very impressed with it—especially the cedar furniture, that Tony had made! He thought our cedar bed was awesome, too! Tony made it for us, when we got married, back in 1999!
After that, I suggested that we go on over to visit Kinky! But, before departing, David, Sasha, Aaron, Tony and I unloaded the fifty cases of canned cat food, at the feed barn. Kermit took Sasha and David and me over to the Lodge—with Buttermilk and Tony following close behind us. When we arrived, it was hugs and handshakes, all over again!
While drinking Kona coffee, Kinky gave David and Sasha a tour of his Lodge, and then we went outside, to sit by the Friedman Family Bone Orchard! It was a beautiful, sunshiny day—absolutely perfect! It couldn’t have been better!
The conversation was exciting—to say the least! After two hours, Kinky needed to get back to his writing, so Kermit returned us safely back to the rescue ranch. Before Sasha and David left, I said, “Well, David, I really like you, and I am impressed with you. (He’s a University of Texas professor!) You are lucky to have Sasha in your life, and Sasha is lucky to have you in her life.” Then it was hugs only, before they left! We’re truly talkin’ good people—my kind of people!
Fast forward to Wednesday! Kinky, Tony and I met June and Ellen, two of our great volunteers, for lunch, at the Del Norte, to thank them for all that they do for our dogs! It was a fun lunch, and filled with non-stop laughter! I wish that I could tell you about what we were laughing at, but I can’t.
Following lunch, Tony I went to The Plant Haus! Karen, the owner, of the best plant nurseries in Texas, had asked us to come by, because she had a donation to make to us!
Tony and my jaws dropped to the floor, when she gave us her donation! That woman is one of the sweetest, kindest women in all of Kerr County, and the state of Texas—we absolutely love her! Thank you, so much Karen for your extremely generous donation—You Totally Rock! Kinky, Tony and I love you, and we wish you the best of your holidays, because you have made ours!
Today, at eleven o’clock, Tony and I were completely shocked to see who was knocking on our front door...
To Be Continued....(Sorry Mari! LOL! Once again, I couldn’t resist! Happy Holidays to you and the NoMads!)
P.S. James Taylor is singing— 'Up On The Roof.' I love it—everything is all right!
First, I want to thank Sasha and David for driving down from Austin, last Tuesday, to deliver fifty- twenty four cans per case, of cat food—to help out our ‘Cat Lady’ neighbor! Sasha had called me earlier, this weekend, to tell me that her great friends, had pitched in money to help the cats. She told me that Larry Tucker had picked up, and delivered the cat food—to her house! And, her friends Danielle Lefemine, Karen Breeding, Jack Campbell and Christian Garces all had chipped in the money, and had paid for the fifty cases of cat food! Here’s a shout out to them— “We Love Y’all! And, thank you so very much for caring—Cats Rule and so do Y’all! And, they won’t be drooling, because they aren’t going to be hungry!”
When Sasha and David first arrived, it was hugs and handshakes—then Sasha gave us a beautiful poinsettia plant, and a giant box of dog treats! Then I gave them a tour of my Space Ship, and they loved it! Next, we went into Outer Space and we had a great visit! After leaving Outer Space, we gave them a tour of our trailer, and David was very impressed with it—especially the cedar furniture, that Tony had made! He thought our cedar bed was awesome, too! Tony made it for us, when we got married, back in 1999!
After that, I suggested that we go on over to visit Kinky! But, before departing, David, Sasha, Aaron, Tony and I unloaded the fifty cases of canned cat food, at the feed barn. Kermit took Sasha and David and me over to the Lodge—with Buttermilk and Tony following close behind us. When we arrived, it was hugs and handshakes, all over again!
While drinking Kona coffee, Kinky gave David and Sasha a tour of his Lodge, and then we went outside, to sit by the Friedman Family Bone Orchard! It was a beautiful, sunshiny day—absolutely perfect! It couldn’t have been better!
The conversation was exciting—to say the least! After two hours, Kinky needed to get back to his writing, so Kermit returned us safely back to the rescue ranch. Before Sasha and David left, I said, “Well, David, I really like you, and I am impressed with you. (He’s a University of Texas professor!) You are lucky to have Sasha in your life, and Sasha is lucky to have you in her life.” Then it was hugs only, before they left! We’re truly talkin’ good people—my kind of people!
Fast forward to Wednesday! Kinky, Tony and I met June and Ellen, two of our great volunteers, for lunch, at the Del Norte, to thank them for all that they do for our dogs! It was a fun lunch, and filled with non-stop laughter! I wish that I could tell you about what we were laughing at, but I can’t.
Following lunch, Tony I went to The Plant Haus! Karen, the owner, of the best plant nurseries in Texas, had asked us to come by, because she had a donation to make to us!
Tony and my jaws dropped to the floor, when she gave us her donation! That woman is one of the sweetest, kindest women in all of Kerr County, and the state of Texas—we absolutely love her! Thank you, so much Karen for your extremely generous donation—You Totally Rock! Kinky, Tony and I love you, and we wish you the best of your holidays, because you have made ours!
Today, at eleven o’clock, Tony and I were completely shocked to see who was knocking on our front door...
To Be Continued....(Sorry Mari! LOL! Once again, I couldn’t resist! Happy Holidays to you and the NoMads!)
P.S. James Taylor is singing— 'Up On The Roof.' I love it—everything is all right!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Is This Weird Or What!
Is it just me, or is it happening to y’all, too? Weird things seem to be happening, more and more, and they don’t make sense! For example, yesterday, just as Tony, Buttermilk and I were entering Kerrville’s city limits, I noticed a man sitting in a lawn chair, in an empty church parking lot, holding up a big poster board sign— 'WOOD FOR SALE!’
“Look, Tony,” I said. “That man is sitting there, holding up that sign, and there is no pile of wood or even a truck nearby—full of wood! Is that weird or what?” Tony laughed, and nodded yes. “The only wood he has for sale, is that little stake, that he is holding in his hand—that his sign is stapled to.”
We went to Walmart, first. We turned on our cell phones, before getting out of Buttermilk, so we could locate each other, when we were done shopping. I go to the video department to buy the DVD movie ‘Queen,’ which my friend Cindy P., had highly recommended for me to see. As I am searching the isle for it—on the next isle over, I hear an old woman, with a deep, raspy smoker’s voice, having a screaming argument, on her cell phone, with someone named Fred, and she is reading him the riot act! I tried not to listen, but I couldn’t help it. Then she brings her heated conversation over to my isle—and she doesn’t have a cell phone! She has her hand up to her ear, like acting out when you’re talking about using your cell phone, with her little finger pointing south, and her thumb pointing upwards to the ceiling! Whoa! I couldn’t find a copy of the DVD, so I went to the craft department, and quickly phoned Tone, “I am ready to get out of here. Are you?”
“I’m ready. Did you find your movie?” Tony asked.
“No, and I didn’t find the invisible man, either! Let’s get out of here!”
Today, there was more weirdness, but not before I worked on the Space Ship! Today Tony, Aaron and me worked on the final phase of reconstruction—the restroom! For two hours, I took a break from the rescue ranch! I used the chop saw, and cut boards to measurement, and enjoyed using my handy nail gun, while Tony and Aaron demolished the bathroom! The three of us took turns building the new bathroom and it looks beautiful! Unfortunately, we ran out of lumber. We need six more sticks—1’X 4’s, to complete it. I am hoping to have the Space Ship finished by Wednesday—weather permitting!
Before the weirdness began, my dear Canadian friend, Fay—sent me a personal, e-mail greeting from Santa Claus, from the portable North Pole, and it cracked me up! It is hilarious and you can watch it at:
http://portablenorthpole.sympatico.msn.ca/watch/f23a15e3bd55ca37177d2cd4> b97d7095
Here is today’s weirdness report. Around three fifteen, our phones went dead! I didn’t know it, because I was on the internet. What, you ask? How could your phone lines be down, but you’re are on the internet, and using your DSL from your fax line? I have no answer, but I will tomorrow, when I call Hill Country Telephone Cooperative.
I then drove over to Kinky’s to ask him if his phone was dead. He was standing out by his gate, and told me that he, too—had no phone service. “Nance, I drove over to the rescue ranch and your gate was closed,” Kinky said. “Let’s go for a walk with the Friedmans, since we have no phones.”
We went for a walk, and then I came home. Ten minutes later—we had phone! Good night y’all!
P.S. Fay, thank you for making me laugh! And, everyone please read Fay’s comment on yesterday’s blog!
“Look, Tony,” I said. “That man is sitting there, holding up that sign, and there is no pile of wood or even a truck nearby—full of wood! Is that weird or what?” Tony laughed, and nodded yes. “The only wood he has for sale, is that little stake, that he is holding in his hand—that his sign is stapled to.”
We went to Walmart, first. We turned on our cell phones, before getting out of Buttermilk, so we could locate each other, when we were done shopping. I go to the video department to buy the DVD movie ‘Queen,’ which my friend Cindy P., had highly recommended for me to see. As I am searching the isle for it—on the next isle over, I hear an old woman, with a deep, raspy smoker’s voice, having a screaming argument, on her cell phone, with someone named Fred, and she is reading him the riot act! I tried not to listen, but I couldn’t help it. Then she brings her heated conversation over to my isle—and she doesn’t have a cell phone! She has her hand up to her ear, like acting out when you’re talking about using your cell phone, with her little finger pointing south, and her thumb pointing upwards to the ceiling! Whoa! I couldn’t find a copy of the DVD, so I went to the craft department, and quickly phoned Tone, “I am ready to get out of here. Are you?”
“I’m ready. Did you find your movie?” Tony asked.
“No, and I didn’t find the invisible man, either! Let’s get out of here!”
Today, there was more weirdness, but not before I worked on the Space Ship! Today Tony, Aaron and me worked on the final phase of reconstruction—the restroom! For two hours, I took a break from the rescue ranch! I used the chop saw, and cut boards to measurement, and enjoyed using my handy nail gun, while Tony and Aaron demolished the bathroom! The three of us took turns building the new bathroom and it looks beautiful! Unfortunately, we ran out of lumber. We need six more sticks—1’X 4’s, to complete it. I am hoping to have the Space Ship finished by Wednesday—weather permitting!
Before the weirdness began, my dear Canadian friend, Fay—sent me a personal, e-mail greeting from Santa Claus, from the portable North Pole, and it cracked me up! It is hilarious and you can watch it at:
http://portablenorthpole.sympatico.msn.ca/watch/f23a15e3bd55ca37177d2cd4> b97d7095
Here is today’s weirdness report. Around three fifteen, our phones went dead! I didn’t know it, because I was on the internet. What, you ask? How could your phone lines be down, but you’re are on the internet, and using your DSL from your fax line? I have no answer, but I will tomorrow, when I call Hill Country Telephone Cooperative.
I then drove over to Kinky’s to ask him if his phone was dead. He was standing out by his gate, and told me that he, too—had no phone service. “Nance, I drove over to the rescue ranch and your gate was closed,” Kinky said. “Let’s go for a walk with the Friedmans, since we have no phones.”
We went for a walk, and then I came home. Ten minutes later—we had phone! Good night y’all!
P.S. Fay, thank you for making me laugh! And, everyone please read Fay’s comment on yesterday’s blog!
' santa claus,
cousin nancy,
kinky friedman
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My Dogs Are Killing Me!
Yesterday morning, after breakfast, the first thing I did, was to replace the old, Eternal Squirrel—#2, from Yoda’s grave, with my backup Eternal Squirrel—#3. Tony helped me replace it. When the new Eternal Squirrel #3 was securely bolted down, I took Eternal Squirrel #2 , and put it on the kitchen counter of my Space Ship.
At 9:30, Kinky called, and I went over to the Lodge for a visit. At 11:00, I returned to the rescue ranch, to find Linda T. and Tony visiting with Mr. Ziffle. I joined them, and then gave Linda, the race car driver, who had offered to drive me to the Houston calendar signing events, a tour of our rescue ranch. Linda fell in love with our dogs!
After our tour, I invited her into the Space Ship, and she loved it, too! I knew that she would. Then we left my rockin’ ship, and went into Outer Space, and had a very fun visit!
When we left Outer Space, I invited her into our trailer, and she thought it was fabulous! Tony came inside, around 1:00, after giving a couple, and their children, a tour of our rescue ranch—and he was hungry! I invited Linda to eat lunch with us. I made homemade, organic—zucchini soup. And yes—she loved it and was very impressed with Jaws! We had ‘Miles of Chocolate’ for dessert—and she loved it, too! Everyone loves ‘Miles of Chocolate!’ I loved it!
Following our lunch, Linda and I started walking the dogs! She first took Nash, aka Ghost Dog. I was hoping to take Alfie for a walk, too, but she didn’t want to go. Linda and I walked all over Echo Hill Ranch, and Nash enjoyed every minute of it!
Next, Linda walked Maggie, and I walked Happy! Maggie and Linda led the way, as I stopped and let Happy sniff and smell, and mark every other tree. After another long walk, as we were returning them to their pen—Don and Susan, the great snowbirds from Canada, rode in on their bicycles! They were ready to walk some dogs, before leaving Koyote Ranch—this morning—to head further south, for warmer weather!
While I fetched my camera, from our trailer, Tony hooked Susan and Don up—with Ashley Judd and, her roommate Lucy! Off they went—into the wild blue yonder! Tony then leashed up, our other Maggie, and Linda and I took off for our third long walk! Maggie, Teddy Roosevelt’s sister, had a wonderful time!

When Linda, Maggie and I returned to the rescue ranch, Tony drove up in Kermit to help us return Maggie to her pen. “Nance,” Tony said. “It’s three o’clock.”

“My dogs are killing me,” I said, stealing John Candy’s famous line, about his feet hurting, in one of my most favorite movies— ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles.’ “Y’all, I’m truly exhausted, now.”
“I’m not,” Linda rapidly replied. “I can walk some more dogs!”
“You, can’t Linda,” I said. “We close at three, and Tony and I have to get to Kerrville, to buy some groceries—before dark. I’m sorry.”
She understood. Fifteen minutes later, Linda hugged me, and told me that she would come back, next Saturday—then she drove away, in a cloud of dust!
Because I was so tired, Tony offered to go to Kerrville without me, to buy our groceries. I wanted to go with him, but I took him up on his offer, and let him go alone. Ten minutes later, Susan, Ashley Judd, Lucy and Don arrived back at the rescue ranch!
I walked down to Lucy’s and Ashley’s pen, to help put them back into their pen, but I was too late. Just as I walked up—our two super dogs were back in their pen—taking turns—drinking water!
Susan and Don and I walked back to the trailer, and we had a fun conversation, about Canada and Texas. Before they left, I showed them my newly decorated Space Ship, and they thought it was too cool! We then traded e-mail addresses. Before leaving, Don told me, that they would be returning to the Texas Hill Country sometime in March, and they promised to swing by the rescue ranch—for a visit! I can’t wait—I love these people! We hugged and then said our goodbyes, and then they rode off.

I went back to the trailer and had twenty-seven messages, on my machine! One of them was from Tony’s and my dear friend, Garnet, in Utopia! “Nancy, this is Garnet. Sandy and I want to buy a calendar! And, I want you and Tony to please sign it! I just read your blog about the calendars, being nearly sold out! Please ask Maribeth to bring us one, and we will send a check back with her!”
I phoned Garnet, and told her that I was fixin’ to take a calendar over to the Lodge, so Maribeth could deliver it to her.
Then Tony arrived! “Tony please sign this calendar for Garnet and Sandy.” Tony signed it, as I unpacked our groceries. Then I drove over to the Lodge, and asked Maribeth to please deliver it to Garnet and Sandy.
Maribeth said she would. We sat, and visited for about an hour. Then I came back home and went to bed very early.
P.S. Great news! Sasha and David are coming out here, on Tuesday, to deliver more cat food for our neighbor’s cats! Yeah! We can’t wait to see Sasha, again, and to meet David!

At 9:30, Kinky called, and I went over to the Lodge for a visit. At 11:00, I returned to the rescue ranch, to find Linda T. and Tony visiting with Mr. Ziffle. I joined them, and then gave Linda, the race car driver, who had offered to drive me to the Houston calendar signing events, a tour of our rescue ranch. Linda fell in love with our dogs!
After our tour, I invited her into the Space Ship, and she loved it, too! I knew that she would. Then we left my rockin’ ship, and went into Outer Space, and had a very fun visit!
When we left Outer Space, I invited her into our trailer, and she thought it was fabulous! Tony came inside, around 1:00, after giving a couple, and their children, a tour of our rescue ranch—and he was hungry! I invited Linda to eat lunch with us. I made homemade, organic—zucchini soup. And yes—she loved it and was very impressed with Jaws! We had ‘Miles of Chocolate’ for dessert—and she loved it, too! Everyone loves ‘Miles of Chocolate!’ I loved it!
Following our lunch, Linda and I started walking the dogs! She first took Nash, aka Ghost Dog. I was hoping to take Alfie for a walk, too, but she didn’t want to go. Linda and I walked all over Echo Hill Ranch, and Nash enjoyed every minute of it!
Next, Linda walked Maggie, and I walked Happy! Maggie and Linda led the way, as I stopped and let Happy sniff and smell, and mark every other tree. After another long walk, as we were returning them to their pen—Don and Susan, the great snowbirds from Canada, rode in on their bicycles! They were ready to walk some dogs, before leaving Koyote Ranch—this morning—to head further south, for warmer weather!
While I fetched my camera, from our trailer, Tony hooked Susan and Don up—with Ashley Judd and, her roommate Lucy! Off they went—into the wild blue yonder! Tony then leashed up, our other Maggie, and Linda and I took off for our third long walk! Maggie, Teddy Roosevelt’s sister, had a wonderful time!

When Linda, Maggie and I returned to the rescue ranch, Tony drove up in Kermit to help us return Maggie to her pen. “Nance,” Tony said. “It’s three o’clock.”

“My dogs are killing me,” I said, stealing John Candy’s famous line, about his feet hurting, in one of my most favorite movies— ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles.’ “Y’all, I’m truly exhausted, now.”
“I’m not,” Linda rapidly replied. “I can walk some more dogs!”
“You, can’t Linda,” I said. “We close at three, and Tony and I have to get to Kerrville, to buy some groceries—before dark. I’m sorry.”
She understood. Fifteen minutes later, Linda hugged me, and told me that she would come back, next Saturday—then she drove away, in a cloud of dust!
Because I was so tired, Tony offered to go to Kerrville without me, to buy our groceries. I wanted to go with him, but I took him up on his offer, and let him go alone. Ten minutes later, Susan, Ashley Judd, Lucy and Don arrived back at the rescue ranch!
I walked down to Lucy’s and Ashley’s pen, to help put them back into their pen, but I was too late. Just as I walked up—our two super dogs were back in their pen—taking turns—drinking water!
Susan and Don and I walked back to the trailer, and we had a fun conversation, about Canada and Texas. Before they left, I showed them my newly decorated Space Ship, and they thought it was too cool! We then traded e-mail addresses. Before leaving, Don told me, that they would be returning to the Texas Hill Country sometime in March, and they promised to swing by the rescue ranch—for a visit! I can’t wait—I love these people! We hugged and then said our goodbyes, and then they rode off.

I went back to the trailer and had twenty-seven messages, on my machine! One of them was from Tony’s and my dear friend, Garnet, in Utopia! “Nancy, this is Garnet. Sandy and I want to buy a calendar! And, I want you and Tony to please sign it! I just read your blog about the calendars, being nearly sold out! Please ask Maribeth to bring us one, and we will send a check back with her!”
I phoned Garnet, and told her that I was fixin’ to take a calendar over to the Lodge, so Maribeth could deliver it to her.
Then Tony arrived! “Tony please sign this calendar for Garnet and Sandy.” Tony signed it, as I unpacked our groceries. Then I drove over to the Lodge, and asked Maribeth to please deliver it to Garnet and Sandy.
Maribeth said she would. We sat, and visited for about an hour. Then I came back home and went to bed very early.
P.S. Great news! Sasha and David are coming out here, on Tuesday, to deliver more cat food for our neighbor’s cats! Yeah! We can’t wait to see Sasha, again, and to meet David!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Frost Bite!
This morning, I realized that it doesn’t pay to be old, in fact, it can be costly! Yesterday, after decorating the Space Ship, I came inside, and decided to wash the three kitchen chair cushions, because my dogs sit and sleep on them—they were dirty. I put the three cushions into the washing machine, turned a couple of knobs, poured in the laundry detergent, and then closed the lid, and walked away.
Forty minutes later, I had three soaked orange chair cushions. Since the sun was out, I decided to hang them outside, on my solar dryer. The chair pads were heavy, so Tony helped me hang them up to dry.
This morning when Tony returned from Medina, he said, with a smile, “Nance, I think you forgot to do something yesterday.”
“What?” I asked. I wasn’t startled, because at my age, I find myself getting more forgetful.
“You forgot to bring in those cushions,” Tony said. Then he stated laughing! “They’re frozen solid, and are as heavy as bricks, and the clothes line is nearly tilting over.” He started laughing, again. “Come outside with me, you’ve got to see the leaning solar dryer!
I started laughing, and was relieved to know that, that was the only thing, that I had forgotten. I then went outside with Tone, and we both started laughing! I decided to let those three frozen-solid, giant wannabe ice cubes—hang outside for the day, so they could thaw out.
Late this afternoon, I went outside, and brought the cushions inside. They were now—a lot more puffier, more lumpy and were truly out of shape, but I tied them to the kitchen chairs, anyway. When I took turns sitting on them, thinking that it would fix the problem, I couldn’t help, but laugh! They were no longer soft and comfortable—they were now clean and ruined! My dogs won’t even sit on them! But, it’s okay, I’ll buy some more at Wal Mart, when I go to replace my Wal Mart kryptonite memory pillow—that has totally lost its mind! We’re talkin’—a total lobotomy! And, I bought it, a year ago January!
P.S . Today, A.J. and his friends, Eric and Kevin, came out to visit us! We had a blast! We gave them the deluxe tour of the rescue ranch, which included touring the trailer, the Space Ship, my writing cabin, and they went into Outer Space with us, too! Following the dog tour, A.J. challenged T. to a pool tournament! How sad! Medina Bulldog 2 —Shorty 1! I love it! (A. J. aka Shorty, is six foot, six inches tall!) Y’all have a great evening, and count your blessings, like I am!
P.S.S. A.J., who is fulfilling our calendar orders, at the kinkyfriedman.com store, told me that we have less than fifty calendars left to sell! Yeah! I hope that y’all got one! I love our calendar! It took me months to lay it out, and put together—from Tony’s and my photos, and the quotes I chose, etc. I am so proud of it! It was the best thing that I have ever done for our rescue ranch. It was a labor of love for me, and I love it!
Forty minutes later, I had three soaked orange chair cushions. Since the sun was out, I decided to hang them outside, on my solar dryer. The chair pads were heavy, so Tony helped me hang them up to dry.
This morning when Tony returned from Medina, he said, with a smile, “Nance, I think you forgot to do something yesterday.”
“What?” I asked. I wasn’t startled, because at my age, I find myself getting more forgetful.
“You forgot to bring in those cushions,” Tony said. Then he stated laughing! “They’re frozen solid, and are as heavy as bricks, and the clothes line is nearly tilting over.” He started laughing, again. “Come outside with me, you’ve got to see the leaning solar dryer!
I started laughing, and was relieved to know that, that was the only thing, that I had forgotten. I then went outside with Tone, and we both started laughing! I decided to let those three frozen-solid, giant wannabe ice cubes—hang outside for the day, so they could thaw out.
Late this afternoon, I went outside, and brought the cushions inside. They were now—a lot more puffier, more lumpy and were truly out of shape, but I tied them to the kitchen chairs, anyway. When I took turns sitting on them, thinking that it would fix the problem, I couldn’t help, but laugh! They were no longer soft and comfortable—they were now clean and ruined! My dogs won’t even sit on them! But, it’s okay, I’ll buy some more at Wal Mart, when I go to replace my Wal Mart kryptonite memory pillow—that has totally lost its mind! We’re talkin’—a total lobotomy! And, I bought it, a year ago January!
P.S . Today, A.J. and his friends, Eric and Kevin, came out to visit us! We had a blast! We gave them the deluxe tour of the rescue ranch, which included touring the trailer, the Space Ship, my writing cabin, and they went into Outer Space with us, too! Following the dog tour, A.J. challenged T. to a pool tournament! How sad! Medina Bulldog 2 —Shorty 1! I love it! (A. J. aka Shorty, is six foot, six inches tall!) Y’all have a great evening, and count your blessings, like I am!
P.S.S. A.J., who is fulfilling our calendar orders, at the kinkyfriedman.com store, told me that we have less than fifty calendars left to sell! Yeah! I hope that y’all got one! I love our calendar! It took me months to lay it out, and put together—from Tony’s and my photos, and the quotes I chose, etc. I am so proud of it! It was the best thing that I have ever done for our rescue ranch. It was a labor of love for me, and I love it!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Strange Seasons!
I am not sure if it is because of Venus and Jupiter, or our now non-booming economy, but things out here, have been really quiet for the last couple of days. I normally receive twenty to thirty phone calls a day, and at least forty to fifty e-mails to answer. In the past two days, only ten people have called the rescue ranch, and please note— Kinky made six of those calls, and I have only received ten e-mails—total! Hmmm? In a way, I guess it is a good thing, because I am now caught up with all of my never-ending paperwork!
This morning, at 7:45, I phoned Harley, to do his radio show, at The Rose 99.9. After telling Harley, that Buffalo Girl was his Pet of the Week, and what a great dog she is, I decided to plug, a good friend of Tony’s and mine—Tom D. Wells! Our dear friends, Drew and Renee had introduced us to him, awhile back, because they love him, and he is an author, too!
“Harley,” I said. “A good friend of mine, Tom D. Wells, who has been a twenty-five-year member of the faculty, over at Schreiner College and University—has a new book out and I want to plug it!”
“Great! Go ahead! What is the title?”
“’Strange Seasons,” I said. “It is the first of a series of four. It is young adult fiction, set in a small town in west Texas—back in the 60’s.”
“Have you read it?”
“No, not yet, but Drew told me that it is a fantastic read! Tony and I can’t wait to get a signed copy and read it! On Wednesday, December 10th—our friend, Tom Wells is doing a book signing at 7 PM, at the Campus Activity Center, at Schreiner University! And we’re going to it! His book signings are a blast!”
“Where is it available, Cousin Nancy?” Harley asked. “I’ve got a relative that I want to buy it for.”
“You can buy ‘Strange Seasons’ at the book signing, or at Wolfmueller’s Books or Amazon.com...” Harley and I then visited a little longer. I am putting up a link to Tom’s website. Please check out Tom’s new book at:
This afternoon, because nothing was happening out here, I went—outside, and worked on the Space Ship! Tony helped me put away the many tools, and then I started decorating it! I put my nine dollar, service of four—fine china, into the cabinets, and then I feng shuied the Space Ship—by clearing out all of the clutter!
After that, I came inside the trailer, and grabbed my Bose iDock and iPod, and went back outside to the Space Ship! While Michael Jackson loudly sang, ‘Billie Jean,’ I dusted and swept the wooden floors, and sorta moon skipped, as the Space Ship began to totally Rock!
When Tony came out to tell me that Kinky had called, again—he was shocked at how great everything looked inside the Space Ship!
I spent the rest of the afternoon, happily decorating the Space Ship—and it is looking so awesome! I still have a lot of decorating to do. I did paint a few more signs and hung them, and I also painted a few picture frames, and put my favorite pictures in them, and they look great, too! The last thing I did out there, was to screw a hat rack hook into the wall—and then I hung my pink, Dallas Cowboy cap on it!
Y’all, I’ve had a great day! I’ve needed a little time for myself, because I’ve been so busy, and I am glad that it has been quiet! Tony just walked inside the writing cabin, and told me that it is wine-thirty! I’ve got to go! I hope y’all have a wonderful evening—because I am fixin’ to!
P.S. Please check out Tom’s new book!
This morning, at 7:45, I phoned Harley, to do his radio show, at The Rose 99.9. After telling Harley, that Buffalo Girl was his Pet of the Week, and what a great dog she is, I decided to plug, a good friend of Tony’s and mine—Tom D. Wells! Our dear friends, Drew and Renee had introduced us to him, awhile back, because they love him, and he is an author, too!
“Harley,” I said. “A good friend of mine, Tom D. Wells, who has been a twenty-five-year member of the faculty, over at Schreiner College and University—has a new book out and I want to plug it!”
“Great! Go ahead! What is the title?”
“’Strange Seasons,” I said. “It is the first of a series of four. It is young adult fiction, set in a small town in west Texas—back in the 60’s.”
“Have you read it?”
“No, not yet, but Drew told me that it is a fantastic read! Tony and I can’t wait to get a signed copy and read it! On Wednesday, December 10th—our friend, Tom Wells is doing a book signing at 7 PM, at the Campus Activity Center, at Schreiner University! And we’re going to it! His book signings are a blast!”
“Where is it available, Cousin Nancy?” Harley asked. “I’ve got a relative that I want to buy it for.”
“You can buy ‘Strange Seasons’ at the book signing, or at Wolfmueller’s Books or Amazon.com...” Harley and I then visited a little longer. I am putting up a link to Tom’s website. Please check out Tom’s new book at:
This afternoon, because nothing was happening out here, I went—outside, and worked on the Space Ship! Tony helped me put away the many tools, and then I started decorating it! I put my nine dollar, service of four—fine china, into the cabinets, and then I feng shuied the Space Ship—by clearing out all of the clutter!
After that, I came inside the trailer, and grabbed my Bose iDock and iPod, and went back outside to the Space Ship! While Michael Jackson loudly sang, ‘Billie Jean,’ I dusted and swept the wooden floors, and sorta moon skipped, as the Space Ship began to totally Rock!
When Tony came out to tell me that Kinky had called, again—he was shocked at how great everything looked inside the Space Ship!
I spent the rest of the afternoon, happily decorating the Space Ship—and it is looking so awesome! I still have a lot of decorating to do. I did paint a few more signs and hung them, and I also painted a few picture frames, and put my favorite pictures in them, and they look great, too! The last thing I did out there, was to screw a hat rack hook into the wall—and then I hung my pink, Dallas Cowboy cap on it!
Y’all, I’ve had a great day! I’ve needed a little time for myself, because I’ve been so busy, and I am glad that it has been quiet! Tony just walked inside the writing cabin, and told me that it is wine-thirty! I’ve got to go! I hope y’all have a wonderful evening—because I am fixin’ to!
P.S. Please check out Tom’s new book!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Today Has Been Quiet!
Today has been quiet. I don't have any exciting news to tell y'all. Have a great evening! Cousin Nancy
Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm Fixin' To Convert!
P.S. I can’t wait to tell you what Tony and I are fixin’ to do! During breakfast this morning, we have decided to...Continued! (Mari, this one is for you!)
Tony and I are going to expand our heirloom organic garden, and we are going to start composting daily—to improve the soil! After breakfast, we went outside to plan our expansion. Tony is going to build a 10’x20’ greenhouse, and he can’t wait to get started! And, thank goodness, that I am height-challenged, (5’2" the last time I checked) because I’m fixin' to convert little Trigger, Jr.’s miniature horse shed, into my greenhouse, so I can grow my medicinal heirloom organic herbs! I can’t wait to decorate it, and make a sign for it! I’ve already named it—Cousin Nancy’s Space Station!
T. has been doing a lot of research about composting, on the internet, and he told me, “We are going to need to buy a lot of worms, to help with the composting process.”
To me, worm—is a four letter word, and I cringed at the thought. “Nance,” Tony said. “We’ve got to have them. I’m thinking of getting Night Crawlers or Wiggler worms. Here let me show you what they look like!” He then carried his laptop over to me—to try to make me faint!
I love seeing Tone so excited about our new project, but worms truly make me squeamish—yuk—no thank you, or to put it, in the words of my dear friend, Cindy P.—horrors! I took a quick look, so not to disappoint Tony—they were so gross! “Tony,” I said. “Those things, worms, are going to be real close to our bedroom, now. Please promise me that they won’t be coming inside our trailer? I’m serious.”
Tony laughed! Then he promised me, that he would protect me from any worm attack, and for me, not to worry, or should I say wormmy. “Tony, I can just see the headlines in the Kerrville paper, “Creepy Night Crawler’s Trailer Invasion—Nearly Kills Cousin Nancy! Husband, Tony Simons and Kinky Friedman, in Violent Standoff for Hours and Save Her From Becoming Worm Bait!”
T. started laughing, and then he gave me a great, big bear hug, which I needed badly. I didn’t want him to let go of me.
Aaron then knocked on our front door, “Come on in, Aaron” I said. “Good morning, Aaron. Guess what Tony and I are fixing to become? Worm ranchers or better, yet—worm barons! And, we’re talking—a herd of three thousand or more! Tony is now going to be a wormboy, and I am going to be a wormgirl, maybe, but I doubt it.”
“What?” Aaron said.
I hope that y’all have a wonderful evening, I’ve got to go now. Tony wants to show me some composting containers!
Tony and I are going to expand our heirloom organic garden, and we are going to start composting daily—to improve the soil! After breakfast, we went outside to plan our expansion. Tony is going to build a 10’x20’ greenhouse, and he can’t wait to get started! And, thank goodness, that I am height-challenged, (5’2" the last time I checked) because I’m fixin' to convert little Trigger, Jr.’s miniature horse shed, into my greenhouse, so I can grow my medicinal heirloom organic herbs! I can’t wait to decorate it, and make a sign for it! I’ve already named it—Cousin Nancy’s Space Station!
T. has been doing a lot of research about composting, on the internet, and he told me, “We are going to need to buy a lot of worms, to help with the composting process.”
To me, worm—is a four letter word, and I cringed at the thought. “Nance,” Tony said. “We’ve got to have them. I’m thinking of getting Night Crawlers or Wiggler worms. Here let me show you what they look like!” He then carried his laptop over to me—to try to make me faint!
I love seeing Tone so excited about our new project, but worms truly make me squeamish—yuk—no thank you, or to put it, in the words of my dear friend, Cindy P.—horrors! I took a quick look, so not to disappoint Tony—they were so gross! “Tony,” I said. “Those things, worms, are going to be real close to our bedroom, now. Please promise me that they won’t be coming inside our trailer? I’m serious.”
Tony laughed! Then he promised me, that he would protect me from any worm attack, and for me, not to worry, or should I say wormmy. “Tony, I can just see the headlines in the Kerrville paper, “Creepy Night Crawler’s Trailer Invasion—Nearly Kills Cousin Nancy! Husband, Tony Simons and Kinky Friedman, in Violent Standoff for Hours and Save Her From Becoming Worm Bait!”
T. started laughing, and then he gave me a great, big bear hug, which I needed badly. I didn’t want him to let go of me.
Aaron then knocked on our front door, “Come on in, Aaron” I said. “Good morning, Aaron. Guess what Tony and I are fixing to become? Worm ranchers or better, yet—worm barons! And, we’re talking—a herd of three thousand or more! Tony is now going to be a wormboy, and I am going to be a wormgirl, maybe, but I doubt it.”
“What?” Aaron said.
I hope that y’all have a wonderful evening, I’ve got to go now. Tony wants to show me some composting containers!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day -O!
I am sorry for not blogging last night. I wanted to, but some good friends of ours came over.
Yesterday, was a great day, in fact, it was a greater day, than my usual great days, because we had an adoption! Here’s how my day went:
Yesterday morning, I got up earlier than usual, because I knew that a lot of people were coming out to visit our rescue ranch, take tours, walk our dogs and maybe have an adoption!
I always give tours of our trailer, because everyone, who comes out, wants to see it, go into Outer Space with us, go into my Space Ship and to also see my writing cabin. I don’t mind doing it at all, because I enjoy showing it off. So, before sunup, I had fed my furry friends, vacuumed, dusted, and washed a load of clothes!
The reason for my homework, was so I wouldn’t be embarrassed, as I was, a week ago Saturday, when I gave Sasha, Ken, Rebecca and Jack, a tour of our trailer—it was dirty, but not real dirty. It just needed vacuuming and dusting.
Linda T., up in Harker Heights, was going to be the first to arrive, she was driving three hours, to come walk our dogs all day, and I could not wait to meet her! She’s the nice race car driver who had offered to drive me to Houston, this weekend, to do calendar signings with Kinky and Little Jewford, then get me back home safely. How sweet is that!
Around 9:30, she left a message on the machine, telling me that she could not make it, and she was sick about it! She told me that she had to take her brother-in-law to the Emergency Room, around midnight! She had been up most of the night, and was totally exhausted, but he was okay. I was disappointed, but completely understood, and thank goodness he was okay.
Around 10:30, our wonderful neighbor, Heather, showed up with some members of her family! Tony and I gave them a tour, and it was a lot of fun! We finished up the tour at Mr. Ziffle’s pen, and everyone fell in love with him! Mr. Ziffle is such a great dog. He is highly intelligent, and is about two years old.
When it was time for them to return to Heather’s ranch, Tony and I didn’t want them to leave, because we were enjoying their visit, so much! Before driving away, Heather told us that she will see us again, during the holidays! We can’t wait!
As soon as they drove off, a van full of people drove up—they were from Dallas, visiting their mother, Sugar, who lives nearby, and they wanted a tour! So Tony and I gave them a tour, and they fell in love with our dogs, too! Then Clint, who works at Central Market in Dallas, saw Tony’s hat and said, “Miles of Chocolate, I have a cap just like that! We carry their chocolate and pear bread! People love it! Have you tried it?”
“Yes,” Tony said. “Ben Welch, who works out here, a few days a month, is Miles partner.”
“I know Miles,” Clint said. “I’ve not met Ben, yet.” We visited a little while longer and then they drove away.
Tony and I then came inside the trailer, and I made us homemade asparagus soup—it was delicious! Just after I had cleaned up the kitchen, Paul drove up, with his four best friends, that he and his wife had adopted from us—Susie, Gracie, Stella and Yetti! Paul and his crew didn’t stay very long, but we had a great visit! Tony and I love Paul! He and his wife, Marty have done so much to help our ranch!
Around 2:30, Tony left the trailer, while I was returning some phone calls. At three-fifteen, Tony came inside the trailer, to tell me that Emily had just been adopted, and I needed to fill out her adoption papers! “Tony this is great! I’m sorry, I didn’t know that they had arrived. Our dogs didn’t bark.” I quickly filled out our adoption form for Emily! Then we got into Kermit, and he took us out of the rescue ranch, to where there car was parked—outside of the ranch.
The reason they were parked outside of the ranch, was because earlier in the week, Jessica had called me, to tell me, that they were the ones who had adopted Teddy Roosevelt, from us last year. She said that Teddy was the greatest dog, and their family loved him, so much! Jessica told me that their old dog had passed away, and they wanted to adopt another dog from us, so Teddy could have a running buddy! She had asked if it would be okay to bring Teddy along, so they could try him out with whoever they picked. My answer was yes, but I did ask her to please park outside of the rescue ranch, so T.R. would not upset our dogs. She kept her word!
When Tone and I pulled up in Kermit, Teddy Roosevelt and Emily were best friends—with tails high and wagging! I was so happy for Emily, I teared up for a second, when I saw what a beautiful dog Teddy had turned into, and was thrilled that Emily had found her forever home with this great family! Tony and I visited with Jessica and her husband, Hays, as we watched their two beautiful children, Jackson and Summer, playing with Teddy Roo and Emily!
After Jessica filled out Emily’s adoption form, it was time for this lovely family to leave. We hugged and shook hands, and then they loaded up Teddy, and then Emily into their van! Tony took these pictures!

After they drove away, I told Tony, “Emily came back to the rescue ranch, because it wasn’t her forever home. This one is!” Then I teared up, again.
Y’all this is what it is all about! I love my job, and here’s a shout out to Jessica, Hays, Summer and Jackson—Y’all Rock!
P.S. I can’t wait to tell you what Tony and I are fixin’ to do! During breakfast this morning, we have decided to...
To Be Continued...
Yesterday, was a great day, in fact, it was a greater day, than my usual great days, because we had an adoption! Here’s how my day went:
Yesterday morning, I got up earlier than usual, because I knew that a lot of people were coming out to visit our rescue ranch, take tours, walk our dogs and maybe have an adoption!
I always give tours of our trailer, because everyone, who comes out, wants to see it, go into Outer Space with us, go into my Space Ship and to also see my writing cabin. I don’t mind doing it at all, because I enjoy showing it off. So, before sunup, I had fed my furry friends, vacuumed, dusted, and washed a load of clothes!
The reason for my homework, was so I wouldn’t be embarrassed, as I was, a week ago Saturday, when I gave Sasha, Ken, Rebecca and Jack, a tour of our trailer—it was dirty, but not real dirty. It just needed vacuuming and dusting.
Linda T., up in Harker Heights, was going to be the first to arrive, she was driving three hours, to come walk our dogs all day, and I could not wait to meet her! She’s the nice race car driver who had offered to drive me to Houston, this weekend, to do calendar signings with Kinky and Little Jewford, then get me back home safely. How sweet is that!
Around 9:30, she left a message on the machine, telling me that she could not make it, and she was sick about it! She told me that she had to take her brother-in-law to the Emergency Room, around midnight! She had been up most of the night, and was totally exhausted, but he was okay. I was disappointed, but completely understood, and thank goodness he was okay.
Around 10:30, our wonderful neighbor, Heather, showed up with some members of her family! Tony and I gave them a tour, and it was a lot of fun! We finished up the tour at Mr. Ziffle’s pen, and everyone fell in love with him! Mr. Ziffle is such a great dog. He is highly intelligent, and is about two years old.
When it was time for them to return to Heather’s ranch, Tony and I didn’t want them to leave, because we were enjoying their visit, so much! Before driving away, Heather told us that she will see us again, during the holidays! We can’t wait!
As soon as they drove off, a van full of people drove up—they were from Dallas, visiting their mother, Sugar, who lives nearby, and they wanted a tour! So Tony and I gave them a tour, and they fell in love with our dogs, too! Then Clint, who works at Central Market in Dallas, saw Tony’s hat and said, “Miles of Chocolate, I have a cap just like that! We carry their chocolate and pear bread! People love it! Have you tried it?”
“Yes,” Tony said. “Ben Welch, who works out here, a few days a month, is Miles partner.”
“I know Miles,” Clint said. “I’ve not met Ben, yet.” We visited a little while longer and then they drove away.
Tony and I then came inside the trailer, and I made us homemade asparagus soup—it was delicious! Just after I had cleaned up the kitchen, Paul drove up, with his four best friends, that he and his wife had adopted from us—Susie, Gracie, Stella and Yetti! Paul and his crew didn’t stay very long, but we had a great visit! Tony and I love Paul! He and his wife, Marty have done so much to help our ranch!
Around 2:30, Tony left the trailer, while I was returning some phone calls. At three-fifteen, Tony came inside the trailer, to tell me that Emily had just been adopted, and I needed to fill out her adoption papers! “Tony this is great! I’m sorry, I didn’t know that they had arrived. Our dogs didn’t bark.” I quickly filled out our adoption form for Emily! Then we got into Kermit, and he took us out of the rescue ranch, to where there car was parked—outside of the ranch.
The reason they were parked outside of the ranch, was because earlier in the week, Jessica had called me, to tell me, that they were the ones who had adopted Teddy Roosevelt, from us last year. She said that Teddy was the greatest dog, and their family loved him, so much! Jessica told me that their old dog had passed away, and they wanted to adopt another dog from us, so Teddy could have a running buddy! She had asked if it would be okay to bring Teddy along, so they could try him out with whoever they picked. My answer was yes, but I did ask her to please park outside of the rescue ranch, so T.R. would not upset our dogs. She kept her word!
When Tone and I pulled up in Kermit, Teddy Roosevelt and Emily were best friends—with tails high and wagging! I was so happy for Emily, I teared up for a second, when I saw what a beautiful dog Teddy had turned into, and was thrilled that Emily had found her forever home with this great family! Tony and I visited with Jessica and her husband, Hays, as we watched their two beautiful children, Jackson and Summer, playing with Teddy Roo and Emily!
After Jessica filled out Emily’s adoption form, it was time for this lovely family to leave. We hugged and shook hands, and then they loaded up Teddy, and then Emily into their van! Tony took these pictures!

After they drove away, I told Tony, “Emily came back to the rescue ranch, because it wasn’t her forever home. This one is!” Then I teared up, again.
Y’all this is what it is all about! I love my job, and here’s a shout out to Jessica, Hays, Summer and Jackson—Y’all Rock!
P.S. I can’t wait to tell you what Tony and I are fixin’ to do! During breakfast this morning, we have decided to...
To Be Continued...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Hello Houston!
I hope that y'all had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was great, but I have a confession to make. Yesterday, after posting my blog, Tony came inside the trailer and said, "Nance, let's go to Kerrville for a Thanksgiving dinner! We'll eat the tamales, later. Okay?"
On our way to Kerrville, we couldn't decide where to eat—Sandy and Jon's, Luby's or The Cracker Barrel. "Maribeth told me that The Cracker Barrel was much better than Luby's," I said.
Tony wanted to eat at Luby's, until we saw their packed parking lot! We decided to check out The Cracker Barrel's parking lot before choosing. As Buttermilk pulled into the turning lane, I said, "Look, Tony—it's a sign! There's a parking space open—by the front door! This is where we are meant to eat! How cool is that!"
Buttermilk turned into the parking lot, and filled the empty parking space! The place was crowded, with people sitting outside, rocking in the rocking chairs. Just before we entered the restaurant, I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if Maribeth was here!"
Tony then opened the door for me, and a familiar voice said, "Nancy! Tony!" It was Maribeth! "After you sign in, come outside and I will sit with you, while you wait for your table." Tony went inside, as Maribeth and I went outside.
"Maribeth, I can't believe this!" I said. "I literally had just said your name, and then there you were!" We had a fun visit with Maribeth, her daughter, Terry, and her granddaughter, Britney. Our turkey dinner—without the turkey, was fine. Then we came home. Tony watched football games and I watched reruns of Newhart.
Tomorrow, at 5:00, Kinky and Little Jewford will be at 'Murder By The Book' store, in Houston, signing our 2009 calendar! And, Sunday, they will be at the Barnes & Noble, Town & Country, at 2:00 to autograph our calendars!
I hope everyone goes to see them, and buys one or more of our calendars!
Tony just brought the mail in, and he is laughing out loud, "This is addressed to us, but it's definitely meant for you!" Then he starts laughing, again! I just opened it. "Tony," I said."It is our first 2008 Christmas card, wishing us Happy Holidays!" Then I opened the card and it said, 'that I was cordially invited...to have my hearing tested—for free, on Monday, December 8th! I am laughing, and I just took these pictures of it.

I'm not going to Houston tomorrow with Kinky and Little Jewford, and I'm not going to get my hearing tested either, because I know that I would flunk. Happy Hearing!
On our way to Kerrville, we couldn't decide where to eat—Sandy and Jon's, Luby's or The Cracker Barrel. "Maribeth told me that The Cracker Barrel was much better than Luby's," I said.
Tony wanted to eat at Luby's, until we saw their packed parking lot! We decided to check out The Cracker Barrel's parking lot before choosing. As Buttermilk pulled into the turning lane, I said, "Look, Tony—it's a sign! There's a parking space open—by the front door! This is where we are meant to eat! How cool is that!"
Buttermilk turned into the parking lot, and filled the empty parking space! The place was crowded, with people sitting outside, rocking in the rocking chairs. Just before we entered the restaurant, I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if Maribeth was here!"
Tony then opened the door for me, and a familiar voice said, "Nancy! Tony!" It was Maribeth! "After you sign in, come outside and I will sit with you, while you wait for your table." Tony went inside, as Maribeth and I went outside.
"Maribeth, I can't believe this!" I said. "I literally had just said your name, and then there you were!" We had a fun visit with Maribeth, her daughter, Terry, and her granddaughter, Britney. Our turkey dinner—without the turkey, was fine. Then we came home. Tony watched football games and I watched reruns of Newhart.
Tomorrow, at 5:00, Kinky and Little Jewford will be at 'Murder By The Book' store, in Houston, signing our 2009 calendar! And, Sunday, they will be at the Barnes & Noble, Town & Country, at 2:00 to autograph our calendars!
I hope everyone goes to see them, and buys one or more of our calendars!
Tony just brought the mail in, and he is laughing out loud, "This is addressed to us, but it's definitely meant for you!" Then he starts laughing, again! I just opened it. "Tony," I said."It is our first 2008 Christmas card, wishing us Happy Holidays!" Then I opened the card and it said, 'that I was cordially invited...to have my hearing tested—for free, on Monday, December 8th! I am laughing, and I just took these pictures of it.

I'm not going to Houston tomorrow with Kinky and Little Jewford, and I'm not going to get my hearing tested either, because I know that I would flunk. Happy Hearing!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Last night, Tony and I made healthy, homemade tamales, for our Thanksgiving dinner, today! It was a lot of fun, and I am proud to say that we made thirty-one tamales! Count them!

This morning, at six o’clock, after we ate breakfast, we started cooking, the Thanksgiving dinner— for our dogs! Aaron called us at seven-fifteen, ‘I need coffee. I forgot that the Old Timer was closed. Can I come over, now?”
Tony picked up the phone. “We’ve got coffee. Come on over, the gate is—open.” Ten minutes later, Aaron was drinking a cup of coffee, in our kitchen. After drinking two cups, he and Tony went outside to get the four feed buckets.
This was Aaron’s first time, to ever cook a Thanksgiving dinner for forty-three homeless dogs, and he was anxious to get started! Since Tony and I have cooked Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, for our dogs, for over ten years—it was still exciting! It always makes me tear up.
“Aaron, these are your two buckets and these are mine,” Tony said. “This is your drill with the paddle mixer and this one is mine.” Tony then picked up a large sack of premium dry dog food, and then poured it equally into the four buckets. “We’ll do the eggs next.” Tony handed Aaron a carton of thirty-six eggs. “Now, put eighteen eggs into your two buckets.”
As they cracked eggs, I stirred the vegetables in the giant pots on my stovetop. “When do we get to use the drills?” Aaron asked.
“Not yet,” Tony said, acting like a drill sergeant. I started laughing, because Neil Young was singing, ‘Comes A Time!’ He was singing, ‘Oh, Oh, This old world keeps spinning round...’ They didn’t get it.
Tony then handed Aaron a giant package of shredded cheddar cheese. Then they added the cheese, two big jars of garlic, and the two large bottles of olive oil. I grabbed the six large bags of Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing and gave them—three bags each, to add to their buckets. “We’re ready to mix,” Tony declared.

As they mixed the food, I took a few pictures of them. Then there was a knock on the door! It was Josh! He had come to help us! When the men quit mixing, Aaron and Tony added the fifteen pounds of ground turkey, while Josh added twenty-four cans, of high dollar dog food, into the four buckets. “We’re ready to mix,” Tony said Aaron grabbed Tony’s big drill, and gave Josh the smaller drill—then they went to mixing!

As those two mixed, Tony removed the heavy vegetable pan from inside the oven and began pouring in the twenty pounds of hot, cooked mixed vegetables—corn, peas, green beans, carrots and lima beans!
While they were mixing in the last of the vegetables, I phoned Kinky. “Kinky, we’re fixin’ to serve our dogs their Thanksgiving dinner!”
“I’m on my way!”
Josh and Aaron turned off their drills, and the three of them carried out the four, very heavy, hot buckets of food, and they put them in Kermit.
“Happy Thanksgiving!” I said to the dogs, as Tony, Aaron and Josh began serving our dogs their warm—Thanksgiving dinner! I then started skipping around the pens to take pictures and to wish each dog a Happy Thanksgiving!
When Kinky arrived, he and I watched the awesome tail-wagging event unfold. When all of the dogs had gobbled up their meals, Tony, Aaron and Josh went back and fed everyone seconds!
After Aaron, Josh and Tony had finished washing out their buckets and utensils, Kinky visted with everyone.
I hope that y’all have as good of a Thanksgiving as I have had!

This morning, at six o’clock, after we ate breakfast, we started cooking, the Thanksgiving dinner— for our dogs! Aaron called us at seven-fifteen, ‘I need coffee. I forgot that the Old Timer was closed. Can I come over, now?”
Tony picked up the phone. “We’ve got coffee. Come on over, the gate is—open.” Ten minutes later, Aaron was drinking a cup of coffee, in our kitchen. After drinking two cups, he and Tony went outside to get the four feed buckets.
This was Aaron’s first time, to ever cook a Thanksgiving dinner for forty-three homeless dogs, and he was anxious to get started! Since Tony and I have cooked Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, for our dogs, for over ten years—it was still exciting! It always makes me tear up.
“Aaron, these are your two buckets and these are mine,” Tony said. “This is your drill with the paddle mixer and this one is mine.” Tony then picked up a large sack of premium dry dog food, and then poured it equally into the four buckets. “We’ll do the eggs next.” Tony handed Aaron a carton of thirty-six eggs. “Now, put eighteen eggs into your two buckets.”
As they cracked eggs, I stirred the vegetables in the giant pots on my stovetop. “When do we get to use the drills?” Aaron asked.
“Not yet,” Tony said, acting like a drill sergeant. I started laughing, because Neil Young was singing, ‘Comes A Time!’ He was singing, ‘Oh, Oh, This old world keeps spinning round...’ They didn’t get it.
Tony then handed Aaron a giant package of shredded cheddar cheese. Then they added the cheese, two big jars of garlic, and the two large bottles of olive oil. I grabbed the six large bags of Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing and gave them—three bags each, to add to their buckets. “We’re ready to mix,” Tony declared.

As they mixed the food, I took a few pictures of them. Then there was a knock on the door! It was Josh! He had come to help us! When the men quit mixing, Aaron and Tony added the fifteen pounds of ground turkey, while Josh added twenty-four cans, of high dollar dog food, into the four buckets. “We’re ready to mix,” Tony said Aaron grabbed Tony’s big drill, and gave Josh the smaller drill—then they went to mixing!

As those two mixed, Tony removed the heavy vegetable pan from inside the oven and began pouring in the twenty pounds of hot, cooked mixed vegetables—corn, peas, green beans, carrots and lima beans!
While they were mixing in the last of the vegetables, I phoned Kinky. “Kinky, we’re fixin’ to serve our dogs their Thanksgiving dinner!”
“I’m on my way!”
Josh and Aaron turned off their drills, and the three of them carried out the four, very heavy, hot buckets of food, and they put them in Kermit.

“Happy Thanksgiving!” I said to the dogs, as Tony, Aaron and Josh began serving our dogs their warm—Thanksgiving dinner! I then started skipping around the pens to take pictures and to wish each dog a Happy Thanksgiving!
When Kinky arrived, he and I watched the awesome tail-wagging event unfold. When all of the dogs had gobbled up their meals, Tony, Aaron and Josh went back and fed everyone seconds!
After Aaron, Josh and Tony had finished washing out their buckets and utensils, Kinky visted with everyone.
I hope that y’all have as good of a Thanksgiving as I have had!

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