Today, at eleven o’clock, Tony and I were completely shocked to see who was knocking on our front door...
It was Ben, carrying a huge duffle bag! “Hi, Ben!” Tony and I said. “What a nice surprise! We didn’t know if you were coming out, this week.”
“Hi guys,” Ben said, as he put his large duffle bag on our breakfast bar. “I’ve come to spread a little holiday cheer.” Then Ben unzipped, the largest duffle bag, that I have ever seen. I brought y’all another brick of Miles of Chocolate.”
“Oh great!” I said. “We are almost out.”
“I know,” Ben said. “I read your blog about giving some to Linda T., when she came out last Saturday—to walk dogs. “I also brought you some loaves of Miles of Chocolate Pear Bread. Then Ben started pulling the loaves out of his bottomless pit bag, placing them on the breakfast— bar. “That should last y’all for a little while.”
“Yes,” I said. “Like a year or two! Thank you so much!”
Thursday and Friday, were a lot of fun out here! Aaron, Ben, Tony and I spent the afternoons—working on the Space Ship. And, they let me use the chop saw, and my nail gun some, but they did all of the hard stuff!
When there was nothing left for me to do, they sent me into the trailer, so I could paint some picture frames. By the time that I had painted three pink wood frames and two peach colored picture frames—they were done! Work on the Space Ship was completed! And, it looks absolutely beautiful inside! I love it!
As I swept my beautiful spacecraft clean, Aaron, Tony and Ben cleaned up the outside, and packed up the tools, and put them up. Then I went inside the trailer, to my laptop, and printed out several of my favorite photos, and them put them into my newly painted picture frames. When I returned to the Space Ship, Ben and Tony helped me hang up my new pictures and signs!
“Is that a picture of you?” Ben asked, as he hung it.
“Yes,” I said. “That’s me, when I was about eight years old. A man came to our neighborhood, in Fort Worth, with his little Shetland pony, and he went door to door, taking pictures of all the kids sitting on his pony. Ronnie had his picture taken on the wannabe horse, too! I remember the pictures cost my parents a pretty penny. Talk about a money maker! Every house, in South Hills, that had children—sat on that poor pony, that day.”

Ben, and his dogs, Valerie and Penny, left for Austin around six o’clock. I spent the evening catching up on some paperwork, then I went to bed.
In the wee, wee hours of the morning, I got out of bed, to wee-wee. Thunder, our sweet, old Labrador, was sleeping on the floor. I didn’t see her, and tripped, and fell to the floor! Ouch! My face hit the wooden floor, and I jammed my left thumb—trying to break my fall. I got up, apologized to Thunder, and then went into the bathroom, as Tony continued to snore.
This morning, when I woke up, my thumb was throbbing, and my mouth was sore. When I climbed out of bed, my knee was aching, too! I put on my robe, and went to the mirror, so I could look at my face and mouth.
I have needed some serious dental work, for years, and I am so embarrassed by my smile, because my teeth are in such bad shape, so when I smile, I grin and bear it. Anyway, with that said, I looked into the mirror, and was shocked at what I saw! OMG! I couldn’t believe it!
I leaned in for a closer inspection. My chin and a portion of my upper lip, had been scraped raw, but fortunately, they were not swollen—just sore to the touch. Then I smiled into the mirror! “What?” I said out loud. “This can’t be true!” I then picked up my hand mirror, and smiled again.
My two front teeth, which overlap—were no longer overlapping! The tooth that lapped, was now straight! I couldn’t believe it! I felt my two front teeth. They were no longer crooked, and they had a nice tight fit! My smile looked much better, but I still need to get some serious dental work done, when I can afford it.
When Tony returned from Medina, I said, “Tony, do you believe in fairies? Tooth Fairies to be exact.”
“Tooth Fairies. What are you talking about, Nance?”
I then told T. about my fall and landing on my face. Then I asked him to look at me, and then I smiled. “Somehow, when I fell—the Tooth Fairy came to my rescue! My front tooth is straight, now, and no longer overlapping the other! Tony was shocked! “Some how, my fall pushed my tooth where it is supposed to be! Do you realize, that I could have broken them!”
After drinking my super breakfast smoothie, I called my dentist, Sam, to tell her about my teeth. She told me that I might be just fine, or maybe there could be some root damage. Sam advised me not to bite into anything for at least a month or two, and she told me to call her immediately, if they start hurting—I wasn’t totally out of the woods, yet. (Please wish me luck.)
Then I phoned Kinky, to tell him my good news! And, he couldn’t believe it, and told me that I should blog about it! Today has been a great day for me! Tomorrow, I will tell y’all about Linda T., and the Austin bunch, Sasha, Rebecca, Ken and Jack’s dog walking episodes today!
P.S. Tony and I just finished eating our dinner. I can tell you right now, that I will not be eating out in publie for at least two months! Have a wonderful evening and count your teeth blessings!
Nancy, I am so glad you didn't really hurt yourself tripping over Thunder. I've done the same thing: dog in the middle of the floor in the middle of the night = a real trip. No pun intended ; )) I've had 2 black eyes in my life: both from my beloved Riley. He was a very rambunctious puppy, of the Rottweiler persuasion, and we had a couple of unfortunate run-ins with his paws, and my cheek... no fault on his part!
I hope your "home orthodontics" stay put, that is actually pretty awesome if they "stick"! I think if you go easy on those teeth they will settle in nicely. Take some calcium & vitamin C too, good for bones & teeth!
I love the photo of you when you were 8 on that pony! What a sweet photo, you must have been a ray of sunshine right from the beginning.
Love ya Nancy! Have a great weekend!
F. xo
doggie mama, take it real easy.
Hi Fay! Thank you for your kind words! When I was eight years old, I was totally in love with Roy Rogers and I wanted to truly marry him! In fact, I was very jealous of Dale! When it was my turn to get my picture taken on the pony, my parents told me that I had asked the man, if his horse was named Trigger! The man replied, "Yes—if you want his name to be Trigger—then Trigger it is!" I was on cloud nine—sitting on Trigger! Eat your heart out Dale! Just kidding. Years ago, after reading Dale Evans' books—I feel in love with her, too! And, I went to their museum in Victorville, California! One of my the best things I have done in my life! I didn't want to leave! And, I got to see the original Trigger rearing up, and Bullet, and Pat Brady's Nelly Belle! I was in heaven!
P.S. Remind me to tell you about spending a weekend with the Sons of the Pioneers, with my brother and late husband, Jim! It was awesome!
Hello Anon! Thank you for the kind words—I will! Got any great soup recipes? Nance "Slurp, Nance B!"
P.S.S. I fell in love with her, too! (not feel, lol)
Nance, the hurt thumb will make soup making harder. potato soup (with onion) is always easy, smooth for the teeth :)
Hi Anon, do you have a good potato soup recipe?
Our potato soup is very simple, no measurements. Extremely easy. Saute onions in olive oil till carmelized and make your roux with this. Add broth, or even just water. Add raw thin sliced potatoes of any kind. Mash the potatoes when soft. This is not a smooth soup. You can add any seasonings you like. Great with cornbread. satisfying, but not time consuming:) hope your mouth feels better
Hi Anon! Thank you for the recipe! I will try it!
now we need to make some glow in the dark dog collars! love, Anon
Hi Anon! Maybe, we need to sleep with the lights on! Laugh out loud!
You are so lucky I wanted my picture taken on the pony but the pony guy quit coming by when it was my turn. My brothers were lucky and had their pictures taken. Thats okay I ended up having my own horse. LOL
This is the first chance I have had to read your blog in awhile I really missed reading your stories. Say Hi to everybody for me.
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