Around eleven-fifteen, Kinky called me. “Nance, Lamar is here, and we’re going to come over there, in about twenty minutes. Lamar has brought a huge box of treats for our dogs, and he wants to pet every dog, and give each one of them a treat, and he also wants to visit with you and Tone!”
Twenty minutes later, Kinky and Lamar arrived at the rescue ranch! Tony and I think the world of Lamar, because he is one of the finest human beings on the planet, but more importantly—he loves dogs as much as we do! In fact, a few years ago, when he came out to see us, our three-legged Pit Bull, Mama—stole his heart, and he almost adopted her!
“Howdy Lamar!” I said, as Tony and I walked outside to greet him and Kink. “Congratulations on getting reelected! Tony and I voted for you, too. After we all shook hands, and said our hellos—we walked Lamar around the pens, introduced our dogs to him, as he petted them, and handed out Milk Bone dog biscuits—to everyone of them! The dogs loved it!
When Ellen and June were fixin’ to leave, Kinky said, “Lamar, I want to introduce you to two of our best volunteers! They come out weekly, and hand out treats, and groom our dogs! We love June and Ellen! They are great!”
We walked over to June’s car, and met up with them. After introductions and handshaking—the six of us had a fun conversation, about dogs, and how great they are! Lamar told us a touching story about a black dog, and Kinky told us another great story about J. Frank Dobie’s story about an eagle.
Before June and Ellen left, June offered to take a picture of the four of us! After she shot us— Lamar thanked Ellen and June for helping us, help the dogs. He was really impressed with those two.
After they left, Kinky needed to get back over to the Lodge, so Lamar and Kinky said their good-byes to each other, and then Kink took off in Mr. Green Jeans.
Tony, Lamar and I then went to the rest of the dog pens, so he could pet them, and give them a treat! We had a fun conversation the entire time. When the treats were all handed out, I told Lamar about my book, ‘The Road to Utopia: How Kinky, Tony and I Saved More Animals Than Noah,’ and he told me that he would order a copy, as soon as he went home! He told me that he couldn’t wait to read it! I was truly flattered! “Lamar, my book is still being sold at the Austin airport,” I shamelessly bragged. “And, the University of Texas Press published it, too! I am so proud of it! I have some copies of my book, and I will sign it for you.” Lamar was more than delighted.
On our way back to the trailer, Tony said, “Lamar, you have got to see Nance’s Space Ship!” The three of us then went inside my Space Ship, and he was blown away! He absolutely loved it, and could not believe how cool it was—I loved it!
Then T., Lamar and I went into Outer Space! I told him all about my brother, Ronnie, and my cool nephew,Tom, coming down from Austin and Dripping Springs, to build it, in just one and a half days, and he could not believe it—he thought it was totally awesome! He loved our view, and he enjoyed meeting our ‘old timers’—Hank, Little Girl, Toto and Thunder! Our dogs loved him!
We had a great visit in Outer Space, and then I signed my book to Lamar, and gave it to him! He was delighted, and he told me that he could not wait to read it! Then he made a very generous contribution to our rescue ranch, and then we said our goodbyes.
After Lamar left our rescue ranch, I told T. that I was feeling like a million dollars—thanks to Lamar, and some serious aspirin consumption! Lamar Rules and Bayer Aspirin—Rocks! I’m back! I’m well!
Here is the picture that June took of us! We love you, Lamar Smith! And, thank you for being on our Advisory Board! We are so lucky! We wish you the best in ‘09!

P.S. Like me, Lamar is, and was a big fan of Roy Rogers! He told us, that when he was eight or nine years old, he was at the annual San Antonio Rodeo, when Roy Rogers appeared! He said that Roy was on Trigger, and when he and Trigger rode into the arena, Roy held his hand out and touched every child's hand, with his hand, as they circled the arena! Lamar told us, that when Roy touched his hand—he broke out crying with excitement! That made me tear up, and gave me goosebumps, because I never got to meet Roy—my hero. Y’all have a good night!
1 comment:
Appreciate the blog and thanks for giving me such a good introduction to so many "poi" canines. Lamar
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