I found a great web site, and I was blown away with their information on radishes! In fact, I asked Tony to please come read the benefits of radishes, and after he read the article—we agreed to eat even more radishes, everyday! Here is the address with the radish benefits information:
Tone and I found out that radishes are good for the liver, the stomach, a great detoxifier, it purifies blood, checks destruction of red blood cells, and increases fresh oxygen in the blood! It cleans the kidneys, a good dietary option for losing weight! Then the article goes on to state that radishes are rich in vitamin-C, and can help with the cure of many types of cancer! The list went on and on! I hope that y’all will check it out! It is amazing!
I was so thrilled about the benefits of radishes, I went to another site on radishes, and it said that growing radishes is extremely easy—anyone can grow them! Radishes grow fine in winter weather, and they are the perfect vegetable to grow, for impatient gardeners, like me, because three weeks after planting the seeds—they are ready to be harvested and eaten! So, I asked Tony to please come and read that article, too. By the time he was done reading it—he was totally impressed!
I then went to my office, and checked our box of organic heirloom ‘Victory Garden’ seed packets, to see if we had any radish seeds to sow!
“Tone! We have two different packs, of organic heirloom radishes!” I was so excited! “Look, we have the Crimson Giant Radish and the Easter Egg Radish varieties! Will you please help me plant some of the seeds?”

Tony and I went outside to the front porch with the packets of seeds. Tony filled two big containers with our organic dirt, and then he proceeded to carefully plant the miracle seeds, while I watched! When T. was done with the planting—I took this picture and thanked him!

Later, this afternoon, I called Kinky to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk with me. “I’d love to, Nance,” Kinky said. “Come on over. The Friedmans and I need a break.” I drove Buttermilk over to the Lodge. Kinky and I had a fun visit and walk, that lasted over thirty minutes, while his dogs, The Friedmans, raced back and forth along our trek.
When I returned to the trailer, Tony was working in his office. “Tone,” I said. “I am so excited about our radishes! Thank you so much for planting the seeds! I’ll bet you five dollars—that by eight o’clock in the morning, those radishes will have already sprouted!” T. took the bet, and we shook hands on it.
This evening, Tony and I plan to watch ‘The Kennedy Center Honors’ and I can’t wait, because I love Streisand, George Jones, and Morgan Freeman and the many other honorees! Wish me luck on my bet with Tone! I am pretty sure that I am going to win the bet, because those organic heirloom seeds, that we have—are awesome! Y’all have a great evening, and please eat more radishes!
FYI: Tony and I buy our organic, heirloom seeds from: heirloomseeds.com They are the best seeds you can purchase!
bet you a five spot tony wins.....for your next planting, soak your seeds overnight and they will sprout faster...then when you start adding the worm casings..ahhhh...:)happy farming!!happppy new years eve!
Hi Anon! LOL! Thanks for supporting me—just teasing! We will take your advice and soak our seeds overnight! Thanks for the tip! Happy New Year to you, too!
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