Tony and I have been working a lot of hours next door, at Escondida Resort & Spa, this week. Tonight we are resting up, because this famous, popular resort, next door to us, is nearly booked up for their annual New Year's Eve party. Which means that Tony and I will be very busy working next door this coming week.
The theme of this New Year Eve party is the Roaring 20's. So we've been busy decorating and get everything ready for the celebration.
Our dear friend Little Jewford will be the entertainment for the festive evening, so it is already guaranteed that the party will be a total blast. And I cannot wait to see LJ again, because he is one of the funniest entertainers and best piano players on this Planet.
Because Tony and I have been so busy working I haven't blogged or caught up on my e-mail, because I've been too tired.
Not tired because of the extra work next door, but tired because the past five nights I've been waking up in the middle of the night and writing on my novella for at least two to three hours.
I am thrilled about what all I've written, but getting by on four to five hours of sleep each night is starting to take a toll on me, because if I don't get at least eight hours of sleep each night Tony says that I tend to get cranky. Or better said—bi***y.
And because of my lack of sleep I've tried making up for it by taking naps with our four-leggers, but that hasn't been a good idea, because I am not sleepy when I go to bed. So unintentionally I have messed up my sleeping cycle.
Today I decided not to take a nap, in hopes of going to bed at a descent time tonight and catching up on my beauty sleep. So instead of napping this afternoon I've spent most of my afternoon writing. And as I finish writing this I am already yawning, but I am determined not to go to bed at 7:00 and make myself stay up until 10:00. So please wish me luck that I get at least eight hours of sleep tonight.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
P.S. Gaby I got your e-mail and I plan to write you back tomorrow.
P.S.S. And to clear up any confusion—Little Debbie will also be acting in Jay Pennington's and Gerry Olert's next short Western—Vinegar to Honey!
Kinky Friedman, Cousin Nancy (Nancy Parker-Simons) and Tony Simons founded Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch in '98. Friends Willie Nelson, Billy Joe Shaver, Spike Gillespie, Richard Pryor, Jerry Jeff Walker, Molly Ivins, Dwight Yoakam support the ranch. We primarily rescued dogs. Nancy, author of "The Road to Utopia: How Kinky, Tony & I Saved More Animals Than Noah" by UT Press '06 © cousin nancy blog 2025 by Cousin Nancy All rights reserved.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sir? Yes You!
Today has been great. Actually it has been more than great, because this morning I received an exciting e-mail from our dear friend Jay Pennington, the writer, director and actor in Smile. And his note has made this the best Christmas present that I've ever received.
I know, and you probably know by now, that I can easily get excited about all kinds of things. But let me just say Jay's unexpected news didn't just get me all excited—it nearly caused me to wet my pants or even worse, because I was not expecting this could possibly happen. But I am so glad that it is going to happen.
Now you may be asking yourself, "What in the heck did Jay write to cause all of this? We already know that Cousin Nancy is going to be an actress in Jay & Gerry Olert's next short Western movie, Vinegar to Honey."
So here is clue. Imagine that you're at the Academy Awards or at home watching the Oscars being handed out, when the MC finally says, "And the Best Supporting Actress for a short Western movie goes to—Little Debbie! And the audience roars with applause and approval and they all stand up, as the orchestra starts playing the Vinegar to Honey soundtrack.
In fact (or fiction) at this awards event, I pass out when they call out Little Debbie's name, because I had hoped that it might be me that gets the award. Because I am great at playing a crazy old lady.
So Tony thinking-fast pulls my cowboy hat down, over my face, takes Little Debbie out of my arms and they go up on stage to accept Little Debbie's Best Supporting Actress Oscar.
And I was still passed out, when Tony told Little Debbie's adoring fans, "Little Debbie wasn't expecting to receive this award, but Nance was and I am sure that she'll be okay in a little while. She faints all of the time. Sir? Yes you. Would you mind putting Nancy's cowboy hat back over her face? Thank you."
Then the music starts playing softly, in the background, to speed up Little Debbie's/Tony's acceptance speech. "Little Debbie wants to thank Jay Pennington and Gerry Olert and the entire awesome cast of Vinegar to Honey for making this happen. She thanks you." Then a pretty woman walks up to them and escorts them safely backstage, so they can attend the parties.
I know, and you probably know by now, that I can easily get excited about all kinds of things. But let me just say Jay's unexpected news didn't just get me all excited—it nearly caused me to wet my pants or even worse, because I was not expecting this could possibly happen. But I am so glad that it is going to happen.
Now you may be asking yourself, "What in the heck did Jay write to cause all of this? We already know that Cousin Nancy is going to be an actress in Jay & Gerry Olert's next short Western movie, Vinegar to Honey."
So here is clue. Imagine that you're at the Academy Awards or at home watching the Oscars being handed out, when the MC finally says, "And the Best Supporting Actress for a short Western movie goes to—Little Debbie! And the audience roars with applause and approval and they all stand up, as the orchestra starts playing the Vinegar to Honey soundtrack.
In fact (or fiction) at this awards event, I pass out when they call out Little Debbie's name, because I had hoped that it might be me that gets the award. Because I am great at playing a crazy old lady.
So Tony thinking-fast pulls my cowboy hat down, over my face, takes Little Debbie out of my arms and they go up on stage to accept Little Debbie's Best Supporting Actress Oscar.
And I was still passed out, when Tony told Little Debbie's adoring fans, "Little Debbie wasn't expecting to receive this award, but Nance was and I am sure that she'll be okay in a little while. She faints all of the time. Sir? Yes you. Would you mind putting Nancy's cowboy hat back over her face? Thank you."
Then the music starts playing softly, in the background, to speed up Little Debbie's/Tony's acceptance speech. "Little Debbie wants to thank Jay Pennington and Gerry Olert and the entire awesome cast of Vinegar to Honey for making this happen. She thanks you." Then a pretty woman walks up to them and escorts them safely backstage, so they can attend the parties.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Friday, December 20, 2019
And We Were Wired!
Today has been great. Tony and I worked this morning and after work he and I went to the Medina Post Office to pick up a mystery gift sent to us from sweet Lisa.
In the past year working over at Escondida Resort I found out about these electric kettles and I fell in love with them.
Anyway, last Monday when we were visiting with Lisa and Eileen I was telling them about discovering these electric kettles, how cool they were and wanting to buy one, because a few years ago we switched from drinking Keurig's K-Cup coffees, because we got hooked on drinking Taster's Choice Instant Coffee. And I joked about us still using our old Keurig Coffee Maker machine, but only for the hot water. It made them laugh.
Long story short, two days later Lisa sent me a note about us receiving a mystery Christmas gift from her. We had no idea what it could be, but I figured that it might have something to do with aliens—but I was wrong as usual, because Lisa sent us a beautiful electric kettle!
So when we got back home we unplugged the old Keurig machine, said goodbye to it and then put it away.
In the past year working over at Escondida Resort I found out about these electric kettles and I fell in love with them.
Anyway, last Monday when we were visiting with Lisa and Eileen I was telling them about discovering these electric kettles, how cool they were and wanting to buy one, because a few years ago we switched from drinking Keurig's K-Cup coffees, because we got hooked on drinking Taster's Choice Instant Coffee. And I joked about us still using our old Keurig Coffee Maker machine, but only for the hot water. It made them laugh.
Long story short, two days later Lisa sent me a note about us receiving a mystery Christmas gift from her. We had no idea what it could be, but I figured that it might have something to do with aliens—but I was wrong as usual, because Lisa sent us a beautiful electric kettle!
So when we got back home we unplugged the old Keurig machine, said goodbye to it and then put it away.
After we had both carefully read the owner's manual we test drove the electric kettle and it worked perfectly. And I especially love the ring of different beautiful colors, near the bottom of the kettle, that indicate which temperature you chose. This is the pretty, purple/pink color for a 90 degree setting.
It is my favorite of the four colors, but after testing and retesting one cup of coffee after another at different temperature settings we decided that we were 80 degree (green ring) coffee drinking people—not 60, 70 or 90 degree tea sippers. And we were wired and bouncing off of the walls by then!
So, I want to thank sweet Lisa for gifting us with our beautiful electric kettle, mystery, Christmas gift. And I think that our first AACC (Ancient Aliens Coffee Club) meeting should be held here, at Big Foot Ranch, because I am dying to know what color (temperature) Lisa, Eileen and Kris & Jim prefer.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Monday when Lisa and Eileen came to visit us, Lisa told us about her binge-watching Ancient Aliens on the History Channel and how much she loves this show. And I told her that I would love to watch it, too.
Tuesday Lisa sent me an e-mail informing me that Ancient Aliens is also on Netflix, too. So, last night I started binge-watching Ancient Aliens on Netflix and I absolutely love this show.
Wednesday morning after posting on my blog about Jay and Gerry's fabulous movie Smile, I sent Lisa an e-mail suggesting that we get together more often and I proposed that we meet for coffee once a month, in Kerrville. I also suggested that we get Eileen, Kris & Jim and Tony to join us. Lisa was totally on board with the idea.
Later that morning Lisa sent me a note. She told me that she was excited about us meeting for coffee every month, because it would be so much fun and it would also give her and I a chance to discuss Ancient Aliens episodes, and she also wrote, " ...We can call ourselves the AACC (Ancient Aliens Coffee Club)." I totally love that name.
Even though Kris & Jim, Eileen and Tony are still unaware about all of this I am sure they will want to be participating members in our exclusive Ancient Aliens Coffee Club.
I can't wait for our first coffee meeting, because we will have a lot of business to discuss. Such as:
a logo, who pays for the coffee, a mascot (hopefully Little Debbie), rules, a secret handshake, decoder rings, an oath, etc.
And since Lisa and I are the co-founders of this new prestigious Ancient Aliens Coffee Club I am hoping that she will be voted president and that I will get to be the vice president. I think it is the only logical and fair thing to do.
Anyway, I do know at our first official meeting I do plan to suggest that we dust off our alien-attracting-pot-pie-tin hats, (The hats that I made, in 2016, that we wore in the making of the Longmire—Texas Style video spoof.) for us to wear to every club meeting and special events. And if no one objects to my idea I will offer to make even more alien-attracting pot-pie-tin hats to sell at events to help pay for our coffees.
This is all so exciting to me I keep pinching myself, but I've forgotten why.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
P.S. This morning Gerry Olert sent me this picture of him and Jay Pennington scouting locations, in Texas, for their next movie Vinegar to Honey!
Tuesday Lisa sent me an e-mail informing me that Ancient Aliens is also on Netflix, too. So, last night I started binge-watching Ancient Aliens on Netflix and I absolutely love this show.
Wednesday morning after posting on my blog about Jay and Gerry's fabulous movie Smile, I sent Lisa an e-mail suggesting that we get together more often and I proposed that we meet for coffee once a month, in Kerrville. I also suggested that we get Eileen, Kris & Jim and Tony to join us. Lisa was totally on board with the idea.
Later that morning Lisa sent me a note. She told me that she was excited about us meeting for coffee every month, because it would be so much fun and it would also give her and I a chance to discuss Ancient Aliens episodes, and she also wrote, " ...We can call ourselves the AACC (Ancient Aliens Coffee Club)." I totally love that name.
Even though Kris & Jim, Eileen and Tony are still unaware about all of this I am sure they will want to be participating members in our exclusive Ancient Aliens Coffee Club.
I can't wait for our first coffee meeting, because we will have a lot of business to discuss. Such as:
a logo, who pays for the coffee, a mascot (hopefully Little Debbie), rules, a secret handshake, decoder rings, an oath, etc.
And since Lisa and I are the co-founders of this new prestigious Ancient Aliens Coffee Club I am hoping that she will be voted president and that I will get to be the vice president. I think it is the only logical and fair thing to do.
Anyway, I do know at our first official meeting I do plan to suggest that we dust off our alien-attracting-pot-pie-tin hats, (The hats that I made, in 2016, that we wore in the making of the Longmire—Texas Style video spoof.) for us to wear to every club meeting and special events. And if no one objects to my idea I will offer to make even more alien-attracting pot-pie-tin hats to sell at events to help pay for our coffees.
This is all so exciting to me I keep pinching myself, but I've forgotten why.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
P.S. This morning Gerry Olert sent me this picture of him and Jay Pennington scouting locations, in Texas, for their next movie Vinegar to Honey!
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The WEST KERR Current & Irene Van Winkle Made Me Smile!
Today has been great and it started out early, because sweet Irene Van Winkle sent me her fabulous copy/story that she wrote about Jay Pennington's and Gerry Olert's awesome movie Smile—for the WEST KERR Current's December 5th edition.
So I especially want to thank Irene Van Winkle and the WEST KERR Current for giving me permission to reprint Irene's fabulous story about our dear friend's fabulous movie. So Extra! Extra! Now You Can Read All About It!
So I especially want to thank Irene Van Winkle and the WEST KERR Current for giving me permission to reprint Irene's fabulous story about our dear friend's fabulous movie. So Extra! Extra! Now You Can Read All About It!
'Smile' - The little Western that could
By Irene Van Winkle
West Kerr Current
The accolades keep coming in for a new short Western film made on a shoestring and a prayer by two friends from Texas who have been finding that dreams sometimes do come true.
Actor/writer/co-director Jay Pennington and technical guru/filmographer and director Gerry Olert think they may be shaping up to become the next Coen brothers.
They became friends through a mutual interest in film, and lately have been collecting kudos for their first short film, “Smile,” along the film festival circuit.
“I wrote it, played the lead, we co-directed, and, Gerry got on film what I saw in my head, so audiences would see how I visualized the story. We make a real good team,” Pennington said. “Gerry does the cinematography, sound, editing, and has a great feel for the music, and the technical side. He can create a visual masterpiece!”
“It looks like a higher budget film than it was,” said Olert. “Using different angles, I got to make it look like a multiplecamera shot. We shot 80 percent of it in one day.”
So far, “Smile” has received five Official Selection awards in various film festivals, eleven nominations and four awards (acting, writing Audience Choice and Best Western).
They were recognized at the Wild Bunch Film Festival in Tombstone, Ariz., with awards for writing and acting, including their young star, Daniel, who won Best Child Actor, in his first featured role.
At the Billy the Kid Festival in Hico, Texas, they got the Audience Choice award. At the Indie Short Fest (L.A. International film festival), “Smile” was an official selection, nominated for best original story and for directing.
Most recently, they got more great news. On Monday, Olert learned that “Smile” had won the Best Western award at the Los Angeles Film Awards.
“What an original concept and great execution,” said the congratulatory letter from LAFA.
Another film festival will be coming up in Australia, and they hope to garner an invitation. And of course, they’re hoping to get that plum — an invitation from the Sundance Film Festival, the granddaddy of them all.
Pennington, a lifelong student of film, has had a gamut of small and large acting roles, but has aspirations to stretch his acting chops in writing screenplays and in filmmaking. He penned the script for “Smile,” which he and Gerry shot in just a few short days.
Olert started out in radio, then progressed to outdoor TV fishing and hunting shows as well as private assignments.
He filmed “Smile” armed with a Sony HD camera, which presented some challenges, but, Pennington said, “With his great editing skills, Gerry made it look like we had a major budget.”
Pennington praised everyone else on a job well done. Jack Palance’s widow, Elaine Palance, is in the film along with Destiny Hallman and her son Daniel, musician K.R. Wood, and Sarah Pennington. Music provided by Chet O’Keefe, K.R. Wood and Steven Sellers.
Filmed at Knowlton’s Vista Verde Ranch near Hondo, where Kimberly Knowlton built a western town, “Smile” has been a journey for Olert and Pennington.
“Movies are expensive to make,” Pennington said. “Gerry and I were talking and he asked if he could just film me doing a monologue. Then we thought, ‘Why don’t we write something.’”
The short version of the plot is that a gunslinger finds gold while he’s watching over a town. It’s inspired by the classic film, “Rashomon,” where one person sees one thing, but others interpret it completely differently.
“In this film, it’s a whole different story than the one you thought you saw. Daniel is part of the Rashomon surprise, but I don’t want to give it away,” Pennington said. “It’s been a great audience pleaser and Daniel did a great job. He just knew what to do.”
At the Wild Bunch Film Festival in Tombstone, held in a historic theater, Pennington said they were near the front row, gauging audience reactions.
“They laughed at the right times, and then were either laughing or gasping at the appropriate times. And we got a big applause with a little added hollering at the end, then a second round of boisterous applause after the credits. To be able to write something and have the audience react like that was great,” he added. “It is an extreme thrill to author a story, make it a reality, and then have an audience enjoy it and heartily respond to it.”
There is a desire for more Westerns across the U.S., Pennington said. The TV series Yellowstone is a huge hit and he is working hard to get a role in that show. Some of his friends have recurring roles in it and he thinks he would be a great fit.
So for now, there will be even more reason to celebrate -- a local party premiere -- on Saturday, Dec. 14, starting at 6 p.m. at the location where “Smile” was shot, Knowlton's Vista Verde Ranch between Bandera and Hondo, Texas.
“It will be more of a party that just happens to show ‘Smile’ every 30 minutes. There will be food and drinks ... the Bandera Cattle Company Gunfighters doing skits ... music ... all within the Western town movie set,” he said.
As there will be food, drinks, music and entertainment, it will be $20 per person to be paid for before Dec. 14 so they know how much food to prepare. Email for details on purchasing tickets.
And Olert said he has “definitely caught the bug” for films.
“We will continue to make more Westerns and use local talent. One friend said if we did well with ‘Smile,’ and the next one, Netflix is always looking for new content,” Pennington added.
They are already working on a second film together, “Vinegar to Honey,” a tongue-in-cheek Western that will be filmed at the Pine Moore Old West Studio in Blanco. Amanda Smith will be in the spotlight on this film and the characters in “Smile” will be in the second Western playing their same roles.
Pennington said he wrote “Vinegar to Honey” so that if it were picked up nationally it could be a Western series.
With the success of “Smile,” they are confident that with lessons learned, their next film is sure to be another award winner.
Here is the IMDb TV link to see photos, etc. about the movie Smile. And here are a few pictures that Tony and I took Saturday night at Knowlton's Vista Verde Ranch, located between Bandera and Hondo.
The Carriage House was so awesome. It is where we watched the premier showing of Smile.
The super cool Western set near dark-thirty.
Jay Pennington and me posing before the premier showing of Smile.
Jay's wife, the beautiful Sarah Pennington posing and me. (In the movie Smile, Sarah played the town's you know what.)
Saturday evening was so much fun, because we got to meet the entire cast members following the movie premiere. And while we sat down and enjoyed eating a fabulous BBQ dinner, we watched the famous Bandera Cattle Company Gunfighters do one of their great shoot-em-up skits.
And are you ready for this? I am going to be playing a crazy old lady character in Gerry's & Jay's next Western movie —Vinegar to Honey! And I am so thrilled about it.
FYI: During the party when we were talking to Gerry and Jay about the character that I will be playing, Tony joked, "It will be a piece of cake for Nancy to play the character, because she is already old and she is definitely crazy." And after we had quit laughing, I did admit it would be an easy part for me to play. : )
Y'all have a great day and keep on laughing!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
She & The!
This morning after taking a shower and washing my white hair I decided to check my e-mail. Our dear friend, Steve Pietzsch sent me this hilarious picture and I want to share it with y'all. My reply to Steve was "....I love this and just think—this could be me riding around with Little Debbie driving it!" So I really do wish it was mine.
The next e-mail I checked while I was still laughing was from our dear friend Ronnie Namour. Ronnie is the fabulous writer that writes a weekly music scene column for The Island Moon newspaper, in Port A. And Ronnie is also in love with our dear friend Tracy Weatherall.
I love this artwork. I also love our good friend Joe King Carrasco and his fabulous music and also because he was a big-time supporter of our rescue ranch. And Tony and I love Giggity's too. So, I wrote Ronnie, "I wish Tony and I could be there for the event/invasion!" This is the advertisement Ronnie sent to me:
Then I burst out laughing at my dear friend Nancy's attachment that she sent to me. FYI: Nancy is our dear friend that lives in Chicago with her adoring, beautiful cat, Theodora. She & The are also into aliens like I am and I wish I had a magnet with all of these Bobs on it.
Tony and I have to go to Kerrville today to run a few errands and we plan to drop by Wolfmueller's Books for a fun visit. And when we get back to Big Foot Ranch I plan to go to The Last Resort and practice podcasting with my new Blue Yeti. So please wish me luck.
Y'all have a great (day) evening and keep on laughing!
Monday, December 16, 2019
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT—in a couple of days! Yes, I know that I vowed to print Irene Van Winkle's fantastic article 'Smile" —The little Western that could, that she wrote for the WEST KERR Current's December 5th paper today.
But I didn't lie that I would do it. This morning I called the WEST KERR Current to talk to my dear friend Irene about getting permission to copy her article for my blog and to also congratulate Irene on writing another great article. "Irene, you are the greatest writer that I know of and I know many famous authors. You are such a talented author. Seriously, you're great writing puts me to shame. You write circles around me...."
After complimenting Irene with the truth about her writing, I told her about wanting to publish her article about Jay Pennington, Gerry Olert and their awesome movie—Smile on my blog.
Irene gave me permission, but she told me it would be a couple of days for her to send me her copy, because she was facing a publishing deadline for the paper. So, as soon as Irene makes deadline and she can find the time to send me her copy—I will put in on the blog for your eyes and the world to read and I cannot wait for y'all to read it.
But because we must wait to read Irene's awesome article that she wrote about the movie Smile, I want to share this beautiful story, Irene Van Winkle—The Busiest Woman In Print written about sweet Irene that I found in this great (my favorite) magazine the Texas Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country. It is a must read and I apologize that I do not know who wrote this great article for so I can give them credit where credit is deserved.
Anyway, this afternoon our two great friends Eileen and Lisa came to visit us and Tony and I had a blast visiting with them. Bottom Line: We did a lot of laughing and they fell in love with The Last Resort, too. And they also signed the door.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
But I didn't lie that I would do it. This morning I called the WEST KERR Current to talk to my dear friend Irene about getting permission to copy her article for my blog and to also congratulate Irene on writing another great article. "Irene, you are the greatest writer that I know of and I know many famous authors. You are such a talented author. Seriously, you're great writing puts me to shame. You write circles around me...."
After complimenting Irene with the truth about her writing, I told her about wanting to publish her article about Jay Pennington, Gerry Olert and their awesome movie—Smile on my blog.
Irene gave me permission, but she told me it would be a couple of days for her to send me her copy, because she was facing a publishing deadline for the paper. So, as soon as Irene makes deadline and she can find the time to send me her copy—I will put in on the blog for your eyes and the world to read and I cannot wait for y'all to read it.
But because we must wait to read Irene's awesome article that she wrote about the movie Smile, I want to share this beautiful story, Irene Van Winkle—The Busiest Woman In Print written about sweet Irene that I found in this great (my favorite) magazine the Texas Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country. It is a must read and I apologize that I do not know who wrote this great article for so I can give them credit where credit is deserved.
Anyway, this afternoon our two great friends Eileen and Lisa came to visit us and Tony and I had a blast visiting with them. Bottom Line: We did a lot of laughing and they fell in love with The Last Resort, too. And they also signed the door.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Bob Lives! or Smile—The Little Western That Could!
Today has been great and last night at the Smile short film Premier was a total blast—literally. This morning after working I came home and worked on Bob's face, before our dear friends Drew & Ellie came to see us. So once again Bob Lives! And he looks so much better now.
I've run out of time tonight to write much about the fabulous short film Smile premier showing that our dear friends Jay Pennington and Gerry Olert made. So I am going to show you the fabulous article that our dear friend Irene Van Winkle wrote about the Smile movie, for the December 5th West Kerr Current. It is one awesome article to read and tomorrow I will have much more time and will try to get the article from Irene, so it will be easier to read.
Irene's fabulous story about this fabulous short film, Smile, made the front page and the back page!
Irene's fabulous story about this fabulous short film, Smile, made the front page and the back page!
Tomorrow I will write about the super fun premier showing of the Smile movie and include some pictures, but now I must go.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Yesterday was a total blast! Tony and I met our dear friends (aka rescue ranch dog-walking volunteers) for a reunion/Christmas party, at the OST (Old Spanish Trail restaurant), in Bandera.
It was sweet Eileen's idea to have the party and she took care of the reservations, the Utopia Jeopardy game and everything else. Sadly a few of the volunteers were unable to make the super fun party, but luckily June, Ellen, Kris & Jim, Suzanne, Chris, Eileen and Diane & Jim were there to be merry, in the famous John Wayne room.
FYI: The Utopia Jeopardy game was about remembering the names of the rescued dogs and the other animals that all of us had loved. Suzanne won the game.
Before the party ended Tony and I invited everyone to come over to Big Foot Ranch, so we could show off The (home) Cabin's latest improvements and The Last Resort. And before we all headed to Big Foot Ranch sweet Eileen gave Tony and I a big, red sack filled with Christmas presents that we opened after our guests went home.
Bottom Line: Tony and I were overwhelmed with the many compliments and Little Debbie was exhausted from being passed around, so our friends could take turns loving on her. Everyone autograpthed The Last Resort's door. And everyone loved the mural that I am working on. In fact, Diane took many pictures of our home sweet home, etc. so she could send them to her sweet sister/ our dear friend Ruthie, in Washington D.C.
It was sweet Eileen's idea to have the party and she took care of the reservations, the Utopia Jeopardy game and everything else. Sadly a few of the volunteers were unable to make the super fun party, but luckily June, Ellen, Kris & Jim, Suzanne, Chris, Eileen and Diane & Jim were there to be merry, in the famous John Wayne room.
FYI: The Utopia Jeopardy game was about remembering the names of the rescued dogs and the other animals that all of us had loved. Suzanne won the game.
Before the party ended Tony and I invited everyone to come over to Big Foot Ranch, so we could show off The (home) Cabin's latest improvements and The Last Resort. And before we all headed to Big Foot Ranch sweet Eileen gave Tony and I a big, red sack filled with Christmas presents that we opened after our guests went home.
Bottom Line: Tony and I were overwhelmed with the many compliments and Little Debbie was exhausted from being passed around, so our friends could take turns loving on her. Everyone autograpthed The Last Resort's door. And everyone loved the mural that I am working on. In fact, Diane took many pictures of our home sweet home, etc. so she could send them to her sweet sister/ our dear friend Ruthie, in Washington D.C.
After everyone had left Tony and we had closed the gate, I opened up Eileen's sack to find two beautiful Christmas stockings stuffed full of thoughtful cute, funny, cool, pretty, tasty stocking stuffers. And we loved everything. So. "Thank You Eileen! We LOVE You!"
And I will treasure this cute small gift box with the red VW van and Christmas lights with decorated Christmas trees. Who knows? Maybe if I have the time I should repaint my mural regularly with different holiday themes?
And that is about it for today, because I must go take a nap, before Tony and I go to the Premier Showing of the multi-award-winning western move, Smile, tonight, in Hondo. That our dear friends Gerry Olert and Jay Pennington wrote, produced and starred in along with a great cast.
I will be taking my camera tonight, so I can write about it tomorrow.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Don't Worry!
We've been working the last few days and running errands, so there isn't any new exciting news to tell. Because of the weather, etc. Bob is still without a face, but don't worry—time will tell.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Monday, December 9, 2019
What About Bob? or Time Will Tell!
Today has been great. We ran errands in Kerrville today, so I only had about an hour to work on the mural. So I decided to work on Mama.
While I was working on Mama I kept glancing over at Bob and I wasn't real thrilled with the way he looked, so when I was done fixin' up Mama, I worked on Bob for only a few minutes. Then it was time to put up my paints, because the sun was behind The Cabin and it was getting cooler.
While I was working on Mama I kept glancing over at Bob and I wasn't real thrilled with the way he looked, so when I was done fixin' up Mama, I worked on Bob for only a few minutes. Then it was time to put up my paints, because the sun was behind The Cabin and it was getting cooler.
So you might be asking, "What about Bob?"All I can say is only time will tell or however long the temps stay warm outside, so I can paint. But please don't worry about Bob getting some work done on his face—it will definitely be an improvement.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Peace Sign!
Today has been great. This morning after Tony and I worked next door, I came home, put on my painting clothes, grabbed my bags of paint and once again started working on the water tank.
As you may recall yesterday I left the tank looking like this and the good news is the paint was still there when I woke up this morning—but it definitely needed a lot more work.
As you may recall yesterday I left the tank looking like this and the good news is the paint was still there when I woke up this morning—but it definitely needed a lot more work.
So I painted the entire thing blue and started over, because the dog and Bob were off centered, etc.
Anyway, it is 4:42 here at Big Foot Ranch & The Last Resort and I am tired from painting all day, but I am pleased with what I've accomplished.
I still need to do several touch ups:work on Bob a little more, add the VW sign (or turn the VW sign into a peace sign) add headlights and side mirrors, paint Bob holding the steering wheel while shooting the peace sign with two fingers, get the tires the right size and match them, paint a license plate, etc. So I still have much more work to do—but I'm close.
So it is a project in progress and I still haven't named it, but since I included Mama, my beloved, late, Great Pyrenees on the water tank mural, Mama will probably be in the name.
Anyway, like I said—I am tired, so that is about it for tonight, except I want to show you my unnamed mural cartoon even though it is still unfinished.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Today has been great. Tony and I worked this morning for a couple of hours. When we came home I decided it was time for me to start painting the 2500 gallon water tank that sits between our circular driveway.
Then I started painting it white, and put on two coats, so when I start adding the colors they will be the true colors I chose.
Here is a closer look at it. And I love seeing all of the orbs.
So at 10:42, I went outside and started my project.
After I cleaned the outside of the water tank I taped off the area that I am planning to paint.
Then I started painting it white, and put on two coats, so when I start adding the colors they will be the true colors I chose.
In this picture I've just started to paint the second coat for my blank canvas.
While I had to wait for that paint to dry I decided to add another section of white paint for a future painting that I will do, even though I have not decided what I will paint on it.
Okay, here is a peak preview of the alien, the dog and the 69 VW van that I am going to paint tomorrow. It is a rough layout, but I wanted y'all to see it.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
So To Speak! or Big Foot!
My Blue Yeti Nano arrived today, so today has been great, so to speak, because my new Yeti is the microphone that I will be using for my future podcasts.
(FYI: On March 29, 2011, I wrote a blog titled: No Budget Recording Studio. It was a short post about me trying to learn how to use my new Blue Yeti microphone that I had purchased so I could make audio books—with Ben and Tony's help.
It was a total disaster, but it was also hilarious, because Tony and Ben did everything they could do to distract me, etc. So please note this is my second Yeti.
And if you really want to or need to laugh, watch me make a fool of myself trying to record one of my stories with the help of my two sound engineers—Tony and Ben. Please click here to watch on YouTube—No Budget Recording Studio.)
Anyway I was thrilled when my new Yeti arrived, but it took me a while to meet my Yeti, because I had to open several boxes to get to it. After opening the Amazon Prime package there was this box to open.
After opening that box up—there was this box to open that protectively housed my Yeti.
After opening up this white box with the two round air vents (I guess so my Yeti could breathe) I had to remove a lot of gray colored foam rubber. But it was all worth it, because my Yeti arrived in perfect condition—unscathed by shipping. And it was love at first sight for me.
After tinkering with my Blue Yeti Nano, I read the instructions on how to use it, even though many years ago I bought a Blue Yeti Nano, because I had been thinking about turning my books into audio books. Long story short—I gave that Yeti to Chet O'Keefe—and it was silver instead of black like this one.
As I was putting the instruction pamphlet away I saw this card, Blue SHERPA, and my first reaction was to laugh, because of the super cool name and because yetis and sherpas go hand-in-hand, so to speak. And all I can say is I think this company ROCKS with its name choices!
Then I read the Blue Sherpa card that suggested downloading this companion app to get the most out of my Yeti and I was thrilled to know about this app.
And when I started repacking my awesome microphone on one the side of one of the boxes it said "Perfect for Podcasting...." and when I looked on the other side of this box there it was again—PODCASTS! So I am definitely taking it as a sign for me to definitely do podcasts.
And that is about all for tonight, because I am fixin' to download the Blue Sherpa app and then play around with my new microphone. And seriously—no "sound engineers" will be involved.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Update: I just named my Blue Yeti Nano—Big Foot!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The 2500 Gallon Black Water Tank!
Today has been great, but I've been lazy. This morning I watched a few more YouTube videos on podcasting—then I wrote and worked on my third novella for a few more hours.
I cooked tortilla soup for Tony's and my lunch and then cleaned up the kitchen, before taking a short sleepless nap with our dogs.
After that I grabbed a tape measure and went outside and measured the water cistern, because I now have the paint and am about ready to paint the 2500 gallon black water tank. Then I had a sinking spell and went back inside to take another nap with my best friends.
An hour later after another sleepless nap, but feeling totally rested I called Carol to catch up with her news and we had a fun visit. And that is about it for tonight, because I am fixin' to give Little Debbie a pedicure.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
I cooked tortilla soup for Tony's and my lunch and then cleaned up the kitchen, before taking a short sleepless nap with our dogs.
After that I grabbed a tape measure and went outside and measured the water cistern, because I now have the paint and am about ready to paint the 2500 gallon black water tank. Then I had a sinking spell and went back inside to take another nap with my best friends.
An hour later after another sleepless nap, but feeling totally rested I called Carol to catch up with her news and we had a fun visit. And that is about it for tonight, because I am fixin' to give Little Debbie a pedicure.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
Monday, December 2, 2019
Potholders or Postcards!
Today has been great. Tony worked this morning, but I had the whole day off. So while Tony was working next door, at Escondida Resort, I surfed the Internet for information on podcasting.
I found a lot of helpful information, so before Tony returned home for lunch I had already gone to Amazon's Cyber Monday and purchased a Blue Yeti microphone for only $69.00 (regularly $189.00) and with free shipping.
Later on when Tony and I went to Kerrville to run a few errands I told him that I was all excited about doing podcasts.
After I told him everything that I had found out about podcasting, he asked, "So how do you make money doing it?"
I explained to him about the four different ways of monetizing that I had read about and after I said, "The last one is called crowdfunding and it says you encourage people to buy a monthly subscription for about $2.00 and if they subscribe you reward them with a gift. "But I don't know what kind of gift I could give them for under a dollar."
There was a moment of silence while Tony parked Trigger in front of Wolfmueller's Books. Then Tony said, "How about potholders?" And I burst out laughing. "Like that pink one that you and Jean made."
"You mean the one I hermetically sealed and framed and hung up on the wall? " (On November 16, 2016 I blogged about Jean and I making this famous potholder: )
I found a lot of helpful information, so before Tony returned home for lunch I had already gone to Amazon's Cyber Monday and purchased a Blue Yeti microphone for only $69.00 (regularly $189.00) and with free shipping.
Later on when Tony and I went to Kerrville to run a few errands I told him that I was all excited about doing podcasts.
After I told him everything that I had found out about podcasting, he asked, "So how do you make money doing it?"
I explained to him about the four different ways of monetizing that I had read about and after I said, "The last one is called crowdfunding and it says you encourage people to buy a monthly subscription for about $2.00 and if they subscribe you reward them with a gift. "But I don't know what kind of gift I could give them for under a dollar."
There was a moment of silence while Tony parked Trigger in front of Wolfmueller's Books. Then Tony said, "How about potholders?" And I burst out laughing. "Like that pink one that you and Jean made."
"You mean the one I hermetically sealed and framed and hung up on the wall? " (On November 16, 2016 I blogged about Jean and I making this famous potholder: )
When we walked inside Wolfmueller's Books Sandy, Jean and Jon greeted us and then we all started laughing for no reason.
After we all sat down near the checkout counter we took turns catching up with each other's latest news and when I told them about me doing weekly podcasts after the new year they were all ears, so to speak.
When I told them about Tony suggesting I give away free potholders Jean, Sandy & Jon burst out laughing. So I said, "Jean, I really need for you to make the potholders for me, but I will only be able to pay you about fifty-cents per potholder and you'll have to buy the loops. And Tony will get nothing if that makes you feel any better. Because I've got to make a profit."
As Jean continued to laugh while shaking her head sideways, I said, "Jean, I can't make them, because I will be way too busy recording one podcast after another. And Tony will have to be the one to call in the potholder orders for me. I'm going to use The Last Resort as my podcasting studio."
After we had all quit laughing, Jean said, "I don't know, Nancy. If you still have some of Tony's postcards. Why don't you give two or three of them away instead of potholders?"
"Yeah," Jon added. "It would be easy and cost effective! You wouldn't have to buy inventory. Just stuff 2-3 of his beautiful postcards into an envelope and use a regular stamp? How simple is that?"
This power (podcast) meeting continued on for about thirty more minutes and my brain was racing with all kinds of ideas.
But the one thing that I am sure about is my 2020 new year resolution is to do at least 2-3 weekly podcasts and the 5-10 minute long podcasts will be about me telling funny or heartwarming animal rescue stories and other funny stories about my life. And for me the Bottom Line is: My purpose in life is to make people feel good—and to make them laugh a lot. And I am serious about this.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!
cousin nancy,
making potholders,
wolfmueller books
Sunday, December 1, 2019
We Love You Folks!
Today has been so much fun. This morning Tony and I worked next door at Escondida Resort. Our dear friends Kent Perkins and his sweet wife Ruth(ie) Buzzi have been staying there and after breakfast, before Tony and I came back home Kent pulled me aside and he told me that he and Ruthie and Ethan, their personal chef, wanted to come over for coffee and a visit after they had checked out. "We love you guys," Kent said. "We want to see your writing cabin and Little Debbie, too." I was thrilled.
So as soon as I got back home I quickly cleaned The Cabin, so it would not look like we live here. And I finished five minutes before they arrived in one of their beautiful Rolls Royces. It had been perfect timing to say the least.
Before we went inside The Cabin, Tony and I took them to see The Last Resort and I am proud to say that they totally loved it, too.
We hung inside there for about thirty minutes and before we left The Last Resort, I asked Ruthie & Kent to please sign the door and I asked Ethan to sign it, too.
So as soon as I got back home I quickly cleaned The Cabin, so it would not look like we live here. And I finished five minutes before they arrived in one of their beautiful Rolls Royces. It had been perfect timing to say the least.
Before we went inside The Cabin, Tony and I took them to see The Last Resort and I am proud to say that they totally loved it, too.
We hung inside there for about thirty minutes and before we left The Last Resort, I asked Ruthie & Kent to please sign the door and I asked Ethan to sign it, too.
And they signed it underneath what sweet Carol had written back in September.
When we came inside The Cabin to drink coffee, Ruthie and Kent took turns holding Little Debbie, because like so many of our friends—they love Little Debbie, too.
While we were drinking coffee, Kent noticed Little Debbie sitting on Ruthie's lap, so he suggested, "Y'all should take a picture of Ruthie and Little Debbie."
Kent and I were sitting on the couch and I had Big Al(ice) sitting in my lap, so I asked Tony to please take a picture of Ruthie with Little Debbie. So he grabbed my camera, off of my desk and took this cute picture of them together.
Tony and I had so much fun visiting with Ruthie & Kent and Ethan. They stayed for about an hour and we hardly ever quit laughing until it was time for them to leave and head back to their ranch in North Texas.
And before Ruthie & Kent got back into their Rolls, they leaned on the hood and sang, "We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish...." to Tony and me. And when they had finished singing to us Tony and I sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" back at them.
Y'all have a great (day) evening and keep on laughing!
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