Saturday, May 11, 2019

Be Good Promotion Rocks! & So Does Chet O'Keefe!

Today has been great. Tony and I worked this morning and we get to work tonight. We love Escondida Resort and we love working with our dear friends: Sarah, Darlene, Rob, Lisa, Rick and Lisa E. We are like one big happy family, where everyone wears a smile.

Since time is of the essence here, I checked B Good Promotion on Facebook, to check on Chet O'Keefe's whereabouts, The Traveling Jacket and our dear friends, Marita and Hans, who own B Good Promotion, in Norway.

B Good Promotion has posted another great video of Chet singing Game Bird, 12 hours ago. So here is the link to Chet performing Game Bird, in Norway. And I hope that all of y'all will share this link, to show your support of Chet's fabulous music and to B Good Promotion.

Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!


karlee3 said...

That's some goood pickin and singin. Thanks for sharing Chets video.

cousin nancy said...

Hi karlee3! Chet is a fabulous singer/songwriter/musician. On my blog's sidebar i have posted several short videos of Chet performing and my favorites are:

Longmire Texas Style

Ode To Cousin Nancy

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